Enough to be afraid of subjectively beautiful decisions in the code - you are not robots

I have a strange habit. When I finish the module, for a few minutes I just look at the fresh code and rejoice that it is beautiful. I know very well that code is a functional thing. He must perform the task well, be convenient to maintain, and that’s all. But I have an inner conviction β€”β€” the code must be beautiful. Not only a beautiful solution - but aesthetically beautiful.

For me, this is manifested in everything. I have been setting up the IDE for a very long time, looking for the right font, backlight, interface color, I can spend hours sitting on the code style settings so that the code aligns and builds nicely for my eyes. Visual beauty smoothly flows into functional beauty - I try to build dsl, use such class and function naming conventions to make the code seem super idiomatic and relevant here. I can change the api of my service at the design stage purely for the sake of visual beauty. I can pick and hit select / map / fold instead of a more for performance cycle - simply because with a functional approach, I am more beautiful.

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Your sense of beauty regarding code is shaped by your experience, and there is much more work to your brain than it seems to be behind it. Do not send him in the ass. When the inner voice requires you to change the formatting of the brackets in your project - listen to it. Perhaps he knows a lot more than you.

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