New RIT ++ in the new conditions

For more than 10 years, the Russian Internet Technologies Festival has been gathering professionals in various IT fields under one roof. This year everything will be different . In any case, the need for changes was brewing, but we did not think that we would have to change so much and essentially reinvent the conference.

The inability to get everyone together in one space makes us seek new solutions. Our team works in all the blades to bring to the surface all the conceivable advantages of online technology. We will soon find out what comes of this.

But how the format has changed in terms of content, we will discuss in detail. And the changes here are no less significant - New RIT ++ erases the boundaries. We no longer want to divide participants into back-end, front-end, testers, managers, etc. On the contrary, we want to talk about interaction and share ideas from different areas of IT.

The festival program includes two days of presentations from professionals in one area for professionals in related fields, so that participants in two days will learn the whole cross section of the industry. And then over the course of two weeks we will hold several dozen workshops for in-depth study of topics and solving specific business problems. The schedule of master classes will be arranged in such a way that, if desired, you could take part in each of them - in fact, RIT ++ Online will go on for two weeks!

RIT ++ this time does not consist of FrontendConf, BackendConf, DevopsConf, etc. Sections are organized according to a different principle, these are: news and hypes , a review of the current situation , personal productivity , interaction , in simple words , IT in related fields . We will tell you what each of the headings means and give a few examples with a description of the reports from each.

New and High

Hype is such a thing, which is not always clear how to relate. When everyone is talking about some kind of fashionable technology, it seems awkward to know nothing about it, but to catch valuable in the information flow, you need to spend a lot of effort (just like with the coronavirus, which is spoken about from each iron, and it’s diametrically different). In order to save your resources, experts you can trust at RIT ++ will make several review reports on the latest in IT.

Dmitry Solomentsev will deliver a lecture “Lidars in unmanned vehicles: everything is against Ilon Mask,” from which, firstly, we learn what lidars are, how they are built and what they are. Secondly, how these high technologies are used in the stack of Yandex unmanned technologies, and whether it is possible to do only with cameras.

Roman Omelnitsky, also from Yandex, works on interfaces for schoolchildren and teachers in the Y. Uchebnik project. In the report “State management on finite state machines”, Roman will tell you what finite state machines and state charts are and how they can help write more predictable and transparent logic. We learn how to put them into practice and what ready-made solutions exist.

Nikolay Golov will devote his reportserverless databases. Classic databases were written in the 80s and inherit many limitations. NoSQL removed some of the old restrictions, but spawned many new ones. Right now, the Production Ready state includes the first bases developed immediately for the infrastructure of the 21st century - clouds and virtualization containers, which can be called the "first serverless". Nikolay will tell about the advantages of serverlessness, the ways to achieve it, and practical experience.

And Oleg Gromov suggests discussing the psycho-political aspects of the udalenka and understanding how to grow by 50% while sitting in quarantine .

In simple words

Imagine a situation: you know how to use the backend, you know where and when to apply patterns, but you made it up at the university for the last time, and you stopped monitoring MongoDB, just when it was in the hype category. To broaden your horizons, it’s useful to navigate technologies, and we will help you with this.

For front-end frameworks we will be led by Nikita Mostova . Technology comes and goes, and the ideas embodied in solutions continue to live. Nikita proposes to go “Hitchhiking on the front end or the evolution of frameworks” , reflect on the topic of React.js and discuss his tradeoffs and work. Peter Zaitsev will talk

about technologies and trends in the database market that will change business in a year(Percona). There are many great innovations here, such as time series or graph data models, whose focus is on solving SQL problems when scaling applications and making NoSQL a synonym for scaling. Peter will consider all the trends and explain the driving force behind these changes, propose specific solutions for different situations and give information about changes in open source licenses.

Maxim Sosnov will remind you of the “not up to the test now” problem and teach you to write tests for typesetting so that the tests give confidence in the work of the code and are useful to both you and your colleagues. This task is not so simple when you consider that you have to test layouts - this is not two JSONs to compare. Here the simple approaches “calling a function, checking the result” do not work, and we learn from which report which ones I work.

Dmitry Kalugin-Balashov will explain how to work with natural languages ​​in the search . In his report, Dmitry will tell you how to make friends with the full-text search and morphology of the Russian language, how the lemmatizer can be arranged, and how it differs from the stemmer .

Igor Khrol, based on his experience in developing, will talk about quality assurance in the field of big data . Work with data has stood out in a separate area of ​​development. Giga-, tera-, petabytes of information are amazing and perplexing when it comes to testing. We ’ll learn from Igor’s report how traditional approaches to testing and test automation relate to Big Data solutions.

Alexander Gorny will finally help to understand how venture investments work . The co-founder of United Investors and rx-director for strategy and analysis of Mail.Ru Group will explain in simple words what the phrase from the news “startup X raised N million dollars according to M” means, and tells why and why venture investors invest.


The territory at the junction of specialties (not only IT, but also science) often remains poorly researched, and at the same time there lies a great potential for breakthrough results or a serious increase in efficiency. Therefore, at RIT ++ we will try to learn to better understand each other and, in particular, we will talk about interaction.

Sergey Lugovoi will talk about the experience of creating and using DSL in a data processing platform with JetBrains MPS. Since CFT did not come up with a solution to enable support for existing scripting languages, companies created their own language using JetBrains MPS. The developers taught the specialists to create scripts on their own, provided them with a convenient environment for creating, checking and rolling out new versions onto a working platform. And now they themselves are engaged in developing the functionality of the platform itself and filling the language with user-friendly constructions.

Oleg Sklyarov combines work as a programmer and mentoring in IT . How, why, and what pros and cons it brought, Oleg will tell you on RIT ++. We learn: what you need to become a mentor; what is the role of the mentor, what bonuses does it give the mentor and menti.

Anastasia Kabischeva will reveal the secrets of the public procurement market. Many IT companies are afraid to enter the public procurement market, although this is a promising area in which there are large customers, interesting and highly paid orders. Anastasia will share the experience of organizing such a process on the part of the IT manager and talk about what newcomers need to know. Information will help you decide whether to enter this market .

Maria Shakshina will show how to solve the problem when the development of back methods is behind the front, but it is necessary to make requests on the client and change the interface in accordance with the received data. Maria will demonstrate stub servers in her talkfor various technologies: REST API, GraphQL, SSE and WebSocket. And he will tell you how to quickly fill the created stubs with fake data, without writing a single line of code.

Overview of the current situation

Previously, we tried to avoid review reports, because only a really cool practitioner can do a good review. And the desire to learn from him the "meat" of specific practical cases outweighed. And this is true when it comes to presenting a review for colleagues in the field. But if the review is designed so that a layman, say, in information security, for 40 minutes makes an idea of ​​what’s going on there, a completely different conversation and a whole useful section turn out.

Thus, expert in the field of knowledge management Vladimir Leschenko will review the trends in knowledge management and tell how developers can earn on knowledge management. Namely: what to focus on in order to compete in the market of knowledge management platforms; what knowledge management technologies to use within a business to form new products; what big integrators are missing, which could be your growth area.

Alex Smirnoff has been involved in information security for thirty years and has been trying to bring common sense to the masses all these years. At RIT ++, Alex will present The Quarantine Report, a study on the impact of quarantine on the landscape of cyberthreats.

Aleksey Uchakin a year ago talked about why the Internet could break . Since then, the theses from the report have been confirmed more than once or twice. The current pandemic and global quarantine form a new network reality, and Alex will help us figure it outwhat is happening now with the internet .

Nikita Dubko in the report " Touching Frontend" will tell you how things are with layout for touch devices. Together, we’ll try to figure out whether it is necessary to typeset separately for touch devices, and what advantages can be gained by the knowledge that the site is not displayed on the monitor.

Anatoly Ostapenko will make a report "Is there life without a 3rd-party-cookie?"and tell you: what is 3rd-party cookies and how are they used in modern Internet services; how authorization providers, VKontakte, Facebook work and how they use 3rd-party cookies; how to implement external authorization on your service without using 3rd-party-cookies; What are the plans for browser developers to further limit the use of 3rd-party cookies in web services.

Personal productivity

In this section there are only a few reports and a whole bunch of master classes. For example, knowing what the usual crowds at the sessions of Alexander Ziza and Virna Stern , we planned with them 8 workshops on various topics - including about personal productivity.

Andrei Smirnov proposes to consider the urgent issue: which soft skills are most important in remote work , and which go by the wayside. At the moment, most companies are rebuilding processes for full-fledged remote work, and this opens up a new angle for the interaction between people. Obviously, the required set of soft skills for engineers is also changing. How exactly, Andrew will analyze based on relevant research.

Jacob Becker in the report“Servant leadership in practice” will explain how this management method differs from the usual one, why it works and how the servant can be a leader in general. Jacob switched to servant leadership 8 years ago and never regretted it. He managed to achieve increased motivation, productivity and, most importantly, to achieve the business goals of the companies in which he worked.

Anna Afonina, together with representatives of IT communities (SPb IT Recruiter, SPb SPM, SPb Python, Piter JS), will give a master class on how to interview the company . On it you will receive tools to identify companies with high financial risks and tasks, values, processes that do not meet expectations, etc.

Alexey Yagur will holdmaster class on tools for decomposing , planning and receiving tasks. The approaches that will be discussed are ideal for remote work, but will remain effective after returning to the office.

IT in related fields

In order not to soar in the clouds, we will see how the technologies that are familiar to us are used in the offline world and vice versa how the realities of the offline world affect us.

The story of NGINX applies to almost everyone. Vladislav Simon , Head of Intellectual Property Practice at RBL Law Firm - Associate Office of GRATA International Law Firm , will tell you how to protect your pet-project .

Alexey Timin will affect not so much the problem of product localization as the scaling of the solution. Alexey will sharea full description of the project translation process and testing approaches, will focus on important problems and how to solve them. It is not enough to translate the project: localization affects the formats of dates and numbers, and you need to be able to test all changes in the conditions of the existence of several versions of the project and translations in parallel.

Alexey Kuksenok will tell you what happens if you try to implement a flexible approach in a large corporation with a functional structure. Such a transformation cannot be carried out quickly, but you can start small - vaccinate “flexibility” in separate “organs” of the “functional monster” to make it move much faster and more efficiently.

Master classes

We have collected master classes from all directions that we could reach. Here are complex practical cases and business tasks, and design problems, and communication.

Elena Grahovac will consider the problems of implementing Observability for developers, and will teach how to cope with them. In this workshop, we’ll talk about what common problems you may encounter when developing an application that focuses on observability. In the examples, Go will be used ( editor's note: Elena is the head of the PC of our GolangConf ), but the practices shown can be applied to any other programming language. This master class is ideal for those who have already heard about logs, metrics and tracing, but have not yet plunged into the best practices of using these techniques.

Vyacheslav Lapin will show how to apply the principle of “Convention over Configuration (CoC)” (configuration agreements) for Java-functionality . At the master class, we will first discuss the principle with examples. Then we introduce the maturity scale and try to draw simple functionality on it, making the solution really simple and convenient for any programmer.

Alexey Avdeev at the “Docker for the front-end” master class will help to understand Docker and work out cases in which it can be useful to the front-end developer. Ivan Yushkevich

master class on web security It will be useful to specialists in information technology and information security, developers, testers and system administrators. Ivan will analyze how modern threats work, talk about security scenarios and lead cases from the practice of information security experts.

Anastasia Aseeva-Nguyen - Head of the TechLead Conf Program Committee , which will be held on June 8 and 9 and will be devoted to engineering practices - will hold a master class on the practical application of the testing pyramidfor developers. Anastasia will tell you how to build the right test pyramid specifically for your application: based on calculating the cost of tests and taking into account the construction of the requirements tree. The master class will be adapted for front-end development, a test react application will be used to demonstrate examples.

And another 30 pieces! See full descriptions at the beginning of the reports section or in the telegram channel of the festival in the form of thematic collections.

New format - new price

Last argument: we managed to make a new product significantly cheaper than offline . Ticket prices for RIT ++ Online are many times lower than for our in-person conferences. At the same time, RIT ++ Online is a conference, and not a simple broadcast. We will have Q&A sessions, user events, partner activities, consultations with experts and much more. We will automatically record all this on video, and artifacts after an interesting discussion will not be limited to a photograph of a flipchart.

Yes, in the end, from the logistic point of view, participating in an online conference is much easier - you don’t have to go to SKOLKOVO and rush through it in search of the desired room, being afraid to be late for a report (they say that even experienced RIT ++ and HighLoad ++ visitors experience such difficulties). Although it seems to us that when we can finally get back there, there will be less complaints about space;)

We hope that in the end, offline will come back and we will meet for many years every year at the Russian-Internet Technology Festival. But we have no intention at all to stop professional communication until then - so we are waiting for you online May 25 - June 10, join us .

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