How to Improve Your English Programmer Resume

The rapid development and change of the labor market has turned resume writing into a whole science and even art. Some companies continue to hire . Others have to reduce staff, such as Airbnb , not to mention the growing number of businesses that (forever) are switching to a remote work format. However, hiring programmers continues.

Programmers do not like to write resumes - this is a fact. The Internet is teeming with all kinds of articles about how an effective resume of an IT specialist should be. I decided to touch on this topic again, drawing on the CVs analyzed by CV Compiler . In total, this is about 30,000 resumes of developers from around the world.

To resume stood out from hundreds of others

  • Refuse to use the same type of templates that anyone can find on the Internet. Your resume should be unique and not like the others.
  • Make sure you sound “human voice” from your resume. Write as if you were speaking live. Let the text be pleasant to read, both for you and for the potential employer. Include some interesting (work-related) facts about yourself. For example:

    Covered 3M lines of code with unit tests since 2016
  • Wherever possible, back up your achievements with numbers : increased application stability by 2 times, increased X performance by 40%, reached 300,000 plug-in downloads in 3 months, reduced page load time from 20 to 5 seconds, and so on. This will emphasize your ability to work for the result .

    Back in 2014, as Google’s Vice President of Human Resources, Laszlo Bock proposed an excellent “formula” to describe achievements in a measurable and effective way:

    Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z].

    In other words, when describing work experience, indicate how the work you have done (the task completed) has affected the product / project / team / business.

    Having been working in the field of IT recruiting since 2008, I almost do not see this in the resume of developers, which once again indicates that reinforcing your achievements with numbers is a sure way to highlight your resume among competitors' resumes.
  • Expand the descriptions of your past work experience (achievements) with the so-called “powerful words” . Thus, they will sound more convincing. Here are a few choices from over 1,000 dev jobs at , AngelList , Glassdoor , Stack Overflow, and other similar websites:

    automated, complex, concurrent, core, distributed, fault-tolerant, fully responsive, highly available, large-scale, maintainable, multi-threaded, reliable, resilient, resource-intensive, reusable, robust, scalable, secure
  • , , , , , IDEO : «… . , () , .»

  • , . — , . /HR- , — , .
  • Summary Summary. «» , « », «», « », « », «»… / .

    , , , «» .


    , (unique value ) 3-4 .
  • , , . .
  • « », open-source , . GitHub, Stack Overflow HackerRank , . LinkedIn.
  • .

    I was responsible for...
    My responsibilities included...

    «accomplishments». : , , , , , , . . bullet points .

    Developed automated analysis system from scratch capable of processing 15 million statistical operations per day.

Of course, different countries and different companies have their own standards for a good resume. Much also depends on the person who interprets your resume. Nevertheless, I believe that
the above tips will help you turn your resume from ordinary to “catchy” and get many times more invitations for interviews, both from domestic employers and from companies from abroad .

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