Weekend reading: sounds we miss, how to escape from the crisis, and what to read about audio gadgets

We answer different “how”, “why” and “where”: we will help you to relax with the help of music and TV shows, we will discuss changes in the sound landscape in the context of the crisis and take care of your safety while driving - even with a couple of trips per month, you should be more careful with the audio interfaces.

Photo Cartoons Plural / Unsplash Weekend

Activities. Denis Kolesnikov (Kurazh-Bambey), Lisa Surganova (KinoPoisk) and Alexei Kochetkov (Mubert) share their experiences and talk about how to escape from work and the news agenda. Here is special music that helps to concentrate, and background noises that stimulate attention, and also series, movies and podcasts. Everything for your work-life balance.

No more hear. “Nature has become so purified that” familiar sounds have disappeared from our lives. At most airports, which is logical, no longer hear the crowing crowds of travelers. There is no typical rumble of open space - smartphones do not tear from notifications and calls, the printer does not chew paper, and the microwave does not peel fish, giving out the owner of the dinner. But there is something that we all really lack - the sound of live concerts and full stadiums.

Almost the same as drunk driving. We were not mistaken. Careless handling of a multimedia system behind the wheel will not bring to good. Just choosing a track can cost you 15-17 seconds of concentration, and this is 3-4 hundred meters blindly, not to mention the associated interference for all participants in the movement. But the problem is deeper - even multimedia in the luxury configuration does not exclude similar risks, and an excessive set of functions makes everything worse.

Photo volt xia / Unsplash

Forward to the past. We continue the theme of the history of sound with material for "retronostalgia." We tell you where to look for the music of bygone eras: for example, there is the Radiooooo resource, on which enthusiasts put together a library of tracks from 1900 to 2020, and most of the songs can’t even be spoiled from there. And how do you like the collection of radio programs of the era of the "golden age of radio"? On RadioEchoes, everything is broken down by genre, there is a search by name and you can listen (wait for it ...) all the BBC episodes dedicated to Doctor Who! And finally - Vintage Obscura, broadcasting tracks from the same branch on Reddit. They collect strange and unusual compositions written over 25 years ago.

Can AI write a symphony. About resources that will help find music for machine learning - all of these libraries distribute content under an open Creative Commons license. We talk about a service where you can find speech segments (there are more than two million voice segments in total). Another library provides the sounds of a variety of industrial equipment — valve, fan, and pump noises — all of which work to identify sound malfunctions. There is a service with a thousand hours of English speech, and finally - a library with audio features for a huge amount of popular music.

From spy games to ASMR. This is a digest of technological oddities, and in it we talk about what minivans are stuffed with from spy movies, how to read rap and get aggravating in court, which buzzes underground and drives residents of some cities crazy. We also discuss anti-utopian music, aromatic headphones against aerophobia and talk about ASMR.

Easter eggs, rhythm games and free audio samples. This collection is for those who want to pass the time for reading for geeks. We write about what can be hidden on your old vinyl record, and the secrets of ordinary Audio CDs. We touch on the theme of preinstalled music on different operating systems (we analyze in which versions and what played), remember what interesting promotions related to music were in food retail. And we complete the selection with music from eight-bit games. Do not forget about a couple of libraries with tracks and audio samples for your projects!

Photo by Zé Ferrari Careto / Unsplash

Music Roads, HD Records and 8D Sound. We talk about how and where musical roads are used, we discuss 8D audio and its impact on different people, talk about paying for purchases with sound, HD records and try to understand the device of various audio technologies - from a potential replacement for headphones to noise isolation that extinguishes almost 100 % sounds.

Iron and software post . We prepared ten materials about the reincarnation of old sound cards by enthusiasts - the legendary Sound Blaster 1.0 and the Replica Innovation SSI-2001 - and the software that turned the software market (Pro Tools and Media Composer). Do not forget about the sound library for your projects!

More audio gadgets. From a retrospective into the world of Soviet car audio systems to a whole range of inventions that end in -fon: a shorinophone, tefifon, telegraph, variophone (all these gadgets either recorded or reproduced sound). In the end - a little about the history of cassettes and reel tape recorders, plus strange audio devices like a noise-canceling plug.

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