Secrets of synchronizing the electromagnetic fields of the Earth and a living organism

The human body is a very complex mechanism, the work of which depends not only on the integrity of the parts, but also on the influence of external factors. We often hear the wording “weather sensitivity”, “joints hurt in the weather”, “spleen in the rain”, etc. At first glance, all this seems not very scientific, but you should never reject non-standard options for explaining something. There is always a connection between the work of the system and the environment surrounding it, one way or another. The question is how it manifests itself and how to prove it. Today we will meet with you a study in which scientists from the University of Tel Aviv first revealed evidence of a connection between the activity of the electric field of a living organism and the electric field of the environment. How exactly is the relationship of electric fieldswhy is it needed and where did it come from? We learn about this from the report of scientists. Go.

The authors of the study indicate that one of the most difficult questions in biology is the determination of the origin of oscillations of the electric field in the range of extremely low frequencies. One of the most amazing features of this mystery is the fact that many species of organisms (vertebrates and invertebrates) exhibit the same low-frequency electrical activity, regardless of their brain size, brain complexity, or even the presence of a cortex. In other words, a person, a dog, a cat and a raven, for example, have virtually the same electrical activity.

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More specifically, zooplankton living in the oceans exhibits electrical activity with a peak at 7 and 14 Hz ( 1a ). Larger vertebrates and invertebrates (sea lion, snake, shark and octopus; 1b) also show spectra that occur mainly below 50 Hz. In humans, indicators also do not exceed 50 Hz ( 1s ). Interestingly, in most species, the dominant peak in activity is 8 Hz. Of course, there are differences in the electromagnetic activity of different species, but there are many similarities.

One of the most obvious differences is the amplitude of the spectra, which differs in different classes of vertebrates. Moreover, the highest amplitudes are found in mammals. Vertebrates almost always have a maximum of 5 to 15 Hz, which drops at higher frequencies by about half for each octave * to about 1/10 at 100 Hz.
Octave * - in this case it is a logarithmic unit of relations between frequencies, when one octave corresponds to a doubling of the frequency. For example, a frequency greater than one octave from 40 Hz is 80 Hz.
Most of the electrical activity in people occurs in the frequency range below 50 Hz with this distribution according to the type of waves:

  • alpha waves (8–13 Hz) are deep relaxation, meditation and stress relief;
  • beta waves (14–25 Hz) represent a normal anxious mental state;
  • gamma waves (30-100 Hz) associated with perception and consciousness; delta waves (0.5–4 Hz) represent deep sleep;
  • theta waves (4–8 Hz) represent the creative abilities and dream states.

The wave activity of the brain is limited to certain modes depending on the activity of the subject, and therefore only certain rhythms are observed at each moment of time. Here we can add the fact that the nature of the spectrum can vary depending on physical and mental activity. Studies of the human brain have shown that alpha waves are dominant when a person is in a state of deep rest. If the halotane content (anesthetic) in the body rises, the brain activity shifts from normal alpha signals of 10 Hz to the predominant signal at 7–8 Hz (graph below).

Image No. 2

Scientists suggest that primitive life forms on our planet demonstrate a state close to the state of "deep peace". That is, they show a spectrum closer to that on the graph higher than the normal alpha spectrum close to 10 Hz.

Do not forget that the human brain often exhibits increased activity of about 26 Hz ( 1c ), which is close to the frequency of the fourth Schumann resonance mode * .

Schumann Resonance * is the phenomenon of the formation of standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.

Winfried Otto Schumann
Back in 1952, the German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann (1888-1974) stated the theory: given the high conductivity of the Earth and the ionosphere, the Earth-ionosphere space should have a kind of resonance of electromagnetic waves.

Schumann calculated that these harmonic standing waves should be in the range of extremely low frequencies. Assuming that resonance exists without loss (without absorption in the ionosphere), he predicted that the first mode of resonant frequencies should occur at 10 Hz. Already in 1960, Balzer and Wagner made the first spectral measurements, which showed that resonant frequencies occur at about 8, 14, 20, 26, ... Hz due to partial absorption of the ionosphere.

The source of these Schumann resonance waves is global thunderstorm activity, and electromagnetic waves are emitted from lightning channels with some vertical component of charge transfer.

At these frequencies, there is very little attenuation in the atmosphere (0.1 dB / mm or 1 dB per 10,000 km). Therefore, waves of extremely low frequencies from lightning at any point on the planet are able to propagate to any other place due to the natural waveguide formed by the ionosphere and the Earth's surface. The constructive interference of these radio waves as they move around the Earth (40,075 km) leads to the appearance of standing waves and their harmony (λ ~ nc / 40,000), known as Schumann resonances.

Image No. 3

Considering that from 50 to 100 lightning occurs every second on the planet, the background Schumann resonance field is constantly present in the atmosphere (graph above).

The Schumann resonance spectrum varies in amplitude and frequency depending on the time of day, time of year and relative location on Earth compared with thunderstorm regions. At the moment, it is known that most of the thunderstorm activity occurs over tropical land areas (Southeast Asia, Southeast Africa and South America) and only 10% of global thunderstorm activity occurs in the oceans.

At distances exceeding several thousand kilometers from a thunderstorm, an electromagnetic field consists mainly of a horizontal magnetic field and a vertical electric field. Due to the modal structure of standing Schumann resonance waves and the orthogonality of the electric and magnetic fields, Schumann resonance at a distance of 10,000 km from the tropics will show a maximum at 8 Hz for a magnetic field, but at least at 8 Hz for an electric field. The opposite situation will be observed at a distance of 20,000 km from the thunderstorm region.

The ratio of the amplitudes of the various Schumann resonance modes changes as the distance from the source to the observer changes. Consequently, the Schumann resonance spectra will not be the same in all places, even if the global thunderstorm activity is constant throughout the entire observation period.

The eruption of the Colima volcano (Mexico) in 2017 (photographer: Sergio Tapiro / Sergio Tapiro).

Schumann's resonance, although it was discovered in the middle of the last century, has existed on the planet since the formation of the atmosphere and ionosphere. Initially, the atmosphere was created by the evolution of gas from volcanoes. Even today, one can observe how volcanic eruptions are accompanied by lightning. However, natural atmospheric convection on the early Earth would also lead to the electrification of clouds and the formation of lightning strikes. The ionosphere, and therefore the waveguide, necessary to create Schumann resonance, is supported by solar radiation colliding with atoms and molecules in our upper atmosphere, producing ions and free electrons, which lead to the reflection of electromagnetic waves in the extremely low frequency range.

Therefore, the researchers conclude, Schumann resonances exist on our planet from the very beginning of life, or at least for more than 2-3 million years.

And here the most interesting begins, because there is an amazing similarity between the observed frequencies of the Schumann resonance and the electrical activity of organisms. Scientists are wondering if this is a mere coincidence or whether there is still some kind of previously unnoticed connection. Earlier, they tried to answer this question by conducting experiments with people, birds and even flies. However, the answer was not very intelligible, because modern scientists decided to analyze past experience and, possibly, supplement it with their own discoveries.

Research Results (Past and Present)

So, we already know that thunderstorm activity and, therefore, Schumann resonance have existed on Earth since time immemorial, i.e. billions of years. Due to this, the natural background field of extremely low frequencies was maintained throughout the planet. This natural field has a certain maximum frequency with a fundamental mode of about 8 Hz.

Knowing this, can one ask a question about whether biological species could use this natural field to train their own systems? It turns out that it’s not only possible, but it is also necessary to ask this question.

Among the many non-linear effects in nature, synchronization is a phenomenon that is probably most often observed in many different systems. Synchronization is the relationship between two objects that fluctuate in time. Synchronization occurs when there is a fixed phase relationship between two objects.

In the 17th century, Christian Huygens (1629–1695) was the first to discover the effect of synchronization. He noted that the pendulum clock, hanging on a common support, in time passes into a state of phase synchronization, that is, the oscillations of their pendulums begin to coincide.

A pair of pendulum clocks on a common support and a portrait of Christian Huygens.

Between the objects should be some kind of connection, which leads to their synchronization. In the case of watches, this connection was weak vibrations transmitted through the wall (common support) from one watch to another.

Synchronization of seven metronomes, showing the observations of Christian Huygens.

The synchronization effect is present in many systems. For example, in biological systems, synchronization can be present at the microscopic level in cell populations, in single neurons, in large neural networks, in the dynamics of human cardio-respiratory development, and even in the collective behavior of individual organisms.

Therefore, synchronization is a self-organization mechanism in complex systems, significantly reducing the degree of freedom of the system due to interaction with the environment or interaction between subsystems.

The classical theory of synchronization operates with the so-called self-sustaining periodic oscillators. If an external periodic force of the corresponding amplitude and frequency acts on the autonomous generator, the system oscillations will be synchronized in phase with the external signal. Therefore, synchronization can be more specifically defined as phase and frequency synchronization.

From this definition the theory of researchers grows. Scientists believe that during the evolution of biological systems could be synchronized in phase with the background electric fields of the atmosphere, determined by Schumann resonances. During evolution, especially in its early stages, Schumann resonance was the only constant electromagnetic field available for such synchronization.

In addition, given that early life forms originated in the oceans, it should be noted that waves of extremely low frequencies with a planetary wavelength can penetrate hundreds of meters into the photic zone of the oceans (the upper water column illuminated by the sun).

The penetration depth through the skin for electromagnetic waves is defined as:
d ~ 503 * sqrt (1 / f * σ)
where σ is the conductivity (S / m, i.e. siemens per meter); f is the frequency in Hz.

For sea water (σ = 3.3 S / m) and blood (σ = 0.7 S / m), the penetration depth of an electromagnetic wave (8 Hz) is approximately 100 m and 210 m, respectively.

This implies that organisms in the photic zone in seawater (up to 100 m depth) will sense Schumann resonance waves and that the interiors of the organisms will be affected by field amplitudes similar to those found in the atmosphere. Therefore, organisms in the oceans are constantly exposed to Schumann resonance fields.

Although the idea of ​​stochastic synchronization sounds attractive, Schumann's resonant fields in the atmosphere are extremely small. The amplitude of the magnetic fields is measured in picothesla (1 pT = 10 -12Tesla), which is 10 million times weaker than the quasistatic geomagnetic field of the Earth, while electric fields are measured in mV / m. Even with stochastic synchronization, how can such small atmospheric fields affect biological systems?

Stochastic resonance occurs when a nonlinear system is exposed to a weak periodic signal that is usually not detected, but it becomes detectable due to the resonance phenomenon between stochastic noise and a weak deterministic periodic signal.

Earlier studies of stochastic resonance showed that an increase in the background noise level often led to an increase in the output signal strength.

The noise may be random or systematic. Usually noise is perceived as interference associated with the transmission and detection of signals. However, stochastic resonance implies the opposite. In fact, adding the appropriate amount of noise can amplify the signal and therefore help in detecting it in a noisy environment.

By adjusting the amplitude of external noise to the internal properties of the system, the mechanism of periodic excitation and external noise can interact with each other, transferring energy from the noise spectrum to a single frequency that is consistent with the signal. This interaction between external noise and the signal can lead to a clear maximum in the power spectrum of the output signal, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. However, the amplitude of the noise is also important, and if the noise is too large, the signal will be disturbed.

The authors of the study suggest that fields of extremely low frequencies and Schumann resonances caused by lightning can act as “noise” used by biological systems through the phenomenon of stochastic resonance. This constant source of noise during millions of years of evolution could influence the development of biological systems, and to a large extent determine the electrical activity of organisms.

We know that experiments were once conducted with people who were supposed to confirm the above theory. So in 1973, an experiment was conducted with circadian rhythms (human biological rhythm with a period of 24 hours). Two identical rooms were built underground, where there were no windows and doors, from which it was impossible to visually determine the time of day. A volunteer was placed in each of the rooms, who lived in such conditions for about a month. Scientists tracked activity (sleep and wakefulness) and body temperature of participants in the experiment.

These variables are fairly predictable when a person can see the change of day and night. However, in conditions where there are no visual signals, the biological clock of the subjects began to “stretch” the day to 25, 26, and even up to 27 hours (the graph below: the X axis is the hour of the day, the Y axis is the day of the month).

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In the first week of the experiment, the biological clock observed in the subjects changed to 26.6 hours per day. Then, in one of the rooms, during the second week, an electric field generator with a frequency of 10 Hz was continuously turned on. The biological clock apparently stabilized and tried to return to a normal daily rhythm (a decrease of up to 25.8 hours was observed). A week later, the field was turned off, and the biological clock repeatedly began to deviate from the real daily rhythm to 36.7 hours per day.

Meanwhile, the biological clock of the second test subject, which was not exposed to an external electric field, remained stable for all three weeks.

This experiment was repeated, but with the participation of birds. The results were similar to those observed in humans - there were changes in circadian rhythms due to the influence of an electrical signal of 10 Hz.

The use of precisely 10 Hz rather than 8 Hz is due to the fact that Schumann himself initially believed that the resonance of extremely low frequencies should be exactly 10 Hz, since the ionosphere has no errors in reflection. This, of course, is not so, because it was necessary to use 8 Hz, or rather 7.8 Hz - the true frequency of the first mode.

In 2016, an even more unusual experiment was conducted, in which rats with spinal cord injuries took part. The experimental rats were exposed to a magnetic field of two different frequencies: 15.72 (twice the first Schumann resonance mode) and 26 Hz (fourth Schumann resonance mode).

Magnetic fields were applied 8 minutes a day, 5 days a week for one month. The next month, the exposure time was increased to 20 minutes per day, 5 days a week.

In general, rats from both groups showed significantly faster recovery compared to rats from the control group where no magnetic field was applied. In the case of the field at 15.72 Hz, the restoration reached its limit after 60 days of observation, but in the case of 26 Hz the restoration continued (graph below).

Image No. 5 In

addition, the same experiment was performed on rats with stroke. In this case, the best results for the restoration showed frequencies of 0.5 x 7.8 Hz and 2 x 7.8 Hz.

The above experiments are an important historical experience for setting up modern experiments that take into account all the accumulated knowledge in this field.

The authors of the study we are considering today have analyzed the effect of 7.8 Hz magnetic fields on myocytes (muscle cells) of the rat heart. The magnetic field affected cells aged 3-4 days.

Observations were carried out in several stages. At the first stage, scientists simply observed spontaneous mechanical contractions of heart cells (with and without a magnetic field) using an optical microscope. The second stage was devoted to the observation of spontaneous transients with Ca + . The third stage is the study of cell damage due to stress caused by hypoxia or the addition of H 2 O 2 .

Within 30–40 minutes after the application of the magnetic field, the spontaneous contractions ceased, and the transition processes along Ca + decreased by 80%. The most interesting thing is that the magnetic field reduced damage caused by stress by about 40% compared with the control group.

This may indicate that the external Schumann resonance fields play the role of a protective membrane of cells in a state of stress.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the nuances of the study, I recommend that you look into the report of scientists .


The authors do not hide the fact that their work can be called provocative. To some it will seem strange and devoid of logic, and to some it will be revolutionary. And here it is difficult to choose one position, since the aspects of science considered in the work are extremely reluctant to reveal their secrets, from which studies based on them are extremely difficult to judge objectively.

Nevertheless, there is no denying the existence of a connection between external electromagnetic fields and the work of biological systems, that is, living organisms.

Researchers believe that living organisms that have lived on Earth for millions of years have evolved under the influence of external forces, such as Schumann resonance. Therefore, these external forces in one way or another could affect the process of evolution.

The main objective of their research, scientists call not only an understanding of the interaction of living organisms and the environment, but also the ability to improve medicine. Of course, one cannot unconditionally note the fact that the magnetic field acting on the rat with spinal cord injury gave a positive result. On the other hand, scientists do not deny that they still have a lot to learn in order to fully control the forces that existed on planet Earth long before the appearance of man.

Thank you for your attention, remain curious and have a good working week, guys. :)

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