The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 344 (May 12 - 17)

In our new digest, the new “Jellyfish” application on Flutter, non-trivial animations, rewriting the Snapchat application, the new Unreal Engine, application revenue and many other interesting materials.

Why so long? Why not native apps? Why Flutter? All this is told by the technical director of Medusa Boris Goryachev.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+18)  Nontrivial animations in SwiftUI
(+10)  14 things an iOS developer should know
(+5) Navigating between views using @EnvironmentObject in SwiftUI
(+3)  Convolutional neural network and its integration into iOS (part 2)
(+3)  Escape from the Zoo or how I did casual games under iOS
iOS developer. Advanced? ..
Apple Search Ads: launching, testing, scaling
Source Code Walkthrough of Telegram-iOS: Telegram code overview
How to add a badge beta to the application icon
Create a weather application using SwiftUI and Weatherstack
Stop using boolean values ​​in your Swift code
How to animate Auto Layout Constraints
Create a Server-Driven UI using UI components in SwiftUI
How to make a Web Crawler on Swift
How to use GraphQL using Apollo and SwiftUI
Create a reactive MVVM architecture in Swift 5
Animating a thermometer with CoreAnimation
How to create a cross-platform iOS and macOS chat application using Stream
How to make your Swift application in iOS 13 work with NFC tags

Android voice input and output

(+32)  Rx brain
(+ 8)  Customize the layout of the external keyboard on Android without root
(+8)  Qt on Android: how we gave a second life to the author’s meditation application
Android Broadcast # 17: how to earn $ 1,000,000 on our applications
Works - don’t touch: like Snapchat rewrote his Android application
New filters appeared in Google Play search
Google Play launched the Change the Game Design Challenge
Mastering the Android touch system
Using the NFC API in Android? Check your code twice
An easy way to implement On-Board Slider using ViewPager2 in Android
Stop using Post / PostDelayed in your Android View
Android 2020 ecosystem cheat sheet
Speed ​​up Android Espresso testing by grouping relevant tests
Android MotionLayout: simple splash screen creation Twitter
Notally: minimalistic notepad for Android


(+81)  Unreal Engine 5 sets a new level of game realism
(+22)  Which is better: confirmation of action or the possibility of canceling it?
(+18)  How I stopped being afraid and wrote a game bot
(+18) We  publish VKUI component design libraries in Figma
(+17) We reduced the time for developing a new script for publishing an advertisement from 6 days to 42 seconds
(+16) Flutter under the hood
(+15)  MVI architectural template in Kotlin Multiplatform, part 1
(+14) The  designer is not the one who paints beautifully, this is the one who helps the business understand the user
(+12)  How mods for Unity games are developed. Part 2: writing your mod
(+11) A new GOST for digital resources came into force: all platforms should be accessible for disabled
(+10)  Accessibility. How to make the application accessible to users with disabilities
(+7)  Trends in testing in 2020
(+4) Development of mobile applications to order inexpensively: reality or illusion
(+3)  React Native - saving photos and videos to the device’s gallery
(+2)  How to learn to test software
Radio QA # 59: stress and emotional burnout
Radio QA # 60: artificial intelligence
Podlodka # 163: tech blogging
HackerEarth 2020 developer research
IT spending in 2020 will be reduced by 8%
Kite, supplementing the code with AI, launched a paid plan and JavaScript support
Everything you need to know about drop-downs dropdown lists
4 visual feedback methods in interfaces
Why can't users remember our interfaces? On the effect of masks in design
Designing an emotional interface
Automation of CI / CD for mobile development from scratch
How to make a calendar application
GitTouch: working with GitHub on Flutter

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(0)  Interview with analyst - Alexander Sibrikov, Product Manager at AppMetrica
App Samurai gives grants to applications that help users
Public: mobile social investments
AppLovin buys Machine Zone
Income from applications increased by 8% in May
Peanut: a social network for women
How to monetize Chinese users?
The most profitable applications in April 2020
25 metrics of user loyalty: Part 1

AI, Devices, IoT

(+18) Accelerating the implementation of AI projects in the Segezha Forest Holding
(+13)  ESP-NOW - an alternative data exchange protocol for ESP8266 and ESP32. Basic concepts
(+12) Trends of the Internet of things: AI answers calls, clouds and 5G tame big data, housing and communal services - the leader of innovation
(+5)  Mobile eye-tracking on PyTorch
(+2)  Will VR wait for Microsoft Kinect or this is the future of games - let's talk together
Apple confirmed the purchase of NextVR

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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