Kafka strikes back

A little over a year ago, I wrote a post here about how I got into a seemingly wonderful Swedish dream company and how one new employee managed to poison me and my teammates for six months.

Perhaps someone would be interested to know how events developed after. This post is for them.

New team, new hopes

As I already wrote, during the last year’s conflict, a lot of interesting details were revealed:

  • The conflict between Gianni (which eventually resolved) and us was not the only problem. The main problem was that our team leader Kira was not able to fire this person: every time she spoke negatively about him to his boss Kim, he did not believe her, said that we were all too sensitive in the team, and sometimes told about all of us fables to the head of all developers Swede Max.
  • Despite the fact that Kim had no idea about the development, Swede Max for the most part believed his fables. Kim did not hesitate to turn our words literally 180 degrees simply because he did not really like Kira and the support that our team members provided her.
  • Gianni had quite a few fans, mainly among people with whom he had not worked a day, but who managed to tell how incompetent we are and how talented and unhappy he is.

As a result of his dismissal, our adventures did not end. Immediately after this red day of the calendar (except for jokes, I opened the bottle of Widow Clicquot) the question arose about how we would continue to work with Kim: the situation with Gianni, like a litmus test, found that there was no trust between us and never again will be. In our team there were three more back-end and two front-end.

Support for Kira was unexpectedly provided by another level manager Kim Peter. He, as I understand it, had some scores with Kim, and Cyrus felt humanly sorry for him. It was then that everyone decided that our team was migrating along the Peter Wing. But not entirely: Kira was allowed to take with him only one application (older and less prestigious) and only two developers. The prestigious application and the remaining developers had to move to another team leader Leon: when I arrived, he and I programmed together, but then he went up the managerial ladder.

A new start in a new place

We thought for a long time who should leave and who should stay. In the end, they decided that we were going to migrate with Signor Carl, and the front-end and Sarah would remain under the leadership of Leon. We could not assume anything wrong.

We settled in a new place:

  • Reconfigured the entire devops infrastructure
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