Articles in English: Merciless War of Rules and Exceptions

In the Russian language there are such complex grammatical concepts as gender and case of nouns. Even for us native speakers, it can be difficult at times. And what can we say about foreigners studying Russian?

In English, nouns have neither gender nor case. So that life does not seem to be honey, we must be able to correctly use the articles. They help to understand whether it is a concrete noun or not, countable or uncountable, whether it is in the singular or plural. The problem is that they are inconsistent and can vary depending on the meaning and context. And the presence of exceptions does not simplify our lives.

It makes no sense to write another article about the basic rules for using articles in English. Today I will talk about the rules and how to break them.

The Indefinite Article in English

Rule # 1: The indefinite article is used at the first mention of a countable noun in the singular:

She has a mother and a father - She has mom and dad
This is an apple - This is an apple

Exception # 1.1: If a noun expresses an object, phenomenon, person unique or specific in a given situation, place or time period, then we put a definite article, even if we are talking about this noun for the first time:

There is a small coffee table near the window - A small coffee table stands near the window
Do you know the man who is talking to Katie? β€œDo you know the man who is talking with Katyusha?”

Exception # 1.2: Zero article is used before a noun in a number of stable combinations with prepositions, for example, AT hand to hand , AT night loe night , AT option at the discretion of , AT Present at the present time , AT A school of the school (to learn) , AT speed at high speed etc.

Attention! In British English, at school means studying at school as a student , and in school means being in a school building. In American English, everything is exactly the opposite .

My parents won't let me get a job while I'm at school – ,
At present she's working abroad –

By bus by bus , by-car by car , by chance by chance , by default by default , by force by force , by heart by heart , by law according to the law , by mistake by mistake , by name by name , by request on demand , by subscription for subscription , etc .:

Apple is providing data to users by request - Apple provides user data on demand
Auto-updates are enabled by default on every Android device with Google Play - By default, auto -updates are enabled on every Android device with Google Play installed

Without delay without delay , without effect without result , without effort without effort , without exception without exception , without fail is mandatory , without limit is unchecked , without pause non-stop , etc .:

He talked for over an hour without pause - He spoke non-stop for more than an hour
She promised that she would be there without fail - She promised to be there

For ages forever , for cash in cash , for example such as , for FEAR fear , for fun just for fun , for repayment of at the expense of redemption , for sale for sale , for show For parade , for signature at the signature , etc .:

I haven't seen him for ages - I haven't seen him for ages
This house is for sale - This house is for sale

In addition , in addition , in advance in advance , in a case when , in Conclusion In conclusion , in detail in detail , in Fact in fact , in HaSTe in a hurry , in response to the response , in return statement in return , in time time , etc. .:

He left the house to his sister in return for her kindness –
If we don't hurry up, we won't be in time to catch the train – ,

On board on board , on business on business , on credit on credit , on demand on request , on deposit for storage , on foot on foot , on holiday on vacation , on occasion for the occasion , on purpose intentionally , on schedule on time , etc. .:

Today a plane crashed with three people on board - Today a plane crashed with three people on board
He has been known on occasion to lose his temper - From time to time he lost his temper

Exception # 1.3: definite article is used in a number of fixed expressions, for example, all the better the better , AT the end of the end of something , AT the Moment at the moment , AT the top of at the top , by the way by the way , in the past in the past , on the one hand . ... on the other hand on the one hand ... on the other hand , on the phone by phone , out of the question is impossible , tell the time tell the time ,tell the truth tell the truth , the day OTHER recently , under the impression The impressed .

Attention! In British English we use the definite article in the tell the time expression , and in American English we use the null tell time .

To tell the truth, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying – , ,
On the one hand I'd like a job that pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment – , , , , ,

Exception # 1.4: Zero article is used in a number of idioms, for example, old body and soul , body and soul , chapter and verse in detail , day by day , day after day , from mouth to mouth from mouth to mouth , from time to time from time to time , hand in hand hand in hand , heart and soul wholeheartedly , pains and penalties punishment , stuff and nonsense nonsense , tooth and nail struggling , year after year year after year , etc .:

Come on, don't give me all that stuff and nonsense - C'mon, tryndet is good.
Day by day , the situation is becoming more complex - Every day the situation gets worse

Exception # 1.5: The null article is put before nouns denoting family members that are used as proper names. All of them are capitalized:

If I don’t come back tell Mother I love her - If I don’t return, tell my mother that I love her
To congratulate Father on his birthday we usually send post cards - Usually, to send father a happy birthday, we send him a post postcards

Exception # 1.6: The null article is used with nouns that are preceded by the indefinite pronoun any any or the negative pronoun no no :

No dog can learn everything in a single day - No dog can learn everything in one day
Any idiot with a basic knowledge of French should be able to book a hotel room in Paris - Any fool with minimal knowledge of French can book a hotel room in Paris

Exception # 1.7: The null article is placed before the demonstrative and possessive pronouns:

This book is mine - This is my book.
Her mother will visit us soon - Her mother will come to us soon

Exception # 1.8: The null article is used before a noun before which there is another noun in the possessive case. This noun is expressed by an apostrophe - ' or an apostrophe with an ending - ' s :

The bird's cage is too small - The bird has a very small cage
Jack’s car is really old - Jack's car is very old

Rule # 2: The indefinite article is used only with singular nouns:

I have a dog - I have a dog
This is a window - This window

Formally, the following exceptions do not contradict this rule, but there are a couple of ways to talk about the plural using the indefinite article.

Exception # 2.1: The easiest way is to use the following quantitative numbers, for example, a hundred hundred , a thousand thousand , a million million , a billion billion , as well as nouns with the lexical meaning of the number a dozen dozen and a score two tens :

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one – ,
He found an amazing girlfriend she’s one in a million – ,

Exception # 2.2: Use the indefinite pronouns a few and a little . They both translate as little, but enough . A few is used with countable nouns, a little - with uncountable.

Attention! If the words amplifiers only only and just just appear before these indefinite pronouns , then a few and a little will mean little and not enough . The same meaning can be achieved by removing the words amplifiers and the indefinite article.

There are a few slices of cake left over from the party - After the party there are a few pieces of cake left (but this is enough for us)
She has a little money to spend - She has a little money (but she has enough of this amount)

Exception # 2.3: Use a pair pair , a couple pair , a group group , a team team :

The company is run by a pair of brothers - The company is managed by two brothers
She's part of a team of scientists who are engaged on cancer research - She is part of a group of scientists who research cancer

Exception # 2.4: Use phrases with the pretext of : a lot of large , a large number of many , a good / great deal of many (with uncountable nouns) :

She spends a good deal of her time in China - She spends a lot of time in China.
There were a lot of people there. - There were a lot of people.

Rule # 3: The indefinite article is used with nouns to indicate belonging to a class of objects, persons or phenomena:

A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years - Clever in seven years will not answer questions that (any) fool asks in one hour.
The measure of a man is what he does with power - (any) A person is characterized by his attitude to power

Exception # 3.1: A definite article is also used with nouns in a generic sense:

The cat is a small, furry animal with four legs and a tail - (any) The cat is a small fluffy animal with four legs and a tail
The donut is a small, circular cake, fried in hot fat, either with a hole in the middle or filled with jam - (any) A donut is a small round pie fried in oil with a hole in the middle or with jam filling

Exception # 3.2: The null article is used with abstract nouns and uncountable nouns in a generic sense:

Patience helps people hold back such negative emotions as anger , anxiety , grief or fear - Patience helps people restrain such negative emotions as anger, anxiety, sadness or fear.
Water is all liquid above 0 o C - (all) temperature above 0 o C.

Rule # 4: The indefinite article is used with nouns denoting a profession or position:

My daughter is a student - My daughter student
Emilie is an actress - Emily actress

Exception # 4.1: A certain article is used before the names of professions or positions, if you need to specify the person we are talking about:

You might be a doctor, but I am the Doctor . The original, you might say - You can be a doctor, but I'm the same Doctor. You can say the first. ( Doctor Who )
Meet the fireman who saved 11 people from blazing building - Greet the fireman who saved 11 people from the blazing building

Exception # 4.2: The zero article is used before the names of professions, positions and other nouns when they act as a reference:

Nice to meet you, detective! β€œNice to meet you, detective!”
Dude , where's my car? - Where's my car, man? ( imdb )

The definite article in English

Rule # 1: The definite article is used before ordinal numbers, for example, the first first , the second second , the third third , the fourth fourth , the fifth fifth :

I'm reading the second chapter now - Now I am reading the second chapter
This is the fifth day of our conference - The fifth day of our conference is coming

Exception # 1.1: The indefinite article is placed before the word second in the value of one or the other :

Can I have a second cup of tea? β€œMay I have another cup of tea?”
Plenty of dogs in the shelter need a second chance at a quiet life with a family - Many dogs left in the shelter need a second chance for a quiet life in the family

Exception # 1.2: The zero article is used before ordinal numbers when we talk about a list of tasks or steps to be performed:

First, put toothpaste on your toothbrush. Second, put the toothbrush in your mouth. Last, brush your teeth – . . ,
Learning is quite simple. First, open a book. Next, read. Last, repeat as often as necessary – . . . , ,

Exception # 1.3: The zero article is used before ordinal numbers with words that mean awards, prizes and prizes, for example, first prize main prize , second prize second prize , third prize third prize , first place first place , second place second place , third place third place , etc .:

Man wins first prize in lottery for 3 years in a row - A man wins the main prize in the lottery for three consecutive years.
Second place is just the first loser - Being second means being the first among the losers.

Exception # 1.4: The zero article is used if possessive pronouns are preceded by ordinal numbers:

Pop singer Ariana Grande won her first Grammy Award last year - Last year pop singer Ariana Grande won her first Grammy
Yesterday the company announced its first ever fall in profits - Yesterday, for the first time in its history, the company announced a decrease in net profit

Rule # 2: The definite article is used with a noun, before which are the following adjectives following the next , the former's former , for last the past , the latter the last (of the above) , main main , next next , only a single , for LEO previous previous , right right , Same | the well , wrong wrong .

For example, the last train last train, The main: idea main idea , the next station the next stop , the only love and only love , the right choice the right choice , the strategy Same | t and same strategy :

I know a lot of people who've had the same problem - I know a lot of people who faced a similar problem
You are the only person I can tell about it - You are the only one I can tell about this

Exception # 2.1: Zero article is used, if before nouns, expressing temporal value, are the adjectives next future , for last the last .

For example, next ( last ) year in the next (last) year , next ( last ) month in the next (last) month , next ( last ) week in the next (last) week , next ( last ) autumn next (last) autumn , next( last ) Halloween the next (last) Halloween , next ( last ) time the next (last) time :

I dressed up as a clown last Halloween - For the last Halloween I dressed up as a clown
I plan to travel around the world next year - I plan to start traveling around the world next year

Rule # 3: The definite article is used before the names of nationalities in general, which do not have the plural form. Nationalities ending in - sh , - ese , - ch , - ss do not have the plural form. They need to be remembered, because in Russian we still pronounce them in the plural.

- sh : the Briti sh British , the Engli sh British , the Iri sh Irish , the Scotti sh Scots , the Spani sh Spaniards ,the Wel sh Vali

- ese : the Chin ese Chinese , the Japan ese Japanese , the Malt ese Maltese , the Portugu ese Portuguese , the Taiwan ese Taiwanese , the Vietnam ese Vietnamese

- ch : the Fren ch French , the Dut ch Dutch

- ss : the Swi ss Swiss

Many of the British wounded later died - Many of the wounded British later passed away.
The Japanese make excellent cars - Japanese make excellent cars

Exception # 3.1: Zero article is used before the national titles, which have a plural form, for example, Russians Russian , the Italians Italians , Canadians , Canadians , the Brazilians Brazilians , Cubans Cubans , Australians , Australians , Mexicans Mexicans , South Africans South Africans , etc .:

The majority of ethnic Russians live in the Russian Federation - Most ethnic Russians live in the Russian Federation
Canadians don't mind cold weather - Canadians have nothing against cold weather

Exception # 3.2: If the word people appears before the name of a nationality , then you can use either the zero article or a specific one. The second method is more formal.

(The) Brazilian people are very hospitable - The Brazilians are very hospitable
(The) Swiss people enjoy a high standard of living - The Swiss enjoy a high standard of living

Exception # 3.3: If we use the name of the nationality in the singular, then an indefinite article is put, for example, a Dane Dane (Danish) , an Englishman ( an Englishwoman ) Englishman (Englishwoman) , a Frenchman ( a Frenchwoman ) Frenchman (Frenchwoman) , a German German (German) , a Japanese Japanese (Japanese) , a Russian Russian (Russian) , etc .:

I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien. I'm an Englishman in New York - I am a foreigner, I am a legal foreigner. I am Englishman in New York ( Sting )
Yesterday I met a German in the downtown - Yesterday I met a German in the center

Rule # 4: The definitive article is used in superlative comparisons of adjectives, for example, the most beautiful is the prettiest , the hottest is the hottest , the best is the best , the worst is the worst , etc .:

You've chosen the most dangerous way - You have chosen the most dangerous path.
It is the deepest lake in the world - This is the deepest lake in the world.

Exception # 4.1: We can use the indefinite article before the word most , in superlative degree. In this case, such a turnover will be translated as β€œ very ” or β€œ one of ”:

You are a most friendly and helpful person - You are one of the friendliest and most helpful people
A most wanted man - One of the most dangerous people ( The most dangerous person )

Exception # 4.2: Use the zero article before the word most when you are talking about large groups of people:

Most people who lose weight regain it in a very short time - Most people who lose their weight soon gain it.
Most doctors will charge a consultation fee that is paid on the day of your initial visit - Most doctors charge a consultation fee per day your first visit

Rule # 5: The definite article is used before the name of museums, art galleries, monuments, unique buildings, theaters, concert halls, trains, for example, the Bolshoi Theater The Bolshoi Theater , the British Museum The British Museum , the Kremlin Kremlin , the Louvre Museum Louvre , the National Gallery London National Gallery , the Orient Express Orient Express , the Royal Opera House Royal Opera House (Covent Garden) , the State Tretyakov Gallery State Tretyakov Gallery ,the White House White House etc .:

On Murder's the Orient Express - Murder on the Orient Express ( Agatha of Christie )
of The National Gallery is an art museum The in of Trafalgar Square then in the City of Westminster, in Central London - London National Gallery is an art museum on Trafalgar Square in Westminster, in central London

Exception # 5.1: If the name is given in honor of a certain person and ends with - s or - 's , then put the zero article:

I know it might be strange, but I like to go to McDonald's twice a week - I know this may seem strange, but I like to go to McDonald's twice a week
Book an appointment, to open your account in one of Lloyds Bank branches - Make an appointment to open an account at any of Lloyds bank branches

Rule # 6: The definite article is used before the names of the following astronomical objects: the Sun sun , the Moon moon , the Milky Way Milky Way , the Universe universe , the Northern Star North Star :

The Moon is an astronomical body orbiting Earth as its only natural satellite – – ,
The captain checked the position of the Northern Star to determine the location of his ship – ,

Exception # 6.1: The zero article is used before the names of planets and stars, for example, Mercury Mercury , Venus Venus , Earth Earth , Mars Mars , Jupiter Jupiter , Saturn Saturn , Uranus Uranus , Neptune Neptune :

Jupiter is more than twice as massive than the other planets of our solar system combined – ,
Mars is a dusty, cold, desert world with a very thin atmosphere – –

Rule # 7: The definite article is used before the names of deserts and valleys, for example, the's Gobi Desert Gobi desert , the Mojave Desert Mojave Desert , the Sahara Sahara , the Nile Valley of the Nile Valley , the Valley of Mexico Valley of Mexico , the Valley of the of Sun Solar valley :

There is very little water in the Sahara - There is very little water in the Sahara Desert
The Phoenix Metropolitan area is known as the Valley of the Sun , because at least 300 days of the year the sun will be shinning - The outskirts of the city of Phoenix are known as the Sun Valley because the sun shines there for at least 300 days a year

Exception # 7.1: Zero article is used in front of the following valleys: Death Valley Death Valley and Silicon Valley Silicon Valley :

Death Valley is one of the hottest places in the world along with deserts in the Middle East –
Should you move to Silicon Valley to kickstart your career? – , ?

Rule # 8: The definite article is used before the name of the peninsula, in the name of which contains the word peninsula , for example, the Alaska You The Peninsula Alaska Peninsula , the The Peninsula Arabia Arabian Peninsula , the Balkan is The Peninsula Balkan Peninsula , the The Peninsula Scandinavian Scandinavian Peninsula :

The Iberian Peninsula is a stopover for the birds migrating from northern Europe to Africa - The Iberian Peninsula is the stopping place for birds migrating from northern Europe to Africa
The 11 countries lying on the Balkan Peninsula are called the Balkan states or just the Balkans - 11 countries, located on the Balkan Peninsula are called the Balkan countries or simply the Balkans

Exception # 8.1: The zero article is used before peninsula names without the word peninsula , for example, Alaska Alaska , Arabia Arabian Peninsula , Labrador Labrador , Iberian Iberian Peninsula :

Kamchatka is extremely geologically active and has numerous volcanoes, geysers, hot springs and even a lake of acid - Kamchatka is an extremely geologically active region with many volcanoes, geysers, hot springs and even acid lake
Labrador is bounded by the Hudson Bay to the west, the Hudson Strait to the north, the Labrador Sea to the east, and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence to the southeast - Labrador is surrounded by the Hudson Bay in the west, the Hudson Channel in the north, the Labrador Sea in the east and St. Lawrence Bay in the south east

The zero article in English

Rule # 1: The null article is used before uncountable nouns:

Money is on the table –
Please contact our agent in Spain for further information – , ,

Exception # 1.1: The indefinite article is used before uncountable nouns when they go into countable nouns: copper copper , a copper small coin .

We also use the indefinite article when we omit the meaning of a species, variety or portion from uncountable nouns: a coffee cup of coffee , a drawing drawing , a glass glass , a hair hair , an iron iron , a memory memory , a milkshake milkshake , a paper newspaper ,a tea glass of tea , a water bottle of water , a work creation , etc .:

Sex and a coffee are two best morning habits to start your day off right - Sex and a cup of coffee are the two best morning habits to start a good weekend.
I read about this traffic accident in a paper - I read about this accident in some the newspaper

Exception # 1.2: The indefinite article is used with uncountable nouns used as countable, adjectives that stand for state, feeling, emotions and mental activity: a continuous happiness lasting happiness , a deep distrust deep distrust , a deep faith strong faith , a good education good education , a good health good health , a great help great help , a great success great success , a strong necessity strong need ,a surprising understanding amazing understanding :

I need a good sleep - I need a good night's sleep
That child shows a surprising understanding of adult behavior - This child shows an amazing understanding of how adults behave

Rule # 2: The zero article is used when we talk about playing sports (sorry for the tautology):

My grandfather likes to play chess - My grandfather likes to play chess
I used to play football every weekend - I used to play soccer every weekend

Exception # 2.1: Use the definite article when we talk about playing musical instruments.

Attention! In American English, a certain article may be omitted to play guitar , instead of to play the guitar .

Her son plays the guitar in a rock band - Her son plays the guitar in a rock band
I can't play the piano - I can't play the piano

Rule # 3: The zero article is put before a comparative degree of adjectives, for example, bigger is bigger , faster is faster , more comfortable is more convenient , less graceful is less graceful , etc .:

Sooner or later God'll cut you down - One day (sooner or later) God will stop you ( Johnny Cash )
Work it, make it, do it. Makes us harder , better , faster , stronger - Work, create, create. It makes us stronger, better, faster, stronger ( Daft Punk or Kanye West )

Exception # 3.1: The definite article is often used with a comparative degree of adjectives when we compare two things or two people, for example, the bigger of the two is the largest of the two , etc .:

Clara and Melinda are both smart. But I think Clara is the smarter of the two - Clara and Melinda are both smart. But I think that Clara is the smartest of the two
Between Bruno's son and his daughter, his daughter is the better artist - If you compare the son and daughter Bruno, then his daughter is the best artist

Exception # 3.2: Use the definite article with two comparative adjectives:

The earlier , the better - The sooner the better
The longer you stay up, the more tired you get - The longer you stay awake, the more you get tired

Rule # 4: The zero article is used before first and last names:

Bond . James Bond - Bond. James Bond
Robert Downey Jr. has evolved into one of the most respected actors in Hollywood - Robert Downey Jr turned into one of the most revered actors in Hollywood

Exception # 4.1: Use the indefinite article in front of first and last names in the meaning of β€œ some ” or β€œ some ”:

Today a strange man was looking for a Johnson in our company - Today a strange man was looking in our company for one Johnson
A Mr. Brown keeps calling you again and again - a certain Mr. Brown calls you again and again

Exception # 4.2: Use the definite article in front of first and last names with the meaning β€œ the same ”:

Are you the Oliver who stole my car? β€œAre you the very Oliver who stole my car?”
Is it the Johnson who played a leading role in Hobbs & Shaw? - This is the same Johnson, who played a major role in the film Hobbs and Shaw?

Exception # 4.3: Use the zero article if the first and last name is preceded by a noun describing a title or rank, rank or position, a common form of address, or a word describing kinship.

title or rank: count Count , a king king , by lord Lord , of prince , Prince , a queen queen

rank or position: colonel , Colonel , MINISTER minister , president , President , professor professor , senator Senator

conventional forms of treatment: mister mister , missis Mrs , miss Miss

words describing family ties: aunt aunt , cousin cousin , reply uncle uncle

Was King Arthur actually a real person, or simply a hero of Celtic mythology? β€œDid King Arthur really exist, or is he just a hero of Celtic mythology?”
β€œ Uncle Sam wants you!” That's what Americans read on posters during World War II - β€œUncle Sam needs you! β€œThat's what Americans saw on posters during World War II.”

Exception # 4.4: Use a specific article if the name has a nickname, for example, Ivan the Terrible Ivan the Terrible , Peter the Great Peter the Great , Richard the Lionheart Richard the Lionheart , William the Conqueror William the Conqueror , etc .:

Was Richard the Lionheart a good king? β€œCan it be said that Richard the Lionheart was a good king?”
At the age of eight, William the Conqueror became duke of Normandy and later King of England - At the age of eight, William the Conqueror became duke of Normandy , and later king of England

Exception # 4.5: Use the definite article before the surname in the plural to talk about the whole family:

The Johnsons were living in a small house in the country - The Johnsons were living in a small house outside the city
The Millers don't have any dogs or cats - The Millers have no cats or dogs

Rule # 5: The null article is used before the names of countries, states, cities, provinces and villages, for example California California , France France , Italy Italy , London London , Paris Paris , Wales Wales , etc .:

Paris is the capital of France - Paris is the capital of France.
They want us to move to Ohio ?! The home state of eight people who became president just so they didn't have to stay living there! β€œAre they moving us to Ohio?” 8 people became presidents just to leave from there! ( Gumball )

Exception # 5.1: Use the article before the following exceptions: the Congo Congo , the Hague The Hague , the Netherlands Netherlands , the Philippines Philippines , the Vatican Vatican :

The Hague is a city in the province of South Holland in the Netherlands – ,
The President had an audience with the Pope in the Vatican –

Exception # 5.2: Use the specific article before the names of countries that contain one of the following words: emirate , federation , kingdom , republic , state , union , for example, the Kingdom of Thailand Kingdom of Thailand , the Republic of Belarus Republic of Belarus , the Russian Federation Russian Federation , the Soviet Union Soviet Union , The United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates , the United States of America United States of America:

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – , ,
The United Arab Emirates avoided trade protectionism policies and restriction of free trade –

Exception # 5.3: Use the article in front of the official names of states, provinces and cities, for example California - the State of California California - State , Quebec - the Province of Quebec Quebec - Quebec , San Francisco - the City of San Francisco San Francisco - the city ​​of San Francisco , etc .:

The state of California wired almost a half-billion dollars to a company that had been in business for just three days – ,
By 1905, Canada had 9 provinces and 2 territories, including the Province of Quebec, which occupied the north-east of North America – 1905 9 2 , , -

Rule # 6: The null article is used with nouns denoting food intake, for example breakfast breakfast , lunch lunch , dinner dinner , when we talk about food in general:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
What are you going to have for lunch today? β€œWhat are you going to eat for lunch?”

Exception # 6.1: Use the indefinite article with these nouns if they have an adjective describing the meal:

The University of Manchester researchers have found out why people tend to nap after a heavy lunch - Researchers from the University of Manchester found out why after a hearty lunch a person is overcome by a nap.
It was a very tasty dinner - It was a very tasty dinner

Exception # 6.2: Use the specific article if you mean the food itself or the context makes it clear what kind of food intake is in question:

Don't burn yourself, the dinner is hot! - Do not burn yourself, dinner is hot!
The breakfast was really tasty! Thank you, Sue - Breakfast was amazingly delicious! Thank you Sue

Rule # 7: The null article is used before the names of languages, for example, English English , French French , German German , etc .:

English is hard - English - difficult language
Amanda wants to learn French - Amanda wants to learn French

Exception # 7.1: If the word language immediately follows the language name , use a specific article, for example, the English language English , the French language French , the German language German, etc.:

The English language is hard -
Amanda wants to learn the French language - Amanda wants to learn French

Rule # 8: The zero article is used before the name of the disease and state of health. Most diseases in English uncountable, e.g., hypertension hypertension , arthritis arthritis , appendicitis appendicitis , asthma asthma , pneumonia Pneumonia :

My grandfather had arthritis - My grandfather had arthritis
Have you had appendicitis ? - Did you have appendicitis removed?

Exception # 8.1: Use the definite article before the measles measles , the mumps mumps , the flu flu , the creeps goosebumps , the bubonic plague bubonic plague :

You give me the creeps - I got goosebumps from you
Emily is at home with the flu - Emily stayed home because of the flu

You can also come across these words with a zero article:

Children are vaccinated against measles and mumps –
She's very hot and shivery, so I think she must have flu – , , ,

Exception # 8.2: Before most diseases containing the following words ache , pain , growth , attack , you can use either the indefinite or certain articles, for example, a cold cold , a sore throat sore throat (sore throat) , a headache headache , a heart attack heart attack , a stroke stroke :

I had a headache last night. The headache was terrible – () .
Miranda had a heart attack. The heart attack seriously weakened her heart – .

Attention! In British English toothache tooth pain , an earache pain in the ears , a stomachache stomach ache , backache back pain are most often used with uncountable and zero article. And in American English, these words are plural, so they require an indefinite article.

Love isn't as bad as a toothache - (GB) Love is not as scary as a toothache
Love isn't as bad as a toothache - (US) Love is not as scary as a toothache

On this, perhaps, I will finish. Of course, there are other rules and exceptions that I have not mentioned. If you want, you can write about them in the comments. And remember, only he who does nothing is not mistaken.

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