Instructions for transferring your consciousness to digital media

First, find out in which hemisphere of the brain, left or right you are. To do this, slowly divide your brain into 2 parts along the yellow line, as shown in Fig. 1. Try with this operation not to damage the processes of neurons - axons and dendrites, as well as the endings themselves - synapses. They are still useful for further connection. Prepare copies of the halves of your brain on the bioprinter and carefully connect your own halves to them, as shown by the red arrows, observing the numbering of all neural endings.

Fig. 1.

Important! Print exactly 2 additional halves, not one, because you do not know in advance which half of your brain you are and when you connect only one half of your brain to the printed one, your probability of survival will be 50%.

Fig. 2.

Congratulations! Your half of the brain turned out to be right (marked by a red frame in Fig. 2). Set aside your twin from the left hemisphere (blue frame in Fig. 2). He will no longer be useful to you.

Don't be afraid to be in two brains at the same time. This is impossible, because to be in two brains at the same time it is necessary that there is an exchange of information between the brains. You will surely find yourself either in the left brain or in the right.

In the next step, determine your vertical position. To do this, again divide your brain into two parts, as shown by the orange line in Fig. 3. Additionally print on the bioprinter the upper and lower halves of the brain and connect your halves to the printed ones.

Fig. 3.

So, now you know that your consciousness identifier is located in the upper right part of the brain (red frame in Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.

Continue to further localize your brain region using this algorithm until you find your own neuron.

Fig. 5.

Transfer your neuron to the connecting substrate (Fig. 5.), adding a few drops of the nutrient solution, and connect the substrate to the neural network. If all the operations were performed correctly, then you will become a neural network.

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