JavaScript projects for learning and development

Good day, friends!

I present to you a selection of 22 projects in pure or, as they say, vanilla JavaScript (personally, I prefer just JavaScript).

For me, this is a kind of subtotal in learning about JS.

The code is written at different times, so it looks different and has a different level of complexity.

Most projects cannot be called full-fledged applications, but each of them successfully solves the task.

The project code is here .

The format will be as follows: name of the project, its brief description, sandbox.

There are separate articles for some projects. According to others, they may someday appear.

So let's go.

1. Audio Progress and Visualization

An application for playing and visualizing audio data using the Web Audio API and the Canvas API.

2. Breakout

The game "Breakout".

3. Calculator

Calculator. Used library Math.js. V. 2.0.

4. Currency Converter

Currency Converter. A special API is used.

5. Form Validator

Validation of the form.

6. Hangman

The game "Hangman."

7. Image Gallery and Slider Maker

Flexible image gallery generator with built-in slider.

8. Lyrics Search

Search for lyrics (lyrics). A special API is used.

9. Meal Search

Search for dishes with cooking method and ingredients. A special API is used.

10. Meditation App

The application for meditation. Work with audio and video.

11. Memory Cards

Cards for remembering. Interactive slider.

12. Notes App

Application for notes (tasks) with the ability to set the date of the reminder. To save data on the client side, IndexedDB is used.

13. Number Guess

Guess the number game. Used by Web Speech API.

14. Ping Pong

The game "Ping Pong."

15. Rock Paper Scissors

The game "Stone, scissors, paper."

16. Speed ​​Typing

Speed ​​typing simulator.

17. Tetris

The game "Tetris."

18. Text Reader

Application for reading text. Used by Web Speech API. Compare voices from Microsoft and Google.

19. Tic Tac Toe

The game "Tic Tac Toe." A special algorithm is used. Try to beat the car.

20. Tinder-Like Carousel

A complex but interesting slider. The Hammer.js library is used.

21. Virtual Keyboard

Virtual keyboard.

22. Weather App

Application for displaying the weather. A special API and proxy are used.

The repository will be regularly updated, so stay tuned.

Thank you for your time. I hope it was well spent.

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