Civil Aviation Today: Important Aspects and Challenges in Training

What era brought glory to the domestic flight school and what would we do without the USSR?

It is good that outstanding Soviet pilots survived to this day, who are so clearly and objectively able to assess the current situation and give very correct recommendations. Bow to them and good health.

The transfer of technology to many tasks in aviation did not happen yesterday and depreciated a specialist who is no longer a specialist without skills.

The first Il-18s were not equipped with electronics, but then aircraft appeared with the ability to automatically approach. At the next parsing, to raise the hands of those who made the landing “on the machine” almost all hands raised their hands. After that, the commander gave instructions in good and clear weather to land only in manual mode. The approach worked. Pilots are grateful to this day.

After this story, the words of my teacher were recalled:

“We have not developed 1% of our potential in our whole life, and if you have a calculator, this does not mean at all that you do not need to be able to count manually! The calculator may fail! ”
Manual piloting skills are the last guarantee of the lives of passengers and crew in the event that a technician fails. In the case when the commander switches only the buttons in a certain sequence, he rapidly loses his skills.

In pursuit of earnings, manufacturers are trying to “stuff” aircraft with additional electronics options in order to minimize costs and thereby kicked the pilots out of control, making them essentially operators. For aviation, this turned out to be a high level of potential danger, which is confirmed by a large number of disasters. It is not worthwhile to answer the question whether this became a signal for radical change. People still fly, life goes on, and the rest is behind the curtain.

In addition, precisely because the level of potential danger is so high, there are no simple incidents and each of them is a failed catastrophe.

The regulator of each country is called in this case to conduct thorough investigations and analysis and take preventive measures. By the way, in Russia, the Federal Aviation Administration investigates incidents, and the interstate aviation committee investigates incidents. The IAC itself notes a lack of authority, hence the implementation of recommendations by only 30%. The problem is in the system.

It is worth mentioning one effective structural transformation: until 1990, there was a Gosavianadzor in our country, which was directly subordinate to the first deputy chairman of the government, the level of flight safety in the USSR even surpassed the bar set by ICAO.

In 2013, the 19th ICAO Annex entered into force , which establishes for all 192 participating countries to have a state flight safety program. To date, personal safety responsibility has not yet been determined.

It is impossible to deprive attention and issues of training. For reference: previously, new brands of aircraft entered the educational institutions first, and pilots were trained and retrained there. And it was a clear system. And before that they showed stall in a corkscrew, taught how to get out of a corkscrew. It was a tough, but the only lesson in piloting an airplane in the second aerodynamic mode. What is not there now. Because there are no small domestic training aircraft.

Now the cars are western. The conclusion from a corkscrew is not taught to them. And for a second, let’s recall the major crash of the Boeing 737-500 in Kazan: then the pilots could not get the plane out of this situation.

Several models, which are mainly used for training flights:

1. Cessna 172S


2. L-410 UVP-E20


3. Diamond 40


4. Diamond 42


An equally important issue is the migration of pilots and the demand for Russian pilots abroad. Does salary only lead a specialist over a hill? As the survey showed: abroad they value differently. Social package + "human" attitude. After all, if you have a long flight ahead, then an exhausting trip in your car driving to the airport through traffic jams can have a very negative impact on the health and not even the safety of the flight.

The aircraft commander trained in our country has always been considered her property. And this is a “piece goods”, since not every pilot in their physical and psychological qualities can become one. Have you noticed the number of strips on the PIC form? He has them 4.

For dessert I’ve attached two links:

Enjoy reading.

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