DINS QA EVENING (online): a case for testing a WebRTC-based service and ways to avoid running flaky tests

We invite you to the online meeting of DINS QA EVENING, which will be held on May 21 at 19:00.

This evening, Anton Korshunov from DINS will talk about the experience of testing the WebRTC media server, and Ivan Varivoda from Wrike will show how to avoid running flaky tests using test quarantine and a monitoring system. After the presentations, speakers will answer your questions.

To participate, please register . A link to the broadcast will be sent on the day of the meeting.

Under the cut - a detailed program and information about the speakers.


19: 00-19: 50 - Testing the video quality of a WebRTC-based video conferencing service (Anton Korshunov, DINS)

Anton will tell you what a media server is in WebRTC terminology and how it can affect the quality of video in your video conferencing.

Using the DINS experience as an example, you will learn how to learn how to control your network environment and achieve reproducible scenarios. Anton will also tell you how to automate video quality control checks and how to subjectively test video quality without functional requirements.

The report will be of interest to QA engineers, both with experience in testing such applications, and for specialists of a different profile.

Anton Korshunov- Senior QA Engineer at DINS. The third year has been testing the video conferencing media server. Together with the project, he went from prototype to production.

19: 50-20: 30 - A good flaky test - an unreleased flaky test (Ivan Varivoda, Wrike)

In his speech, Ivan will tell you how to avoid running flaky tests using test quarantine and a test monitoring system. You will learn why quarantine is needed, what it consists of, and how to use it in practice. This approach will help reduce the number of false drops and save time and nerves for testers working with a large database of integration tests for the backend and selenium tests.

The report will be of interest to all those who are involved in ensuring the quality of the product (QA / QAA, SDET) and are tired of the routine associated with parsing false drops. The level of complexity of the report is medium, it does not have hardcore examples with code, but there will be a lot of practical information.

Ivan Varivoda works for QA Automation Tech Lead at Wrike: is developing automation and testing.

How to join

Participation is free, but prior registration is required . On the day of the meeting, we will send a link to the broadcast to the email specified during registration.

How are the meetings

Records of previous mitaps can be viewed on our YouTube channel .

About us

DINS IT EVENING is a meeting place and exchange of knowledge of technical specialists in the fields of Java, DevOps, QA and JS. Several times a month we organize meetings to discuss interesting cases and topics with colleagues from different companies. We are open for cooperation, if you have an urgent question or topic that you want to share - write to itevening@dins.ru !

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