Demo day on a remote site. We go online


Deleting is good, but nobody canceled the demo days. And if the general communications of the teams can still be somehow managed using the same Zoom / Microsoft Teams / other similar software, then the situation with the demo days is a bit more complicated. Firstly, a demo day is usually significantly longer than a standard planning meeting or meeting, and it took us an average of 5 hours. Secondly, demo days have a number of features in terms of organization, order of performance of teams and other things. Well yes you know.

So here. This was the first demo day that we decided to spend online, but in the usual composition for everyone. As a result, 250 people were gathered, including speakers from friendly companies (A1, X5 Retail Group, Alfa Capital and others).

How it went, what they talked about, why in the demo days gamification and a couple of polls - under the cut.

Projects and participants

11 teams gathered for this demo day, each of which represented new features in its direction.

  1. Website The main page of the site has long been outdated and required an upgrade. As happens in large companies, it was necessary to take into account not only the sense of beauty of the designers themselves, user reviews and research results, but also wishes from different departments of the bank itself.
  2. The UI . The team further rethought the role of designer. If earlier there were cases when one or another Alfa-Mobile designer, in principle, saw only some kind of his own piece of work, now everyone takes into account the general context of the development of the product as a whole. It sounds wildly obvious and it seems like it should work out of the box, but sometimes such things have to be reported separately.
  3. . . — 5 21 . , 10% , 25%.
  4. AMDM. . , . .
  5. - . , , — , . 4000, , - .
  6. . - 30 ( -, , — ). , - . , . 2020 9 . . , .
  7. . - , , .
  8. 1. Big Data . - . , , — .
  9. Digital Innovations. - -. , , — , , - , , .
  10. . - , — : , .
  11. . Push- , .


Yes, actually, in the same Zoom. He withstood 250 people with a bang, although there were cases when he was dumb and on a smaller number of participants. Apparently, the guys on the other side also fix bugs. After all, it would be sad if the team showed their new things on the screen, and the broadcast would freeze.

We decided to reduce the time of the event itself. Because it’s one thing when you have a demo day at the office, and you can go back and forth for 5 hours, go for a bite to eat, or even leave if something happens. And another thing is to wait for people to sit at the computer for 5 hours in a row, listening to the speeches of their colleagues. So we aimed at 2 hours for a demo from 5 teams. But, as the attentive reader noted, the commands were not 5, but 11. There were 15 minutes each for the team to speak, plus questions, plus answers - in total, the demo only took 3 hours.

What about gamification?

As usual, an additional motivation tool for the teams themselves and an additional separation of events for the audience. Therefore, we made the challenge cup, which the winner of the audience vote receives. Voting itself is quickly held in Slack, the performance of each team is evaluated on three points:

  • Value to the customer.
  • Effect for the bank
  • Technical implementation.

After voting, the seats were distributed as follows:

  1. Alternative channels and their beautiful push
  2. New home page of the bank
  3. The “Settings and Notifications” team with a story about paperlessness in the Internet bank and client security.

What is important to pay attention to when conducting a demo day online

Moderator . Guys, the moderator on the online demo is much more important than it might seem. Because when you give teams 15 minutes each for a demo and 5 minutes for questions, guess how many of them will fit into this framework yourself?

Presentations . In a number of companies on demo days it was accepted like this: all presentations from teams are sent to a common box, specially trained people comb this business for a couple of days and lead to a uniform general appearance. We refused this, because it slightly deprives the team of individuality. And also, by the way, purely psychologically relieves the guys from the desire to make a presentation cool - they say, all the same, they will correct everything there and arrange for us what to try, we will simply send numbers.

Members. It’s clear that we are able to gather more participants. But it’s one thing to assemble, another to keep. Therefore, do not forget about additional activities (we conducted small quizzes) and the like.

In general, we liked it, in the future, most likely, we will combine the best of live demo days with online: for example, we will broadcast the demo day to those who could not come, with the opportunity in real time to ask questions and showcase products.

And what about demo days on a remote site?

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