Client portrait: compose and count

We are all trying to find the pain of the client and offer him our product for solution. But before that, you need to do a lot of analytical work to find out who our client is in general. In this article we tell in detail how to create a working portrait of a client and calculate the cost of a product entering the market.


In the gallery of each product there is a favorite picture - a portrait of the client. This holy compilation of statistical facts helps give the user the right content, find the language of the audience and grow loyalty to the product.
The ultimate goal of customer portrait is to solve his problem with the help of your product.

In order to create a working portrait, first you need to find out how the client is solving the problem now, whether it is important for him, whether your product has competitors who, in the user's opinion, solve the problem and whether the client has related problems.


In general, most companies have a portrait of a client, but often he is illiterate and provides too little information.

What characteristics do you need to get from the statistics so that you have a clear portrait of the client?

  • Gender, age, city, social status (in a relationship, single, with children, young couple, lives with parents, etc.)
  • Places visited by a potential client; ways to get information - can we get to it; points of contact - where we can communicate;
  • Income - how much money can be received from a client;
  • Interests
  • Technologies - is there a mobile phone, is there a good internet connection;
  • Regions - in which cities potential customers live;
  • Education and level of training - you need to make sure that people can use the product.


Naturally, the product needs to check whether the company already has this information and how relevant it is.
It is a mistake to use data that is already outdated. Even one year is able to completely change the overall portrait of the client.

Client Portrait Tools

For a new portrait, the product selects a suitable tool for collecting information, or several tools depending on the audience.


Instruments consist of five large groups, which, in turn, are also divided into subgroups.

There are qualitative methods when a product receives the most accurate data, as communication with a potential client will take place face-to-face:

  • Observations The product looks at human behavior: how it works, what it does, etc. In some cases, you can ask to record a screen.
  • Interview + UX. Scripts are used either with an existing product to understand what the problem is with consumption, or with a potential product.
  • Focus groups. 20-30 people are invited and various issues are discussed with them.

There are quantitative studies. Qualitative give the product insights that will help in further pumping the product, and quantitative are considered evaluative, since we can measure them. Among quantitative methods, polls and A / B testing are most often used:

  • Polls. You can create a Google Form with a survey and catch traffic on it. After completing the survey, you need to look at the relevant audience and see the big picture.
  • A / B tests. Different prices are tested on the site, different headers for content, different platforms for advertising and more.

For example, you want to create a landing page on which the facts about your company should be. As a rule, people have certain concerns, so they need to read about your product. They must meet a trigger on the page that needs to be learned directly from potential users. The product must know what will move the user to action.

The phrases that are needed to create a landing are calculated using qualitative research. When communicating with the audience, it becomes clear what words they use, what questions they have for the product, what concerns they have, for which they are willing to pay.

Sometimes there is a misunderstanding of why observations are considered qualitative, and polls quantitative. Here the difference is that up to 10–20 people participate in the observations and they are carried out offline, and in the polls, from a hundred and they are most often carried out online.
Product design, text communication, additional suggestions and the format of the platform where traffic will flow - all this should be brought under the product portrait.
At these stages, the product can not do without an analyst to understand whether he should launch a similar product on existing audiences. For example, Mikhail Karpov collected this data in Skyeng in order to enter the foreign and regional markets. This gives an understanding of whether it is worth creating special products for some regions of Russia and whether all this will pay off.

Based on this massive data, the product will be able to make an audience rating specifically for its product.

Audience rating


PAM is a potential market; people who may be interested in the product.
TAM - those who currently need a product.
SAM is an affordable market size.
SOM is the part of the market that you can get.

Let's see how to evaluate an audience using the collar example:


Potential Buyers (PAMs) are those who are ready to get an animal. One hundred percent buyers (TAM) those who already have animals. Another potential audience will be people who have lost their pets (SAM). The last category of buyers (SOM) should belong to the previous category of SAM, but these are people who are unhappy with the existing collars on the market.
SAM must trust you to use your product, and your company should be able to provide them with this product.

To assess the audience, you can use two approaches: bottom to top or top to bottom


  • (BOTTOM-UP). , . , . , , , . , β€” , .
  • (UP-DOWN). . , , . , .


After you have calculated both numbers, you need to compare them. If they differ from each other by half, then the calculation was not entirely correct, and you need to think about how to count it.

Based on this information, you can understand whether the company wants to fight for this market and invest in production and development.

It is useful to cross check during the evaluation. For example, find various relevant studies and use them in your work. You can look for studies on how much people who have pets earn. Such information will help you a lot, so do not spare the time and labor to find it.

Well, use the information from the article before launching a new product and testing features :)

? - Β«: Product ManagerΒ» β€”

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