How to establish a workflow "in the distance": 7 practical steps

During quarantine and remote work, many internal problems were revealed for companies that first encountered this mode of interaction. Moreover, even if the company tries to solve them and set up its own management processes in a new way, which require planning and coordination, it is not a fact that partners or client companies were also able to quickly respond to the situation, which adds to external problems.

The main problems of workflow "on the remote"

About a third of employees of various Russian companies were unable to quickly communicate and resolve issues remotely - this is confirmed by the April survey of the research center of the portal SuperJob, according to which 32% of remotely working Russians admit that the quality of their remote work has become worse. There are significant delays in approving, receiving and signing documents, contracts, which means that work is slowing down a lot.

For example, we began to conclude an important agreement with a large partner company before quarantine, and they only had to carry out the procedure for coordinating their 3-4 days adopted by them so that we could begin a great joint work on this project. But then quarantine began. And this unsettled all the regulatory procedures of our partner - his employees complain that it is impossible to coordinate documents at home, because they need to collect at least 12 signatures from different departments: either the document was lost, they don’t know whose turn it is to sign it, then they can’t communicate with a leader who is constantly busy because of the huge number of cases piled on him ...

If the company has more than 10 users participating in the workflow chain, but at the same time they do not have an agreed schedule for such cases (and who could have guessed such a case?), Then almost everyone has the problem of losing documents, time delays. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to organize quickly.

We will not forget about security problems: there are companies (state, financial, etc.) that are forbidden to use Skype, “zoom” and other similar means of communication, you cannot use personal “home” computers for work, install a number of programs on remote “workers” »Computers (only in a secure perimeter) - all this, of course, negatively affects the work of such companies and the work of their partners and customers.

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