What to see in quarantine? A selection of materials from Technostream (part 4)

We continue our selection of interesting materials ( first part , second part , third part ). This time there are a lot of materials about Kotlin, as well as the announcement of a new talk show broadcast for IT specialists “Oh, my code” with PavelDzirtik Shcherbinin, which will take place tonight.

Kotlin Materials

Kotlin in Android development

Alexander Melnikov gave this lecture as part of the Technopolis Android development course.

Why is Kotlin needed in Android development if there is stable Java? How to use Kotlin in a project, the vast majority of which is written in Java? What does Kotlin offer for Android today? Language features for creating DSL.

Swift + Kotlin = Love

Stanislav Talanov of New Cloud Technologies and Sergey Molyak of PapaJobs talked at DroidHeads Meetup about why it is time to stop being just an iOS or only Android developer, about approaches and possible shortcomings of a multi-platform approach.

Kotlin / Everywhere - Showcase practice

Three speeches from the Kotlin / Everywhere mitap:

Testing Java applications using Kotlin . Sergey Alyokhin, project manager at Topso, organizer of the Moscow Kotlin community, said:

  • About evolutionary change of source codes;
  • about the problems that his company encountered while writing tests;
  • and the benefits of translating tests to Kotlin.

The experience of using channels in coroutines in a combat project . Grigory Fedorov, a senior Android developer at Mail.ru Group, spoke about the experience of using coroutine and channels in our new Maroussia project:

  • Why did we decide to use the channels, despite the experimental status, and were there any alternatives?
  • How did we use the channels, and how to use it correctly?
  • And also about how I had to write a couple of operators from Rx, and how can I replace them?

All about Kotlin DSL . Sergey Rybalkin, Principal Engineer in the Russian R&D team, Alibaba Group, said:

  • About what DSL is and why it may be needed;
  • In which domain domains DSL works well and made out examples from the Kotlin ecosystem;
  • What tools are there in Kotlin for building DSL.

Communications and public speaking in IT. Why is this needed?

Irina Tripapina talked about how communications in IT decide how to prepare for a public speech, discussed the rules of networking and addressed the topic of an absurd report at the blackboard.

Another announcement

We remind you that the new season of our talk show for IT specialists “Oh, my code” has begun. Now the conversations are live.

The third broadcast of the third season, “Oh, my code” #StayHome Edition, is coming out today, May 14, at 8 p.m. Away - EgoryourdestinyTolstoy, Product Manager at Kotlin and Lead Podlodka podcast, he will talk about the programming language as a product. How programmers segment, how the language advances and grows. How the development processes work in the Kotlin team. And why is there product managers.

Also talk about:

  • personal brand - why is it, how to work with it and what does it give;
  • self-education - how to draw up your development plan, focusing on what you are doing now and what you would like to become;
  • podcasts - how to start your own, how not to score, how to grow, how to come up with topics.

Well, of course, Yegor will answer questions in the comments during the live broadcast.

Recall that current lectures and master classes on programming from our IT specialists are still published on the Technostream channel . Subscribe not to miss new lectures!

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