Interface Bikes Toxic Grandfather. “Lies, threats and blackmail.” (s1 e6)

Greetings. From time to time, we go down to the basement to visit one old designer and listen to his stupid tales diluted with dull humor and insults. An inquisitive reader may immediately have a reasonable question, why do we need it. Why are we exposing ourselves to these torments? We will answer with the words of one famous director: “Because it's fun!”.

It was getting dark. An echo of our footsteps rushed along the corridor, while we resolutely and adamantly walked towards the closet. Fearing violently at ourselves, we froze on the threshold of indecision. Grandfather is sitting at his desk, and on either side of him are two strangers. All three are looking at us. Grandfather leans back in a chair.

TD: I was waiting for you, Mr. Bond.

We: What?

Grandfather sighs and rolls his eyes.

TD: Sit, I’ll finish now.

All three are again looking at the monitor.

TD: Generally, here. And juzvere is whole, and a woman with a cart, and you have less trouble. And another such moment, watch your hands.

All three are watching what is happening on the monitor.

T.D .: And? What do you say to that?

Stranger on the left:And so it was possible?

Stranger on the right: You hurt me.

TD: This is my job.

Stranger on the left: I'm fine.

Stranger on the right: Yes. We do it.

TD: Well, it’s strange. I’ll finish the little things and send them to the orchestra, by tomorrow.

Stranger on the left: Fire. Then we wait.

Stranger on the Right: Consonant.

TD: Well, tousa mustache. We’ll run up, otherwise the people have come to me already over an overgrown.

Stranger on the left: And by the way, who?

TD: Either punishment, or therapy. I don’t get it yet.

Strangers nod understandingly and leave the office.

We: And who was it?

T.D .:Developer and analyst.

We: What did you want?

TD: Prototype discuss.

We: You are with them right soul to soul.

TD: How long have they been able to?

We: Usually, when discussing prototypes, entire holivars flare up.

TD: It happens if the designer is inexperienced.

We: And how do you generally build relationships with development?

TD: Stupid question.

We: Why?

T.D .: Because.

We: Well, grandfather!

TD: Yes, because I am also part of the development, we are doing one thing here. If you haven’t noticed yet.

We:Well, we just know. But developers always put sticks in wheels. They constantly argue, refuse to accept prototypes.

TD: Hmm, maybe because you are idiots? Well, you never know?

We: Well, tell me already!

TD: To begin with, the very profession of interface designer was made a household word. I have been trying for a long time to present myself exclusively as a designer in order to avoid misunderstandings. The image of the enemy is clearly formed in the heads of the contingent. The interface designer, like a drummer in a group, is the dumbest member of the team. He does not understand either the backend or the front, and often even imposition for him a dark forest.

We: Yes, yes, yes. You already mentioned that.

T.D .:Well, so what. On the other hand, this cute animal can arrange a fun life for everyone present with its own mock-ups, which not only show in detail the operation of the system. In this case, it will certainly require some kind of game, such as a perfect pixel, so that he dreams of rats. And the cherry on this brown cake from a known substance will be the fact that often the interface solutions of this passenger leave much to be desired. And of course, the team will have to answer for all the persimmons, and nobody likes to rake over other people's jambs. But not only does he extend his responsibility to everyone, he can even take it away from himself, saying that these were the results of tests, the prophecies of Völva and some kind of corridor survey that he conducted on a moonless night, hiding from people under the covers. Now attention is the question! Why suddenly love him?

We:Oh well, you are exaggerating.

T.D .:The donut is clear, but we are talking about who, according to the developers, they have to deal with. You won’t believe how many times I had to get through these prejudices when meeting with a new team. And the reason for this is trivial as a rake - the previous interface was, if not completely, then very close to the ideal described above. A girl or hipster-looking kid who designs for design. Who, as soon as he learns or learns something new, immediately drags it into the project, without even thinking about the need and how much work at the front it will pull. Which will carry nonsense on the prezes and defenses about the best practices and about the fact that he saw the same thing in the works of his beloved studio and that such a solution was violently posted on the behance. Which is sincerely sure that it is necessary to do design for designers, and not for users.

We: Hmm. And what to do?

T.D .:Well first, it’s the main thing, you need to show that you, sorry for the triviality, can be trusted. What will you work based on reality, from the data collected, from the capabilities of the stack, from common sense and from a clear understanding of the tasks that the system solves. And if you offer something laborious, it is because all the other options have been worked out, and not because you so wanted. When you see an equal pro in you, for whom you don’t have to think and who don’t have to endlessly check the correctness of the proposed solutions, then normal work will begin. But for this, as I am already tired of repeating, we need acquired skills and knowledge in the subject. In our case, you need to know a little about programming, for the underwater rake of a particular stack, and of course for the capabilities of the team.

We:And how to build such a relationship?

TD: Yes, elementary. Your processes should be as open as possible. No need to get the task and crawl into your cave, you need to ask questions to analysts, the team, you need to discuss future solutions with them. Notice before you begin to embody them. This is quite enough at the first stage. You will be appreciated for the questions that you ask, for the fact that you do not put anyone before the fact “Here you painted, herat”. Because you will convey your every decision to the team during the production process and no one at the presentation will have the question “What the hell is this?”, Everyone will already know what it is and how it should work. And most importantly, they will agree with this.

We: Straight idyll.

T.D .:This is only the first stage. Then the worst will begin. That you do not love so much.

We: Um, what?

TD: It will always be necessary to work in this mode. And this is the hardest part. Most of it is cut down precisely on this.

We: Why?

TD: Because!

We: Grandfather!

T.D .:What to do with you? Because then the marathon will begin. You will have to deliver precisely such balanced, understandable and objective decisions in conveyor mode to one or more teams. It will not work to rest on its laurels. One successful decision or one shock-worked month will not help here. You need to calculate your strength and always keep your work at the appropriate level. The more experience, the easier it is to maintain level. The higher the level maintained on an ongoing basis, the more money you can take for your work.

We: Severe.

TD: Not without it. But this applies to any profession. So go for it.

We: You get "to work well, you have to work."

T.D .:What were you waiting for? Courses “How to increase personal efficiency with the help of two bees and turpentine in 5 steps?” Watch online without registering?

We: Well, not that. Okay. To argue with you what to fart in a puddle.

TD: There is such a thing.

We: All, we are gone. Say goodbye to readers.

TD: That is so ... nya, little ones!

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