Transport on May 13: uiiii, we took the second place in terms of the number of patients, it’s time to remove the restrictions

Of course, we will not catch up with America, but we have already reached the second place . And, you know what? Over the past two months this is the best issue about transport. According to statistics - we burn, and everything burns , but the message is restored!

Airlines will be given 23 billion rubles from the capsule. This is substantially less than is necessary for their full preservation, but 23 billion more than it could have been without state support. Enough to pay for fuel, airfield services and a little for salaries. Maybe.

On May people began to travel. This seems to be the best time to fly to traditional resorts to the sea. Hello to Simferopol, Sochi and Krasnodar. But by train, of course, it was best to go to the free city of St. Petersburg, where you can walk the streets, and Etsilopp has no right to beat you at night.

There are specificsfrom Rospotrebnadzor to remove restrictions. The scenario is European: first walks and small shops, at the second stage - education and big shops, at the third - everything else, including hotels and tourism facilities. We look at the dynamics chart of patients: if it is even and beautiful, and there are enough free places in hospitals, the next stage can be included. The goal is not to overwhelm hospitals. Well, if you are over 65 years old with chronic diseases - it’s still self-isolation. It is also interesting that at all stages it is necessary to wear masks and maintain social distance. Citizens are advised to use personal transport: perhaps soon we will see a lot of independent travel by car.

Aviation Traffic in Europelast week increased by 11% compared with the previous one. Ours fell a little over the week: about 3%. Well, here's another interesting thing: according to the plan, international flights will resume in September at best, in January and beyond at worst.

Well, now let's see what else happened. It was a good week! And it’s especially good that it ended.

In Russia

  • The government called the conditions for opening Russian resorts this summer. Dmitry Chernyshenko, who is in charge of tourism issues, suggested that this could happen with a decrease in the incidence rate of COVID-19. Forecast for early June. So do not be sick if you want to go on vacation this summer.
  • , ( ). , , .
  • 90%. LFL . !
  • COVID-19 . () Bloomberg , COVID-19 : « , ». « », … , !
  • . « , — ».
  • . , - . « +20% ».
  • 12 . — 5 , — 4 . , — . , , , . , , , .

  • , , 33-58%. , , ( ), ( !), — . . 3+3 .
  • ( ) COVID-19. CytoDyn , . , .
  • Airbnb 25%. 1 900 7 500 . , “Hotels” “Lux”.
  • , . 6 .
  • : « ». , . .
  • «» . - 70 .
  • 11 , Air France . . , 38 ºC, .
  • . , . .
  • : , , , , , ( ), . , , .
  • (NTOCG) , , .
  • . , 15 , , 1 .
  • . , , .
  • Giorgio Palmucci , President of the Italian National Tourism Board (ENIT) , says Italy will not be closed to tourists this year. The President of the Italian National Tourism Board explained that he never said that Italian borders should remain closed to tourists. According to the report, the intersections of Ponte Kremenaga, Brusino and Ligornetto will be open from Monday to Friday at specific times.

What does it look like on our part?

Our bus carriers began to upload data on who and how to disinfect the salon. We show them in the schedule:

Schedule example here .

Regions: quarantine changes

We collect accurate data for each region on quarantine measures, because now they all have their own. Here are the changes for this week:
  • , , : 31 , .
  • , , : 31 .
  • , , , ( , ): .
  • : 24 .
  • : , 65 .
  • : , , .
  • : , 14 31 .
  • : 24 .
  • : 18 . .
  • : 31 , .
  • : 14 , .
  • : 25 , .
  • -: 17 .
  • : .
  • -: 15 .
  • : , 14- .
  • : , .
  • Trans-Baikal Territory: extension of the regime of self-isolation until May 25, the mandatory presence of a mask in public places.

In the top, mainly southern destinations. The leader is Simferopol. Interestingly, the flight Moscow - St. Petersburg did not get into the top ten. Muscovites probably prefer to travel by train to the city on the Neva.

Aviation: cities where May spent the most passengers:

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And here is the railway:

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Here is a news site Petrozavodsk Census our habrapost about the new reserved seat . Interestingly, on Habré 77 thousand views, and they have another 24 thousand. What is surprising in this fact is that our post was on February 4, and they posted it on May 7. Inexplicably. If you have an old post, check it in the search after a year. Just in case.

Interesting from the world of railway passenger transport: long-distance tickets with social distance in view until the end of May. On May 28, on Sapsan and Swallow, you still have to take a seat through one, but on May 29, no longer.

Well, the traditional flight schedule:

2776 flights last and 2595 this week.

And the situation at the time of publication: I

recall, on the “ Radar of Hope“Now you can see not only the number of flights to each airport, who flies there and how, but also the quarantine measures of the city. Check your route, we analyze a huge bunch of documents from each region to collect the full picture. And you can leave like that and end up in the observatory for 14 days.

These assemblies taking place on transport come out every week on Wednesdays. Here is the last issue about different quarantines in different regions.

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