Small osinta session on modernization and production of radio communication systems for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

After yesterday’s heated discussion about who heard or didn’t hear at all, we’ll go over the news chronicles of recent years.

So, in the main "roles":

Radio station "Aqueduct" , created initially using fifth-generation technology, was modernized in 2016, which follows from a message on the website of the concern "Constellation" . The updated model was called "Aqueduct R-168-25U2" and created using sixth-generation technologies.

The radio station is designed to work in moving objects on wheeled and tracked tracks, in particular, they are equipped with several types of serial command-staff vehicles and complex hardware communications.

The first “smart” radio station “MO1” was developed in 2016 by the “United Instrument-Making Corporation” (OPK), which is part of the Rostec state corporation, which follows from the message of the online publication “High Tech”.

Intended for the army, law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Emergencies. It also follows from this message about plans to launch serial production of the radio station in 2017.

Other sources also indicate plans to launch mass production of MO1, but nothing has been said about the actual launch on the Internet.

The media reported in November 2012 about the successful completion of the Azart P-1 tests . In particular, this is evidenced by the message of the online edition of "Military Review".

The fact that "Excitement P-1" has already been made and arrived at the RF Armed Forces is said to the Internet newspaper "Vzglyad" in a message dated November 19, 2013.

About the creation of a modernized radio communication system, the signal of which cannot be intercepted and which is based on the R-187-P1E "Azart" radio station, the Russian weapons online publication in February 2017 reported .

It also follows from this message that at that time the system was already actively used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and confirmed all the declared characteristics.

A fresh reference to the uniqueness of the station was a post in the online weekly Zvezda in May 2019.

In particular, on the technical solution of the new Russian radio station of the regime of pseudo-random tuning of the operating frequency at a speed of up to 20,000 jumps per second.

The article also comprehensively covers other systems, such as the Redut-2US telecommunication multimedia systems, the latest R-149AKSh command-and-staff vehicles, R-166 mobile digital radio relay stations, digital short-wave and VHF radio stations received by communication units in 2018.

In addition to the above systems, it is mentioned that the defense industry enterprises supply 15 unique R-438 Belozer satellite communication stations to military signalmen .
“They are made in the form of suitcases weighing 16 kg. The preparation time for such a small station does not exceed one minute. The capabilities of Belozero allow you to work in voice conversations, digital and text messages. ” (with)

“Winding-KS” was also not forgotten to be mentioned in this message.
For reference:
“The transmitter is designed to provide simplex two-way telephone, telegraph and digital communications. Radio control can be carried out from a remote control (RC) at a distance of up to 100 meters in a medium rugged terrain. The complex also allows you to conduct communication sessions at a predetermined time in automatic mode. ” (with)

And most importantly, for those who talked about the lack of a full-fledged infrastructure at the present time, the article sets aside a block for plans and assessing prospects.

I will publish an excerpt:

2018 «» ( «» «») .

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2027 . «» .

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