Your employer: celebrate Freelancer Day

May 14th is the day of freelancer in Russia. Recently, there is even a special status for self-employed professionals - self-employed. It allows you to legalize a side job or self-employment. Now that the business is in a situation of uncertainty, it's time to evaluate your talents and opportunities and think about additional income. We tell who and why need self-employed status.

Source: Reedus , author column of the Yandex. Cashier expert

Who are the self-employed and how much do they earn

You can get self-employed status in 23 regions of our country. To do this, you need to sell your own services or goods and have a turnover of no more than 2.4 million rubles per year. Among the self-employed - programmers, designers, marketers, tutors, photographers, trainers, confectioners and any other professionals who work for themselves, do not attract other employees to help and do not resell other people's goods or services. According to Yandex.Cash, in 2020, each self-employed was paid non-cash on average 17 times per month. The average payment is more than 1200 rubles. At first glance, the amount is not large, but it must be borne in mind that part of the self-employed combine freelance with other work or, for example, do it on maternity leave. In addition, the performance of 2020 was affected by a decrease in purchasing activity this April.

Pay taxes and get benefits

Self-employed status was introduced to make self-employed self-employed transparent for tax revenue. For its part, the state made the process of obtaining this status as simple as possible, and also offered benefits to freelancers. To officially become self-employed, you do not need to go to the tax office with a bunch of documents - just install, for example, the Federal Tax Service mobile application on your phone and enter the necessary information in it. After obtaining the status of self-employed for a freelancer for 10 years, a tax rate of 4-6% applies. Moreover, he can also receive a tax deduction - 10 thousand rubles.

In the new conditions associated with home isolation, the government promised additional support for the self-employed - and will return the money they spent on paying taxes last year. It is worth noting one more advantage of the official status, albeit temporary, in regions with the current regime of home isolation, self-employed can get a digital pass for free movement outside the house for work purposes. Freelancers who work illegally, this option is not available.

Offer online payment and people will reach

Previously, individuals were forbidden to accept payment for their goods and services to bank accounts and electronic wallets. But the state even went towards freelancers and allowed them to receive money from clients in both ways. Banks also joined the initiative to support freelancers. They began to add various features useful to the self-employed in their mobile applications. Yandex.Kassa also offered the self-employed the opportunity to add payment acceptance by any bank card or e-wallet to their website or blog, that is, work in exactly the same way as online stores. As a result, someone who buys a product or service from a self-employed person can receive cashback for payments by credit card or electronic wallet - as when paying in online stores.In the new conditions, the possibility of online payment for goods and services has become even more important, because many now prefer to pay non-cash in order to minimize physical contacts with other people.

No extra fees

In order to sell their goods or services, before an individual had to register with the tax as an individual entrepreneur and pay insurance premiums - at least about 30 thousand rubles, regardless of income. If the business is profitable, this amount can be quite lifting. But for those who are simply looking for a part-time job because they lost their job or part of their income, registering a private entrepreneur is not an option. In such cases, the status of self-employed is also useful. For example, if in his free time a person makes handmade toys or knits warm clothes for sale, he is registered as self-employed and pays taxes only from what he has already sold. If he does not sell anything, then he will not have to pay.

Both myself and people

It is important to have the status of a self-employed for the sale of own goods and services to both individuals and legal entities. Today, many freelancers collaborate with companies - these are developers, copywriters, traffic managers and many others. To work with legal entities you need to have an official status. Previously, it could be an IP or LLC, but now the status of self-employed is also suitable. Its holder can issue checks to its clients, including companies, so that they can pass them through bookkeeping. So the freelancer gets the opportunity to sell their goods and services to large companies that are responsible for compliance with tax laws and prefer only transparent settlements with contractors.

In difficult times for the economy, the possibility of part-time work on freelance is relevant for many, and the status of self-employed allows you to do this openly. This is convenient both for freelancers themselves, who can keep track of income through the FTS application, and for their customers who can pay for goods and services with bank cards or electronic wallets - cashless, safe and with cashback.

And finally, a small infographic:

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