JUG Ru Group # 2 Online Stream Week

Last week, we tested the format of talk shows about development, and now we expand it to other stacks - let's talk about everything from DevOps to C ++. And also continue online mitaps - they will be in Java and JS.

Schedule for this week:

: JS-

Show "Hard Morning" with the HolyJS Conference
Start: May 19 at 11:00 (Moscow time)

Morning is never good, but it can be interesting. On May 19, at 11:00, pour yourself coffee and join the broadcast of “Hard morning with HolyJS” with Zhenya Kot (Wrike) and Lesha Zolotykh (Infobip).

The guest of the second release of the new HolyJS show will be GraphQL-ninja, Internet product developer and open source maintainer Pavel Chertorogov. Since 2015, Pavel has been focusing on isomorphic applications, and in the summer of 2016, he began developing GraphQL-compose (GraphQL-schema generator) in open source. In “Hard Morning” the guys will talk, of course, about GraphQL and GraphQL-compose, as well as easily and easily wash the bones to the back-endors.

By link - event page. And in order not to miss it and discuss with others, connect to the @holyjsconf chat in a telegram!

By the way, at HolyJS 2020 Piter, Pavel will show in his report what to do when GraphQL suits you, but the entire backend has been written in the REST API for ten years, and rewriting it is simply unrealistic.

The first release of the Hydra Heads show.
Beginning: May 19 at 20:00 Moscow time.

The conference on the development of multi-threaded and distributed Hydra systems has launched its online show, Hydra Heads. Conference program committee members will regularly meet on the air to discuss industry news, algorithms and data structures, memory models, compilers, and runtime.

In the first issue of Hydra Heads, which will take place on May 19 at 20:00, one of the founders and producer of the JUG Ru Group, Alexei Fedorov, Vitaly Aksenov, member of the Computer Technologies Department of ITMO University and Nikita Koval, a researcher in the Kotlin team, will meet.

They will remember how the first Hydra was held and tell how the conference this year will differ from the previous one, and will also touch on the future Hydra and its speakers in detail. In addition, Nikita Koval will talk in detail about the speakers that he personally leads and about his report on the SegmentQueueSynchronizer - verified using the Iris framework for the Proq Coq abstraction for programming synchronization primitives.

Join the broadcast via the link .

Environment: Java and Testing

Show "Hard morning with Heisenbug"
Start: May 20 at 11:00 (Moscow time)

Heisenbug offers to wake up with a cup of coffee along with a new morning show.

“Hard morning with Heisenbug” is a meeting of the conference program committee with speakers in a virtual studio. No hardcore and brain-wrenching topics: only IT tools, tasks, technologies and news.

The first episode of Hard Morning will take place on May 20 at 11:00. Aired tester with experience Mikhail Chumakov and DM in EPAM Avenir Voronov will conduct the broadcast. The guest of the show, an automation engineer at Amazon on the Lumberyard game engine, Heisenbug 2019 MSK speaker Artem Nesiolovsky, will discuss with leading game industry and IT news, as well as show what approaches and tools are used in game development.

Join the broadcaston the link .

Most recently, we published a transcript of Artyom ’s report on testing the same Lumberyard engine.

The show “The first cup of coffee with JPoint”
Beginning: May 20 at 12:00 (Moscow time)

Why do technical podcasts always come out in the evening, when there is no longer any strength to delve into the details? JPoint corrects this situation and launches a morning talk show.

“The first cup of coffee with JPoint” is a meeting of the conference program committee with its speakers, at which there will be no hardcore: only tools, tasks, technologies and almost-quiet topics.

The first release of the show, which will take place on May 20 at 12:00, will be hosted by the founder of the JUG.MSK meetings, Andrey Kogun and the Developer Advocate of the GraalVM project in OracleLabs Oleg Shelaev. Their guest will be Vladimir Sitnikov, who has been working on the performance and scalability of NetCracker OSS for ten years. They will discuss on-air news from the Java world, examine the tools that Vladimir uses to solve work problems, and discuss how to make the perfect presentation at the conference.

Join the broadcast of the "First Cup of Coffee" already this Wednesday at the link .

By the way, at JPoint 2020 Vladimir will give a talk on assertTrue. Details about his performance can be found here .

Thursday: JS, DevOps, cell phones

The second issue of the talk show with the Mobius conference.
Beginning: May 21 at 11:00 (Moscow time)

May 21 at 11:00 pour yourself some delicious coffee and turn on the broadcast of the morning show “Hello, world!” with Mobius!

In the second issue, members of the Mobius program committee Nikolai Ashanin and Alexei Kudryavtsev are waiting for morning conversation by Vladislav Fitz from Algolia, who is working on open source tools for implementing search interfaces on mobile platforms. On the air they will discuss the nuances of working in France, open source in a startup abroad and the features of mobile search.

You can join the broadcast by the link .

If you missed the first issue of "Hello, world!" with Mobius, it's already available on record. In it, Konstantin Tskhovrebov told how it feels to be a developer in a large company after the position of Head of Android in a small team and how the processes in JetBrains are arranged.

New show “DevOops at work afternoon tea”
Beginning: May 21 at 18:00 (Moscow time)

DevOops presents the new show “DevOops at work afternoon tea” with participants of the program committee and speakers of the conference. No hardcore: only friendly conversation, near-news news and, of course, DevOps.

May 21 at 18:00 you will find the first release of the show. The speaker Baroukh Sadogursky, Andrei Kogun and Mikhail Druzhinin will receive permanent speaker DevOops, co-founder of the podcast Debriefing, Developer Advocate at Confluent Victor Gamov. They will discuss Kafka, Stream processing, DevOps and even ask Victor about the rocking chair. As a bonus, Victor will show how his home studio is organized.

Join the broadcast "DevOops at work snack" at the link .

By the way, at the DevOops 2020 Moscow, Victor will give a talk on how to use Kotlin DLS for Kubernetes to configure the deployment. Read more about this on the conference website .

Online mitap PiterJS
Start: May 21 at 19:00 (Moscow time)

Mitap PiterJS will be held online May 21 at 19:00. This time the guests of the air will discuss cordova, neural networks in JavaScript and the starter kit for resumes.

  • 19: 10–19: 30 - “Cordova + React = ❤”: interface designer Vladimir Ulyanov will tell you what you can get if cordova is combined with modern technologies.
  • 19: 45–20: 15 - “Neural networks in JS: Why?”: Kirill Sergeyev, creator of several pet projects and a participant in research on T5 networks, will talk about possible options for the development of JS in the field of application of neural networks.
  • 20: 30–21: 00 - “Tree - a single AST to rule everyone”: the founder of the HyOO TechnoGuild Dmitry Karlovsky, together with the students, will analyze existing text data formats and from scratch will design a new one, devoid of the flaws already familiar to us all.

The broadcast can be viewed at this link . Join the PiterJS chat in a telegram to participate in discussions.

Friendly Friday about Pros, Java and Testing

Conversational show “Morning with C ++ Russia”
Start: May 22 at 13:00 (Moscow time)

Late Friday morning is the best time for a friendly conversation about the pros. C ++ Russia presents a new colloquial show “Morning with C ++ Russia”, where the participants of the conference program committee will meet with the speakers. No hardcore and brain-wrenching topics: only IT tools, tasks, technologies and news.

The first issue of “Morning with C ++ Russia” will be held on May 22 at 13:00. Its presenters are Sergey Platonov, a member of the program committee, who also organizes C ++ Siberia, and Pavel Filonov, software developer in the field of information security. The guest will be Anton Bikineev from Google. He talks with leading C ++ developers at Google, about how Chrome extends the language for its own needs, namely about garbage collection in C ++, which Anton does, about standards and much more.

You can connect to the broadcast via the link .

Online mitap JUG.ru
Start: May 22 at 18:00 (Moscow time)

On May 22, at 18:00, an online meeting JUG.ru will be held, dedicated to Java and Quarkus as the basis of modern development for Cloud Native. Talk about this will be Sebastian Dashner - Lead Java Developer Advocate at IBM and author of the book Architecting Modern Java EE Applications, which this year will make a presentation at JPoint 2020. Leading mitap - Baruch Sadogursky, permanent speaker at JPoint and co-author of Liquid Software.

Mitap will consist entirely of live coding. Sebastian will talk about the long evolution of Enterprise Java technologies and how to develop such applications now, during the rise of Spring, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. It will show how much more efficient is daily work with Quarkus, as well as demonstrate the benefits of using Quarkus for modern microservices in the cloud-native paradigm.

No bulshit, only live coding, only Quarkus! The entire mitap will be in English without translation. Broadcast by reference .

Show "Survivor's Error" Episode 4
Start: May 22 at 18:00 (Moscow time)

On May 22, at 18:00, the fourth episode of the online show Survivor’s Error will be broadcast live. Allure / Allure 2 author, test automation expert Artem Eroshenko and member of the Heisenbug program committee Vsevolod Brekelov will again discuss testers' everyday life, sort out live tools and answer the best questions from the Heisenbug telegram chat .

Broadcast of the show - by reference .

If you missed the last issue, where the guys were versed in the tools for running the Jenkins, GitLab, TeamCity and GitHub Actions tests, then it is already available in the recording .

Even more hours of exciting content and knowledge await you at our summer online conferences, which can be visited with a single subscription ticket.

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