The problem of choice: how I tried to buy a TV and not go crazy


The idea of ​​this article came to me after when I was convinced by my own experience how complicated it can be to choose modern gadgets, even those familiar to TV. For many hours I tried to make a choice acting rationally, and then after the purchase I spent even more time figuring out the nuances of a particular model. All this made me think about how we generally choose a complex technique? How does the brain work, how does it make decisions, which makes us trust brands, read reviews and listen to recommendations? What ultimately determines our emotions from the purchase?

This article is about how we make the choice of complex technical devices. I step by step describe my own experience in buying a TV and the difficulties that I had in the process of choosing it. In the article you will not find the answer to the question of which television or smartphone to buy, and which characteristics to pay attention to. In it, in simple words and without scientific terms, some mechanisms of the brain's work are described that affect our choice.

Rational choice problem

Recently I encountered a completely simple and understandable task - to buy a TV. Watch movies, news and so on downloaded from the Internet. It would seem - what is difficult? Decide what kind of parameters you need a TV for, surf the Internet, see what works, find out the information, go to the store and buy. That's exactly what I did. I tried to be extremely rational , however, as usual.

The rational choice? Forget it!

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Over decades, technology is changing, becoming an order of magnitude cooler and more functional. Yes, it’s 10 times. But buying the same phone or TV in the distant past brought you no less positive emotions than buying a modern smartphone.

It's not about the characteristics of the product. The point is our expectations and reality. We rejoice if the purchased product meets our expectations and even exceeds them. And we are upset if this does not happen.

We are looking not only and not so much for what will satisfy our need or solve our problem. This can be done in a thousand ways and with the help of so many products with approximately equal functionality. We are looking for positive emotions. This is one of the few interesting activities for us, when there is no need to spend all our strength to survive.

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We can try to make a rational choice before buying. This is correct and justified in relation to those parameters that can easily be determined: color, size, cost, functionality. But if we do not push rationality further, then we simply cannot make a choice. To do this, we have to consider thousands of factors.

Consider another case.

Sometimes, having already made a purchase, we try to substantiate it logically . In this case, 2 options are possible.

If the purchase suits us , we will quickly find the information we need and enjoy our own choice. But if the purchase disappointed us with something, then with manic persistence we will look for flaws and make sure of our own mistake.

At the purchase validation stage, dances with a tambourine begin. Have you ever heard this?
β€œIn my latest iPhone model, the camera is worse than in the previous one, how is it?”

What difference does it make? You bought the latest iPhone model as you wanted. It doesn’t matter what kind of camera there is, if there are no other options for a smartphone for you at all! And there was only β€œI want an iPhone of the latest model!”

It will be absolutely not important, as your gadget shows in reality. It is much more important that since you tried to rationally explain your choice, the purchase has ceased to bring you pleasure . You will always consider options for another, better choice.

In the above example, the camera was not as good as expected. The brand did not fulfill its promises and did not live up to expectations. A rational assessment of image quality was included. We began to review the emerging automatism. And we do not like to do this.

Thought, centipede, how does she walk. And forgot how to walk.

Validation of a purchase, i.e. an attempt to substantiate one’s own and rational choice, can ruin all the pleasure of a purchase. Especially if we are unhappy with something . The bottom line is that we make the choice unconsciously and not rationally and only then try to explain it.

For me, this resulted in a weekly digging on the Internet with the search for specifications and reviews.

After which I tried to bring out one point that is mandatory for future purchases: the product should not cause controversy or conviction, i.e. there should be no criticism.

Stop. Do you have such goods? There are probably. These are those about which no one knows anything.

Criticism is normal. It is she who will determine the mostsensitive criteria for your irrational choice . This means studying not only the characteristics of the product itself, but also what they say about it, who says it and how important it is for you.

Then, when you make a choice, you can take these criteria into account and not be disappointed in the purchase afterwards.

I wondered: is it possible to choose a TV irrationally, based on personal impressions of the picture in the store?

Can I choose a TV with my eyes

To find out the answer to this question, I decided to go to the store and conduct an experiment . To do this, I asked the consultant to put nearby TVs from the same price category and configure them.
And so what conclusions have I come to.

The image quality of the TV in the store depends on four main parameters:

  • Video quality
  • Settings
  • Location
  • Environment

And not one of them we control. Therefore, our choice in the store is so easy to influence. But even if we control it, it does not help at all.

For well-adjusted televisions in the budget segment, the difference in image by eye cannot be determined . Although models from different manufacturers were compared with different types of matrices, and even from different years.

How, then, to choose a complex technique?

I was convinced that it is impossible to make a rational choice, based only on the characteristics. There are many of them and it is difficult to understand them in detail. Often, objective information is simply not there. Choosing with your eyes does not greatly facilitate the task. The image of TVs in the same price category is almost the same.
In this case, I had to resort to certain tricks that made it possible to simplify the choice.


For many people - this item goes number one. This is where rationality ends when we select a particular device based on trust in a particular brand.

Other things being equal, a person will choose what is already inscribed in his experience. Even if this is not an experience of personal use, but just viewing ads. We will not consider neural connections and their formation for now. Just say that in a situation of choice we buy what we are used to.

This is not about when a thing is bought to gain or maintain status in a particular group. In this case, the choice has already been made for us. Imagine a child who has many people with iPhones in the classroom, and who has a simpler brand phone. At this age, status means a lot, respectively, and the iPhone becomes an indicator of high status. However, with adults it is often about the same thing. I do not blame. I am trying to show that those mechanisms that make our life easier take root.

Limiting the choice to only three popular brands immediately led to a reduction in the list from 200 options to 8-10. This means that the vast majority of models have not even been considered by me.

Majority opinions

To start, I looked at the reviews and ... made sure that they do not help much. Most models have a lot of positive reviews, mostly a few moderate and very few negative ones. And a lot of subjective impressions, and different ones. Reading reviews helped me shorten the list to 5-7 models. I just left for myself those options where there were a lot of reviews, and they were positive. Many reviews indicate the popularity of the model.

Reviews do not give a definite answer either. However, they helped to identify the most important characteristics for me.

So what to do?

Here is what I understood. The specific device you need to choose the way you choose a close girlfriend or boyfriend.
And to buy the gadget with which you can live for a while, which will fit into your habits and expectations, will correspond to your experience.

I tried to summarize some of the recommendations that make an informed choice.

  1. You should like the image (sound) and the gadget, in general, should evoke positive emotions in you.
  2. You should also be aware of the shortcomings of this model, and be prepared to put up with these shortcomings.
  3. The selected model should have the minimum functionality that you are used to, and new elements should not cause rejection. For example, the TV should play files from your collection, if this is still relevant for you. Have voice control and smart remote control, if you are used to them. The familiar color scheme also matters. It varies even by eye from different manufacturers.
  4. The device should have something new compared to the previous model and it should be meaningful. Larger size, for example, or resolution, better technology, etc.
  5. Finally, the device should be affordable for you.

These recommendations apply to any technically sophisticated device. You just need to consider the characteristics of the main functional elements in the device: speakers in speakers, engine in cars, etc. Otherwise, the recommendations will be the same.

With the help of simple conscious consumption algorithms, you can choose the thing that best suits your needs and expectations. I just took the first step to create such algorithms.

Instead of an afterword

In an era of abundance, we choose not what we cannot do without. We choose not people, not goods, and not a lifestyle, but what brings us positive emotions and feelings, feelings of happiness and satisfaction, emotional and physical comfort, a sense of our own value and significance. We collect pink unicorns . We gain positive experience. We are looking for him where we expect to find.

Do not look for rationality where it does not exist and did not exist. Our choice is inherently irrational and logically inexplicable. We want to avoid a painful choice. Ideally, generally avoid the choice before buying and disappointment after it. That is why it is not the best technology that wins, but the one that provides the best user experience, i.e. makes our life easier and more enjoyable. Doesn’t resemble anything?

We prefer to choose a specific brand that we trust - this is precisely the irrational choice. But irrational choices also can and should be consciously controlled.

For example, before buying, answer yourself two questions:

1. Why do I prefer this particular brand (or several)?
2. What do I expect from the device that I am going to purchase?

Then instead of the huge number of options that we have with a rational choice, and the specific devices and models that we are offered to choose brands, trends and friends, we will get real and significant criteria for us personally . Choosing by these criteria, we will get what we want and will not be disappointed afterwards. The "best" choice will be different for everyone, but it will be really our choice and really the best for everyone.

Therefore, I am for an informed choice, simple and understandable! And you?


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