News from the world of OpenStreetMap No. 511 (04.28.2020-04.05.2020)

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One of the works of UtaArts, based on the OSM card 1 | あ い か う た う / 切 り 絵 の 地 図 屋 | map data OpenStreetMap contributors


  • The user muramoto said on his Twitter that he had freely shared some of his Mapillary related tools .
  • , OSM , « », . OSM highway=track, . Amazon service ( ). Mapbox, , .
  • healthcare=pharmacy, 2006 — amenity=pharmacy. , healthcare=pharmacy - , -, , OSM.
  • (, .) — contact:*=. , , phone=, email= . 5 , , .
  • ele:regional= , « ». .
  • DeBigC #StayHomeAndMapIRL, , .
  • , Mapillary, , COVID-19.
  • traffic_signals=crossing_only, , , . , «» , «» .
  • Mapillary JOSM , , . Mapillary .

  • OSM #StayHomeAndMapIRL. 91 , 39208 . , , .
  • OSM , OSM. OSM, , , , , , « ».
  • OpenStreetMap 3 27 .
  • , “”, -, , , , , .. , , , . OSM uMap, . , .
  • , OSM. , OSM -: — , OpenRecycleMap.


  • OSM 30 2020 .


  • , "Missing Maps" , , , « ».
  • HOT, Response Innovation Lab , , . .
  • HOT , , COVID-19.

  • ( QGIS).

  • [1] UtaArts : - , . . .


  • OpenStreetMap. WikiOSM, .

  • SharedStreets Mashnet, .
  • GIScience , API , « openrouteservice „“ ».
  • westnordost, StreetComplete, OSM ( Android), . Github, , .
  • (#498), Vascom Maps.Me. : .

  • Toner, 10 - Stamen, MapTiler Cloud (Mapbox GL).
  • Osm2pgsql, OSM PostgreSQL. , , . , , Thunderforest Geofabrik, .

  • , - iD (2.17.3). openstreetmap-website . — , , - COVID-19, .


  • Massimo GIF- , — — .
  • , , . _Streets (UCL) «Ordnance Survey», 6 , .
  • , GPS , .
  • , .
  • The Washington Post , , , . - , .
  • , Intel Moovit $1 . Hacker News. OSM.

Communication of Russian OpenStreetMap participants is in the Telegram chat room and on the forum . There are also groups on social networks VKontakte , Facebook , but they mainly publish news.

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Previous issues: 510 , 509 , 508 , 507 , 506

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