7 mistakes of one Black Friday and how Magento Cloud works - video

These are reports from Magento Meetup Kharkiv Online, where developers shared their experiences and told what Magento Cloud is, how good the Enhanced media gallery module is and how to avoid infrastructure errors that can put a website in the middle of the sales season.

Slides are clearly visible, so I do not add presentation files here. If anyone wants to give a presentation, write in the comments.

Alexander Shkurko spoke about the Magento enhanced media gallery. This is a developed tool for working with media resources.

From the administrator’s side, you can highlight these features: a new advanced interface for searching and sorting, keyword search and the ability to find out exactly where the picture is used: catalog, product, cms page / block.

From the technical side, approaches to organizing the operation of the module itself will be interesting: its architecture and interaction with other parts of the platform, the index of pictures from the file system and the work of the masonry grid component.

Alexey Korostelev told how the Magento Cloud works. He also shared his experience setting up his own scalable cluster in AWS with deployment features.

Vladislav Opukhly told how to invest in deadlines and what to consider so that in the pursuit of deadlines you do not accumulate errors in the infrastructure that can put the site in the midst of sales!

All that is not a problem separately and that it hurts to correct on a sleepless night in urgent mode for now. Vladislav had a bitter experience that I do not want to share with anyone.

Thank you for the attention. I hope the material was useful to you.

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