Silicon Valley in Moscow. All truth and news

In this article I will try to figure out if there is life on Mars in the Moscow "Silicon Valley" and try to analyze as much as possible all the information from the point of view of the Moscow engineer. Talk about Skolkovo, Sirius and (suddenly) Huawei.

In some places, the article may look like the next episode of Riddle of the Hole with a girl in a box, but this is only due to the very small amount of official information.

I invite everyone under the cut and let's understand.

How the Valley in California Works

I think many of you know about this, but I will tell for those who missed something for themselves.

The term itself was proposed by journalist Don Hefler already in 1971.

Silicon Valley is a small one mile (about 1.6 km) stretch along the coast of San Francisco Bay, between Menlo Park and San Jose. The success of the IT industry has contributed to the economic development of a wider area beyond Silicon Valley, especially the eastern and northern parts of the San Francisco Bay area. Berkeley, located in the northeast of the region, and San Francisco also belong to this “ecosystem.” The San Francisco Bay Area is home to 7 million people, while Silicon Valley has just 2 million inhabitants. In terms of population, the area is comparable to Switzerland, but less than Paris and its environs.

How silicon became silicone

The original English name for the Silicon Valley comes from the use of silicon as a semiconductor in the manufacture of semiconductor devices (diodes, transistors, microcircuits). It was with this industry that the history of the valley began as a technology center. So why is the valley called Siliconova?

In the 80s, Soviet newspapers began to write about the Valley. At first, the translation was literal - only “Silicon Valley” was found in the media. But gradually the formulation "Silicon Valley" began to flicker. The confusion arose due to the consonance of the words silicon and silicone. The first word translates as “silicon,” the second is the very material that makes the shape of the human body more rounded.

By the way, the Americans themselves call silicon silicon valley. Back in 1984, Steve Gibson, president of Gibson Laboratories, in an article on chip manufacturing published in Infoworld magazine said: “... integrated circuits are made of thin, round, flat wafers of ultra-pure silicon. This is by no means the same as silicone. Silicon Valley is what some Hollywood actresses see when they look at their feet. Silicon Valley is a place in Northern California where microchips are made. ”
But the wrong translation did not prevent the name from becoming common. It was recognized by dictionaries. Google, for example, provides 40% of the total number of results for the Silicon Valley query and 60% for the Silicon Valley query.

Inside the valley

Extremely detailed about this place was told by Yuri Dud in his sensational three-hour interview with developers and "minds" from the valley.

I don’t see the point of repeating, and so let's move on. The only comment that would be worth giving is the remark that Yuri spoke precisely with “minds,” and not with basic industry workers in Silicon Valley. Just keep it in mind while watching.

Project activities in the USA and Russia

In 2017, two interesting innovations appeared in schools. The first is the project of the Moscow City Hall “Engineering class at a Moscow school”. The second novelty is the subject “Project Activities”, on which you can work on some of your own development. A cool project can even become part of a future resume. About training for the system administrator, I wrote in the Hacker magazine. Anyone interested in reading in more detail about self-study - I’ll leave the article here .

Well, we are returning to the projects. A project is a solution to a problem. Any problem. The solution can be expensive / cheap, complex / simple, cardinal / partial, long-term / instant, but the main criterion for a good solution is the absence of a problem when applying the solution.

Now in the world there are a number of problems. From global to primitive. From the increase in temperature on Earth and the conquest of space, to the sharp corner of the table. Each of these problems has a solution. To solve this or that problem many people and their great experience are required, but the question arises of how to achieve the solution of problems in the fastest and most effective way.

The issue of project activities is most easily decided by the Americans. They take experience from working engineers in the field and present it to schoolchildren and students in the form of courses. These courses are translated into different languages ​​and distributed worldwide.

Talented course participants pass a number of exams and receive the main prize based on the results of these exams. The main prize is a trip to the USA for permanent residence (permanent residence) and work with American projects. This gives the so-called “influx of young brains”. Pupils and students at the age of 20 have concise and structured work experience of 50-60 year old engineers and with new knowledge, they are open to work with new unsolved problems.
Russia in this sense is much more humane.

Being so “lucky” is not always pleasant. Youth is a time of experimentation, creativity, growth, progress, and not everyone wants to be a gear in the state system, but they don’t give a choice to “young talent”. Americans take advantage of a person’s ignorance and lack of experience for their own purposes and pull him out of their country.

To understand the story.
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, «» . , good money, but as long as you possess this brain and, if a person is under 60 years old, he is left without money, because he cannot work at the level of young specialists.
Let us get back to how the “project issue” is being resolved in Russia.

About engineering class

In Russia, universities and schools use the method of adapting students to solve new difficulties. Previously, about 10 years ago, this was the prerogative of the university alone (they were not involved in schools), but now it is not.

In order not to be unfounded about this project, I asked several teachers from one of the central Moscow physics and mathematics schools to give their opinion (including my opinion on this):

Generalization of experience
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Engineering classes and design activities of schoolchildren
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Features of specialized education for non-core students
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The cunning inventor
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Some aspects of teaching computer science and ICT in school (my opinion)
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The Sirius Educational Center in Sochi was created by the Talent and Success Educational Foundation on the basis of the Olympic infrastructure on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The fund was established on December 24, 2014 by prominent Russian figures in science, sports and art.

The goal of the Sirius Educational Center is the early identification, development and further professional support of gifted children who have shown outstanding abilities in the fields of arts, sports, natural sciences, and who have achieved success in technical creativity.

The center is open all year. Travel and stay at the Center for children is free. Every month, 800 children aged 10-17 years from all regions of Russia come to Sirius. They are accompanied by more than 100 teachers and trainers who improve their skills at the Center. The training is conducted by leading teachers of sports, physics, mathematics, and chemistry and biology schools, as well as prominent figures of Russian art in the field of academic music, classical ballet, and visual arts. The educational program is designed for 24 days and includes classes in the specialty, as well as developing leisure activities, master classes, creative meetings with recognized professionals in their fields, a set of wellness procedures, and general education classes during the school year.

Sirius- in my opinion, this is one of the coolest things that have ever been done in our education. The very idea that children can learn and create something that society needs is not new, but it cannot but rejoice. In many project contests that we talked about above, the main prize is a trip to Sirius. There, the child really learns and he is not allowed to "drive the bulldo" there. This is cool both for the child and for the country, as part of the children's ideas have already been implemented with us. For example, the same Electric Bus (we will come back to it).


But we all understand that Sirius would not have appeared out of nowhere.

The Skolkovo Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2010 at the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation in order to support and develop innovative entrepreneurship, implement advanced scientific research, and create successful high-tech companies in the global market. The Skolkovo Foundation provides search, technological expertise and support of innovative projects throughout Russia, achieves their growth, provides support at all stages of development with the help of more than 30 different specialized services, from intellectual property protection and prototype production to large-scale industrial implementations .

The mission of the Skolkovo Foundation is to create an enabling environment for the development of entrepreneurship and research in areas such as energy efficiency and energy saving, nuclear, space, biomedical, strategic computer technologies and software.

If Sirius is one of the coolest places where a bunch of innovations come from, then Skolkovo is a slightly different thing. I have not heard of any global Skolkovo projects that have turned the world up or something like that. I am not an expert and did not follow their activities, but the publishing house RUSBASE conducted their investigation and found 10 innovative projects from Skolkovo that you might not know about .

On the level of innovation, judge for yourself. In my opinion, none of these projects can turn the industry around like the valley does. I must say that this does not mean that Skolkovo is useless. The guys do very useful things that are really used by people . This is the main point. A person will not use a useless thing.

But still not the same workshop of innovation and the cradle of IT.

Flash Huawei

The story with Skolkovo-Sirius did not change in any way until this moment, and here guys from Huawei appeared.


I wandered around the Internet and came across a curious interview with Yegor Bugaenko:

Especially interesting was the moment with Huawei Russian Research Institutes (timecode - 23:23).

A little about Yegor

Egor is extremely radical in his ideas and received the nickname “Zhirinovsky in IT” from the IT community. If you read Elegant Objects - this is his doing.

Judging a person from several interviews is a thankless task, but I could understand 2 key points:

  1. Egor is a cool Java programmer. 20 commits per day is a lot. Of course, quality is also important, but according to people's reviews and the quality of work, Yegor GitHub handed him a certificate, which is something, but that means.
  2. Egor is an extremely powerful radicalist in everything. In programming, in management and in communication with people

Interested in the idea, I climbed onto the site . As you understand, I did not see anything concrete there.

I scoured the network for a long time and still managed to get in touch with Yegor about this. We couldn’t talk in detail, but some of the points became clear:

  1. Huawei Russian Research Institutes is not about education. This is about creating projects. Although Huawei has its own network academy in Russia, they did not join 2 projects
  2. There, people will work for the result. No concessions.
  3. The main task is a good project
  4. Now everything is done for Huawei money

And here I have a sea of ​​questions left, to which I could not get an answer:
  • Where to get people from? The valley, as I said, has an influx of young brains. This will not even be from students.
  • Who will go there to work? Throwing a “fluffy” Skolkovo for the sake of a tough Huawei (which is also a commercial company without state support) is an idea so-so.
  • And the most important thing. What should this idea lead to? The success of the company or the prosperity of the nation?


I will try to sum up the results as objectively as possible, here I will tell my opinion.

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Answering a question at the beginning of the article, life in Moscow's Silicon Valley is also quite good. The main thing is to continue moving in the same direction.

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