The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 415 (May 11-17, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers


podcast CSSSR podcast: Github Codespaces, Playwright and Puppeteer, Masonry layout, Firefox 76, NodeJS 14.2.0 and other releases
podcast Web Standards podcast No. 230: Aspect ratio, advertising, appearance: none, top-level await, Deno, storage, price of styles
podcast UnderJS Podcast # 21 - Node.js 14, TypeScript 3.9 [Classic]
video Podcast “Frontend Youth” # 138 Signor Tasks
video Vadim Makeev video blog №21. Adaptive grid guides on gradients and custom properties

Web development

habr Modern front-end architectures (Part 2)
Martin Splitt: Don't try to reinvent the wheel in SEO
Conquering UTM tags
en Available images when they matter most
en Persistent storage
en Online visualizer SVG Path
en A selection of creative concepts "UI Interactions & Animations Roundup # 6"


habr Responsive font. Adapting text between mock and min values
habr CSS functions min (), max () and clamp ()
en Timeline animation in CSS: creating a Goldberg machine
en Modern CSS solutions for old CSS problems
en CSS fix for 100vh in mobile WebKit
en How to tame Line Height in CSS
en Responsive masonry layout on CSS grid + vanilla JavaScript
en Using CSS masks to create serrated edges
en Turning a fixed-size object into an adaptive element


habr We join the ISS using JavaScript and the compass
Node.js introduced the Deno 1.0 secure JavaScript platform
The most difficult questions in JavaScript interviews. Part 2
en The Deno Handbook: A Brief Introduction to Deno
en Node.js Certification: My Experience and Tips
en JavaScript Features That You Can Forget
en TypeScript 3.9 Release
en Comparing Elm with Ember Octane and React

habr Chrome extension to hide distracting recommendations on YouTube
Starting in August, Google Chrome will start blocking “heavy” ads that put a heavy load on the CPU and battery
Google will add tab grouping and highlighting in Chrome to increase productivity
Firefox 78 will show a process manager
Google Chrome will start blocking the loading of resource-intensive ads
Controversial changes to the reader mode interface have been made in the nightly builds of Firefox
Mozilla has disabled additional authentication for systems without a master password
en What's New in DevTools (Chrome 84)

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

Last week’s digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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