Actual models of linguistic localization in the field of IT and digital communications. Part 2


In the first part of the article, experts - representatives of export-oriented companies talked about the main export markets in which they operate and how the localization process in their organizations is built.

Continuing the topic, we wondered if terminology databases are being maintained in expert companies and are translation memories being cleared?

Ilya Blair , Deputy CEO for Software Development First Line Software :
Of course, we have a need to maintain the terminological base at the project and customer level. We create resource files, and if the project is developing, we use ready-made pairs. If something similar happened in other projects, the developers will see how it was there. But first of all, our experts are well versed in terminology.

Julia Alexandrova , Head of Localization and Copywriting at JetBrains, noted that the glossary is created centrally by the company's specialists. The entire list of terms is discussed and approved jointly with internal experts. Although this work is in progress, translators already have access to the glossary in the Crowdin system. The system has a translation memory, which is formed during the translation process. Specialists periodically review it for relevance.

Mikhail Kovshov , founder of CITYLIFE :
We have established terminology. At the company level, there is instruction for working with content. First, customers upload their texts to the resource, then the text comes to our copywriters for moderation. If this is a foreign client, moderation according to the instructions takes place at our foreign partner.

Some participants in the interview recalled curious cases related to localization, and advised that they contact only professionals.

Ilya Blair (First Line Software) :
Once we made a decision with German and Ukrainian. We then had an employee who had a friend from Ukraine. We attracted her to the translation, and when we showed it at the presentation, the customer was surprised. Apparently, the acquaintance was very old, and the language was completely not modern. Everyone, of course, laughed, but the translation later had to be done with another translator.

Mikhail Kovshov (CITYLIFE) :
We had an incidental story with the Arabic language. We translated part of the text and the advertising slogan, but the guys did not take into account that the text is read from right to left. We wrote from left to right and it turned out to be a complete nonsense, which was almost sent to the release. But they stopped in time, the scandal did not happen.

Summary The
geography of the presence of companies whose representatives participated in the interview is very extensive, and, of course, each region has its own specifics in terms of localization.
The approaches to language localization vary greatly depending on the specifics of the business and the existing business model. For example, whether the company is a developer of ready-made IT solutions and communication platforms or focuses on custom development, it works in B2B or B2C markets.
Among the relevant models and approaches to localization identified during the interview, as well as existing trends, we fix:

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Whatever model of localization you choose, you need to make sure that highly qualified specialists are involved in its functioning, the success of the product in the target market will largely depend on the result of its activity. And, of course, trust localization to professionals.

The EGO Translating group of companies, which includes the EGO loc brand - an expert in localization, thanks the interviewees for the time taken and for sharing their competent opinion.

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