Microsoft study: employee training is one of the key factors in introducing artificial intelligence in business

Experts argue that companies actively implementing AI [1] , significantly more invest in the training of their employees, including non-technological skills. More than 80% of such companies in Russia achieve business results from the introduction of technology, compared with 42.4% of organizations at the middle stage of implementation. This trend is characteristic of all 20 countries participating in the study. 

Microsoft  presented the  results of a large-scale international study “Artificial Intelligence and Competencies” (AI & Skills Global Research Study) [2] . Experts concluded that one of the key factors for achieving success in the implementation of AI, in addition to the technologies themselves, is the comprehensive training of employees.

84.6% of Russian companies actively using AI plan to organize or already have programs to enhance the competencies of their employees. Moreover, they are aimed not only at the development of technological skills, but also critical thinking, creativity, sociability, empathy, leadership skills, etc. 85.7% of such organizations plan to increase their investments in this field, compared with 19.2% of companies initial stage of implementation of AI.

The vast majority (81%) of the leaders of Russian companies actively implementing AI, note the business benefits of using technology, compared with 42.4% of organizations at the middle stage of implementation. Organizations actively implementing the technology more effectively use AI to optimize their operating activities (76.5% versus 68%, respectively), improve customer service (47.1% versus 24%), and also when developing new products and services (35, 3% versus 24%). 

“The current situation in the world is an unprecedented event for business of any scale and industry. The coming months will be a very important step in testing the ability of organizations to quickly adapt to new realities. Digital transformation has accelerated significantly, and we see that it is artificial intelligence technologies that help businesses stay more flexible and competitive. In order to fully exploit the potential of AI, companies need to pay attention not only to training in working with technology, but also to the development of personal qualities, creative and social skills of their employees. People are the most valuable asset of any organization, and artificial intelligence is a digital tool that will help them achieve more, ”said Dmitry Marchenko, director of marketing and operations at Microsoft in Russia.

The study showed that the need for artificial intelligence specialists will grow significantly. Now the share of such employees in Russian companies averages 17.4%, while, according to managers, in 6-10 years it will reach 63.8%. It is noteworthy that this indicator is higher than the global one (49.5%). Almost all (96.7%) of the employees surveyed expressed a desire to participate in initiatives to develop AI competencies. Obtaining a high level of such skills, according to managers, can be encouraged by an increase in the salary (46.2%) or position (25.5%) of an employee. On average, only 30.1% of employees are confident that the employer is taking enough measures to prepare them for work with AI in the future. 64% are even ready to consider a change of job,if their company does not make enough efforts to increase the AI ​​competencies of its personnel.

Microsoft offers free educational artificial intelligence initiatives. For executives, there is an online AI Business School course  on the strategic, ethical, and organizational aspects of implementing technology. Specialists can be trained on the Microsoft Learn portal   on the technological aspects of working with AI, from machine learning to cognitive services.

[1] In the study, the respondent companies were divided into three groups. The companies that actively implement AI (AI Pro), the researchers included those organizations where technology has become an official part of the corporate strategy, as well as those in which AI is an integral part of the company’s structure, the technology is embedded in processes, products and services, bringing value to everything business. The companies that are at the middle stage of technology implementation (AI Intermediate), experts included those who study AI, conduct pilot projects and experiments using it. Companies at the initial stage (AI Beginners) are those who either have not yet begun implementation or have not decided.

[2] About 12,000 employees from companies from Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Canada, the UK, USA, Brazil, Hungary, Australia, Turkey, South Africa, Israel, India, the United Arab Emirates took part in an online survey conducted by KRC Research , Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The sample is 500 employees and 100 managers for each market. Large companies with a staff of more than 250 people were considered. The study was conducted from March 12 to March 30, 2020.

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