Microsoft Build 2020 conference - completely online today (look directly at Habré)

Hello, Habr! This year we are hosting our traditional spring Build fully online. Hundreds of sessions and presentations will be available to participants, some of which will take place in parallel. To do this, we developed a cool player so that you can manage everything yourself, including participating in interactive conference sessions (live sessions with engineers, Q&A, support from technical experts, interviews from the Build Live Desk, and much more) for all 2 days. To access it you need to register on the conference website.

But besides this we will conduct a public broadcast of the main track in Russianright here on Habré, in this article! Under the cut you will find a player that will work today at 18:00 Moscow time, as well as more details about the conference: program, speakers, topics.

By the way, the slogan of the event - Created by developers for developers . And it's not just words. Join now!


Everything will start at 18:00 Moscow time. Do not miss!

You can also watch this broadcast in our group in VK for developers . By the way, subscribe!


In general, you can independently see all the sessions of this year (605!) In our catalog , but below we decided to talk about some of them.

Will be broadcast in Russian

1. Expanding the capabilities of each developer , with our CEO Satya Nadella

At this time of uncertainty, developers will play a central role in rethinking the world we live in and accelerating our path to recovery. Our CEO, Satya Nadella, will speak on this subject . At 18:20 Moscow time.

2. We are glad to every developer , with Scott Hanselman and guests

Our developer Scott Hanselman (you probably know him) will invite his friends to discuss modern tools for developers. GitHub, Visual Studio, Windows and more. Join at 19:00 Moscow time.

3. Creation of tools for working and learning

Jointo Rajesh Jah to learn how you can use the cloud in conjunction with Microsoft Teams and advanced new features such as Microsoft Graph and Fluid Framework to create innovative tools for remote work and learning. At 21:00 Moscow time.

Will be in English in our cool player

1. Accelerate Enterprise Application Development with Power Platform

Join James Phillips to see how Power Platform complements existing development tools, greatly accelerating application development. Specify time and date in a player .

2. Ask our Vice President Scott Guthrie
Live on Q&A, our Vice President Scott Guthrie will answer the most pressing questions posed by the developer community. By the way, you can also ask a question . Feel free, but better in English. Specify time and date in a player .

3. The future of technology, with Kevin Scott and guests
Our CTO Kevin Scott and guests, industry professionals,discuss the new trends that stand in the way of changing software development, and what can happen with technologies including AI, large-scale machine learning, and the convergence of the physical and digital worlds. Specify time and date in a player .


Among the huge number of Microsoft Build 2020 speakers, you will find many familiar faces. These include Satya Nadella , our CEO, Scott Guthrie , our vice president, Kevin Scott , our CTO, Julia White , corporate vice president, Rajesh Jah , our executive vice president, Kayla Cinnamon , PM Windows Terminal, and many others .

Watch the broadcast

This year's Build conference will be held in a completely new format. Hurry up to rate and watch the online broadcast in Russian!

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