Why has IPv6 still not taken off. IPv6 User Case Studies and Survey

As they often say, β€œthe best enemy of the good” - but we still believe in the best and sometimes get up and down several times on the same rake. But it all started so well, when a couple of years ago in one manual for the new version of the application server, I found very persistent (everything will work faster and better) recommendations for implementing IPv6 for the correct and efficient operation of the system on the new protocol. And since I respect the manuals with respect, it says - done, and the network is configured with a new protocol and an installed application server - everything really worked quickly and correctly. But then everything went wrong ...


A couple of weeks passed and since many organizations had the V6 protocol turned off in that organization, there were almost no glitches. But then, a colleague set up something in the router and everything stopped working in accounting. And since it was not clear what was wrong, I set up the router (Mikrotik) again, but without IPv6. Everything worked perfectly. I wrote off everything to my colleague’s curvature and continued to believe in the bright future of IPv6 and therefore set it up for my site on the hosting and successfully verified it, left it to work there.

. IPv6, " ". , , , IPv6, Skype for business. β€” c, " " β€” IPv6. IPv4 β€” , . , IPv4, ( IPv6). MS , IPv6 . , IPv6 β€” . .

, DMARC , , , . IPv6. V6, (mikrotik) netassist, IPv4, β€” ua-opt.com , DNS . β€” " " . , 2-3 10 , β€” IPv6, " " . β€” " " . , … IPv6 , β€” " " 5 , Hurricane Electric, ( ), . . ! , ping β€” β€” . β€” IPv6 . IPv6 , . SSL! V6, HTTPS. Let's Encrypt v6 , β€” . β€” Nginx 443(ssl). β€” 100% β€” IPv6 . β€” , v6 , "" . … .

β€” IP v6 v4, v6, v6 β€” v4? MS , v4, c v6 v4 v4. , v6? v6 … β€” β€” , , . .

SSL β€” , . IPv6=OFF, .

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  1. IPv4. β€” IP v6 v4, v4 . v6 . ( ) . V6 , , , , , , . IPv6=Off.

  2. v6 - β€” IPv6 , , , , – . . IP v6 IP v4 .
  3. . β€” , ( , ), ( ) ,

, ! " , , , , , IPv6: - β€” … !

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