We invite you to free webinars on robotics 19.05 and dentistry 21.05

Webinar May 19: Industrial and collaborative robotics

May 19 at 12:00 we invite you to an hour-long webinar on integration into the production of industrial and collaborative robots. We will talk about the benefits of introducing robotics and possible difficulties in its integration, we will analyze practical examples and talk about key manufacturers of equipment and their products, and answer questions. Participation is free, you must register.

Webinar will be held

Evgeny Malakhovsky

Specialist in integration of robotic solutions
Top 3D Group.

Roman Konyukhov

Robotics Engineer Top 3D Group.

Top 3D Group is the best integrator of 3D equipment in additive and digital manufacturing according to 3D Print Awards 2018, a participant in NAURR, a robotics integrator and the exclusive representative of Hanwha Techwin in Russia.

Our experts will be happy to share experience and useful knowledge. Register on the webinar website and join.

Who will be interested in the webinar:

  • Heads of production enterprises;
  • Robotics
  • To integrators;
  • To engineers;
  • Technologists;
  • Owners of production.

Webinar Program:

  • Industrial and collaborative robotics: advantages and disadvantages;
  • Spheres of application of robots in production;
  • Practical examples of integration of robots and achieved results;
  • Key manufacturers of robotics and peripherals;
  • Answers on questions.

Sign up and join, it will be interesting!

Webinar May 21: Production of eliners in our own laboratory

On May 21, at 13:00, we invite you to a free webinar, where we will discuss in detail the benefits of elainer treatment for the dentist and patients, the stages of the production process, calculate the cost and profitability of production of mouth guards, the cost of equipment and the launch of our own laboratory and the payback period.

Participation is free, registration is required - sign up and join!

Webinar will be held

Evgeny Fatahovich Habibi

Director of ActiveKap Russia.
They have been working since 2008; more than 800 sets of eliners have been manufactured.

Anton Igorevich Teplukhin

Expert on the introduction of digital production in dentistry
Top 3D Group

ActiveKap is the Dutch brand of transparent eliners, created on the basis of the Department of Medical Physics of the University of Amsterdam, as part of a research project to test and analyze different models of eliners and related biophysical processes.

Who will be interested in the webinar:

  • Heads and owners of dental clinics and offices;
  • Heads of multidisciplinary clinics, including dentistry;
  • Specialist dentists and orthodontics;
  • To dental technicians.

Webinar program

  • What are the eliners. Benefits for the patient and the doctor;
  • 12 stages of production of eliners, in detail;
  • Calculation of the cost and profitability of creating eliners (from 200%);
  • Necessary equipment;
  • Answers on questions.

Join us and learn how to start your own profitable lab for creating liners from scratch.

For the convenience of participating in webinars, you can preinstall the ZOOM video conferencing program . Using the application is not necessary, you can connect through the browser of your phone or computer.

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