A new GOST for digital resources came into force: all platforms should be accessible for people with disabilities

Since April 2020, a new state standard has been introduced in Russia that defines accessibility requirements for Internet resources, mobile applications, digital programs and other user applications. GOST is developed based on the recommendations of the international organization World Wide Web Consortium.

The new standard concerns not only the availability of web content, but also the availability of any information presented in electronic digital form, for the interaction of which IT technologies are used. The source of such content can be a web resource, a streaming service to which video is broadcast, and an application whose user interface is implemented using HTML or a similar markup language.

GOST contains requirements for the availability of digital information for a wide range of people with various diseases, disorders of body functions and related life restrictions. Including: visual impairment, hearing impairment, musculoskeletal disorders, speech impairment, mental disorders, learning difficulties and neurological disorders.

The requirements of the new digital standard also take into account age-related changes, which makes the interface accessible and convenient for older people, and often increases the productivity of using the resource for everyone as a whole.

The current GOST is set forth in the form of principles and provisions, and the criteria for their implementation are presented in the form of verifiable statements that are not tied to a specific information technology.

There are only four principles. They represent the main goals that developers of digital content should strive to make it more accessible to users with various disabilities. The new guide sets general requirements and frameworks to help developers better understand accessibility criteria and make better use of existing technologies.

According to new requirements, digital content must be perceptible, manageable, understandable and reliable. Explanations are given for each of the principles - there are a total of thirteen of them. For each, criteria for fulfilling the standard are given that can be verified. The standard provides for three levels of compliance: A (acceptable), AA (high), AAA (highest).

It is important to note here that even content that meets the highest level of accessibility requirements (AAA) will be available to many, but not all. Some health restrictions, and in particular their combination, are not included in the new standard. In particular, accessibility requirements do not apply to people with cognitive impairment and learning difficulties.

Therefore, the developers of the standard emphasize that the requirements of GOST are a necessary step in achieving a high level of accessibility, but not the only one. Digital content developers should focus on the needs of different categories of users and ensure maximum accessibility for all people with disabilities of all nosologies.

The national standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 52872-2019) was developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Scientific and Technical Center for Information on Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment” and the team of independent experts.

GOST was introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 381 “Technical means and services for the disabled and other people with limited mobility” and approved by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of August 29, 2019 N 589-st. The standard began on April 1.

It is important to note that most of the standards in Russia are applied on a voluntary basis ( Article 26 of the Standardization Law), however, from April 2020, individual amendments to article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (“Violation of other consumer rights”) entered into force. Thus, Roskomnadzor is empowered to draw up protocols regarding violations of access requirements for people with disabilities to communication facilities and services.

How relevant is the new GOST and what requirements need clarification? If you have questions regarding the new standard, leave them in the comments.

The document is published on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology .

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