About hydrogen peroxide and the rocket bug

The topic of this article has been brewing for a long time. And although at the request of readers of the LAB-66 channel , I just wanted to write about safe work with hydrogen peroxide, but in the end, for some reason ( now, yes! ) To me, another longrid formed. A mixture of popsci, rocket fuel, "coronavirus disinfection" and permanganometric titration. How to store hydrogen peroxide correctly , what protective equipment to use when working, and how to escape from poisoning - we are looking under the cat.
ps the beetle from the picture is actually called the “scorer”. And he, too, was somewhere lost among the chemicals :)

"Children of peroxide" is dedicated ...

Hydrogen peroxide fell in love with our brother, oh how he fell in love. I think about it every time I meet a question like “a bottle of hydrogen peroxide is bloated. what to do?" I meet, by the way, quite often :)

It is not surprising that in the post-Soviet territories hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) is one of the favorite “folk” antiseptics. And pour on the wound, and disinfect the water, and destroy the coronavirus (recently). But despite the apparent simplicity and accessibility, the reagent is rather ambiguous, which I will discuss later.

On biological "tops" walking ...

Now everything is fashionable with the prefix eco-: eco-friendly products, eco-friendly shampoos, eco-friendly things. As I understand it, people with these adjectives want to distinguish between biogenic things (that is, those that were originally found in living organisms) from purely synthetic things (“harsh chemistry”). Therefore, at first a small introduction, which I hope, will emphasize the environmental friendliness of hydrogen peroxide and add confidence to the masses :)

So, what is hydrogen peroxide. This is the simplest peroxide compound, which has two oxygen atoms in its composition (they are connected by the -OO- bond) Where there is this kind of connection, there is instability for you, there is atomic oxygen, and strong oxidizing properties, and that's all. But despite the severity of atomic oxygen, hydrogen peroxide is present in many living organisms, including and in man. It is formed in micro quantities during complex biochemical processes and oxidizes proteins, membrane lipids and even DNA (due to the formation of peroxide radicals). In the process of evolution, our body has learned how to deal with peroxide quite effectively. He does this with the help of the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which breaks down peroxide compounds to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, plus the catalase enzyme, which converts peroxide once or twice into oxygen and water.

Enzymes are beautiful in 3D models
. , - 

By the way, it is thanks to the action of catalase, which is present in the tissues of our body, that the blood “boils” during the treatment of wounds (there will be a separate remark below the wound).

Hydrogen peroxide also has an important “protective function” within us. Many living organisms have such an interesting organelle (the structure necessary for the functioning of a living cell) as peroxisome . These structures are lipid vesicles inside which there is a crystal-like nucleus consisting of biological tubular " microreactors ". Various biochemical processes take place inside the nucleus, as a result of which hydrogen peroxide is formed from atmospheric oxygen and complex organic compounds of a lipid nature.

But here the most interesting thing is why then this peroxide is used. For example, in the cells of the liver and kidneys, the resulting H 2 O 2 is used to destroy and neutralize toxins entering the bloodstream. Acetaldehyde, which is formed during the metabolism of alcoholic beverages ( and which is responsible for the hangover ), is also the merit of our little tireless laborers peroxisome, and the "mother" of hydrogen peroxide.

So that everything doesn’t seem so rosy with peroxides, all of a suddenLet me remind you about the mechanism of action of radiation on living tissue. Molecules of biological tissues absorb radiation energy and ionize, i.e. go into a state conducive to the formation of new compounds (most often completely unnecessary within the body). Most often and most simply water is exposed to ionization, its radiolysis occurs . In the presence of oxygen under the influence of ionizing radiation, various free radicals (OH - and others like them) and peroxide compounds (H 2 O 2 in particular) arise .

The resulting peroxides actively interact with chemical compounds of the body. Although if we take as an example the superoxide anion (O2 - ) sometimes formed during radiolysis , it is worth saying that this ion also forms under ordinary conditions, in an absolutely healthy body, without free radicals, the neutrophils and macrophages of our immunity could not destroy bacterial infections. Those. absolutely impossible without these free radicals - they accompany the biogenic oxidation reactions. The problem arises when there are too many of them.

It is for the fight against “too many” peroxide compounds that man invented such things as antioxidants. They inhibit the oxidation of complex organics with the formation of peroxide, etc. free radicals and thereby reduce the level of oxidative stress .

Oxidative stress is the process of cell damage due to oxidation (= there are too many free radicals in the body)

Although, in essence, these compounds do not give anything new, to what already exists, i.e. “Internal antioxidants” - superoxide dismutase and catalase. And anyway, with improper use, synthetic antioxidants will not only not help, but this very oxidative stress will also intensify.

Remark about “peroxide and wounds” . Despite the fact that hydrogen peroxide is a regular item in home (and industrial medicine kits), there is evidence that the use of H 2 O 2 prevents wound healing and causes scarring, because peroxide destroys newly formed skin cells. Only very low concentrations give a positive effect (0.03% solution, which means it is necessary to dilute 3% pharmacy 100 times), and only with a single application. By the way, “coronavirus ready” 0.5% solution also prevents healing . So, as they say, trust, but verify.

Hydrogen peroxide in everyday life and “against coronavirus”

If hydrogen peroxide can even turn ethanol in the liver into acetaldehyde, then it would be strange to not use these remarkable oxidizing properties in everyday life. They are used in such proportions:

Half of the hydrogen peroxide produced by the chemical industry is used to bleach pulp and various types of paper. The second place (20%) in demand is occupied by the production of various bleaches based on inorganic peroxides (sodium percarbonate, sodium perborate, etc., etc.). These peroxides (often in combination with TAED to lower the whitening temperature, because peroxosols do not work at temperatures below 60 degrees) are used in all kinds of Persols, etc. (more details can be found here) Then comes a small margin bleaching of tissues and fibers (15%) and water purification (10%). And finally, the share that remains is equally divided between purely chemical things and the use of hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes. I will dwell on the latter in more detail because most likely the coronavirus pandemic will change the numbers on the diagram (if it has not already changed).

Hydrogen peroxide is actively used to sterilize various surfaces (including surgical instruments) and more recently in the form of steam (the so-called VHP - vaporized hydrogen peroxide) for sterilizing rooms. The figure below is an example of such a peroxide vapor generator. A very promising area, which has not yet reached domestic hospitals ...

In general, peroxide shows a high disinfection efficiency for a wide range of viruses, bacteria, yeast, and bacterial spores. It is worth noting that for complex microorganisms, due to the presence in them of enzymes that decompose peroxide (the so-called peroxidase, a special case of which is also the catalase mentioned above), tolerance (~ resistance) can be observed. This is especially true for solutions with a concentration below 1%. But against 3%, and even more so 6-10% can not resist yet, neither the virus nor the bacterial spore.

Actual, along with ethyl and isopropyl alcohol and sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide is included in the list of “vital” emergency antiseptics for disinfecting surfaces from COVID-19. Although not only from COVID-19. in the beginning of the entire coronavirus bacchanaliaThe telegram channel actively used the recommendations from the article when choosing antiseptics . The recommendations apply to coronaviruses in general, and of COVID-19 in particular. So I recommend downloading and printing the article (for those interested in this issue).

Important plate for a young disinfectologist

In the time that has passed since the outbreak, nothing has changed especially in terms of working concentrations. But it has changed, for example, in relation to forms in which hydrogen peroxide can be used. Here, I would immediately like to recall the document EPA's Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Cause of COVID-19 with formulations recommended for disinfection. I was traditionally interested in napkins on this list (traditionally, because I like desalphants, I already did hypochlorite , and I am 100% satisfied with them). In this case, I was interested in such an American product as Oxivir Wipes (or its equivalent Oxivir 1 Wipes ) from Diversey Inc.

In the active ingredients, little is indicated there:

Hydrogen Peroxide 0.5%

Simple and tasteful. But for those who want to repeat this composition and soak their custom-made wet wipes, I will say that in addition to hydrogen peroxide in the impregnating solution there are also:

Phosphoric acid (phosphoric acid - stabilizer) 1–5%
2-Hydroxybenzoic Acid (salicylic acid) 0.1–1.5%

Why all these "impurities" will become clear when you read to the section on stability.

In addition to the composition, I would also like to recall that the instructions for the mentioned Oxivir read. Nothing fundamentally new (relative to the first table), but I liked the range of disinfectable viruses.

What viruses are able to overcome peroxide

And I would not be myself if I had not once again reminded about the exposure during processing. As before (= as always), it is recommended that, when wiping with wet wipes, all solid, non-porous surfaces remain visually moist for at least 30 seconds (preferably a minute!) To deactivate everything and everything (and this of your COVID-19 also).

Hydrogen peroxide as a chemical

They went around and around, now it's time to write about hydrogen peroxide, from the point of view of a chemist. Fortunately, this is the question (and not how the peroxisome looks) that most often interests the inexperienced user who decided to use H 2 O 2 for his own purposes. Let's start with a three-dimensional structure (as I see it):

How does the girl Sasha see the structure, who is afraid that the peroxide may explode (more on this below)
« »

Pure peroxide is a clear (with a bluish tint for high concentrations) liquid. The density of diluted solutions is close to the density of water (1 g / cm 3 ), concentrated denser (35% - 1.13 g / cm 3 ... 70% - 1.29 g / cm 3 , etc.). By density (in the presence of hydrometers), you can quite accurately determine the concentration of your solution (information from the article ).

Domestic technical hydrogen peroxide can be of three grades: A = concentration of 30–40%, B = 50–52%, C = 58–60%. Often there is such a name as “perhydrol” (there was once even the expression “perhydrol blonde”). In essence, w is the same “brand A”, i.e. a solution of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of about 30%.

Remark about whitening . Since blondes were remembered, it can be noted that diluted hydrogen peroxide (2–10%) and ammonia were used as a bleaching composition for “overhydrating” hair. Now it is rarely practiced. But there is peroxide teeth whitening. By the way, whitening of the skin of the hands after contact with peroxide is also a kind of “overhydrogenation” caused by thousands of microembolisms, i.e. clogging of capillaries formed by the decomposition of peroxide by oxygen bubbles.

Medical technical peroxide becomes when desalted water is added to the peroxide concentration of 59-60%, diluting the concentrate to the desired level (3% in the domestic expanses, 6% in the USA).

In addition to density, an important parameter is the pH level. Hydrogen peroxide is a weak acid. The picture below shows the dependence of the pH of the hydrogen peroxide solution on the mass concentration:

The more diluted the solution, the closer its pH to the pH of the water. The minimum pH (= the most acidic) falls at a concentration of 55–65% (grade B according to Russian classification).

Although here reluctantly, it is worth noting that pH cannot be used to quantify the concentration for several reasons. Firstly, almost all modern peroxide is obtained by the oxidation of anthraquinones. In this process, acidic by-products are formed that can enter the finished peroxide. Those. the pH may differ from that indicated in the table above, depending on the degree of purity of H 2 O 2. Ultrapure peroxide (for example, which is used for rocket fuel and which I will discuss separately) does not contain impurities. Secondly, acidic stabilizers are often added to commercial hydrogen peroxide (peroxide is more stable at low pH), which will “lubricate” the readings. And thirdly, stabilizer chelates (for binding metal impurities, more on them below) can also be alkaline or acidic and affect the pH of the final solution.

The best way to determine the concentration is titration ( as in the case of sodium hypochlorite ~ “Whiteness”) The procedure is absolutely the same, but only all the reagents necessary for the test are very readily available. Need concentrated sulfuric acid (battery electrolyte) and ordinary potassium permanganate. As B. Gates once shouted “640 KB of memory is enough for everyone!”, I will also exclaim “Everyone can titrate peroxide!” :). Despite the fact that intuition tells me that if you buy hydrogen peroxide in a pharmacy and do not store it for decades, then the concentration fluctuations are unlikely to exceed ± 1%, nevertheless I will explain the verification procedure, since the reagents are affordable and the algorithm is quite simple.

Checking the sale of hydrogen peroxide for lice
. 0,25 50%.


1. 0,1N . 3,3 1 . 15 .
2. ( , .. 3%, 50% — ):

( , )
3. 250 ( ) (“250”) . .
4. 500 (=” ”) 250 , 10 25 .3
5. ( , ) 0,1N .4. — , — . , . , (VI) (II).

5H2O2 + 2KMnO4 + 4H2SO4 = 2KHSO4 +2MnSO4 + 5O2 + 8H2O

6. : H2O2 (.%) =[ *0,1*0,01701*1000]/[ , .2]

Free discussion on storage stability

Hydrogen peroxide is considered an unstable compound, which is prone to spontaneous decomposition. The decomposition rate increases with increasing temperature, concentration and pH. Those. in general, the rule works:

... cold, dilute, acidic solutions show the best stability ...

The decomposition is promoted by: an increase in temperature (a 2.2-fold increase in speed for every 10 degrees Celsius, and at a temperature of about 150 degrees, the concentrates generally decompose like an explosion ), an increase in pH (especially at pH> 6–8)

Remark about glass : store in glass bottles can only be acidified peroxide, as glass, when in contact with pure water, gives an alkaline environment, which means it will facilitate accelerated decomposition.

It also affects the rate of decomposition and the presence of impurities (especially transition metals such as copper, manganese, iron, silver, platinum), and ultraviolet radiation. Most often, the main complex reason is the increase in pH and the presence of impurities. On average, with STPUnder conditions of 30% hydrogen peroxide loses approximately 0.5% of the main component per year .

Ultrafine filtration (particle exclusion) or chelates (complexing agents) that bind metal ions are used to remove impurities. As chelates, acetanilide , colloidal stannate or sodium pyrophosphate (25–250 mg / l), organophosphonates, nitrates (+ pH regulators and corrosion inhibitors), phosphoric acid (+ pH regulator), sodium silicate (stabilizer) can be used.

The influence of ultraviolet radiation on the decomposition rate is not so pronounced as for pH or temperature, but it also has a place to be (see picture):

It can be seen that the molecular extinction coefficient increases with decreasing ultraviolet wavelength.

The molar extinction coefficient is a characteristic of how strongly a chemical absorbs light at a given wavelength.

By the way, this decomposition process initiated by photons is called photolysis:

Photolysis (also known as photodissociation and photodegradation) is a chemical reaction in which a chemical substance (inorganic or organic) is split by photons after they interact with the target molecule. Any photon with sufficient energy (higher than the dissociation energy of the target bond) can cause decomposition. An effect similar to the effect of ultraviolet can also give x-rays and gamma rays .

What can be said in general. And the fact that peroxide should be stored in an opaque container, and preferably in brown glass bottles that block the excess light (despite the fact that it "absorbs"! = "Immediately decomposes"). It’s also not worth keeping a bottle of peroxide near the X-ray machine :) Well, from this one (UR 203 (?):

... you should also keep away from “ such a ” peroxide ( and yourself, to be honest ).

It’s important that in addition to opacity, the container / bottle should be made of “peroxide-resistant” materials, such as stainless steel or glass (well, some plastics and aluminum alloys.) A plate may be useful for orientation (useful, including for doctors who are going to process their equipment):

The legend of the tablet is as follows: A - excellent compatibility, B - good compatibility, slight impact (microcorrosion or discoloration), C - poor compatibility (not recommended for prolonged use, loss of strength, etc.), D-compatibility is absent (= can not be used). A dash means “no information”. Digital indices: 1 - satisfactory at 22 ° C, 2 - satisfactory at 48 ° C, 3 - satisfactory when used in gaskets and seals.

Hydrogen Peroxide Safety

To everyone who has read up to this section, it is most likely clear that peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent, which means it is extremely necessary to store it away from flammable / combustible substances and reducing agents. H 2 O 2, both in pure and diluted form, can form explosive mixtures when in contact with organic compounds. Given all of the above, you can write like this

Hydrogen peroxide is incompatible with combustible materials, any combustible liquids and metals and their salts (in order of decreasing catalytic effect) - osmium, palladium, platinum, iridium, gold, silver, manganese, cobalt, copper, lead

Speaking about metal decomposition catalysts, one can not say separately about osmium . This is not only the densest metal on Earth, it is also the best weapon in the world to decompose hydrogen peroxide.

The effect of accelerating the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for this metal is observed in amounts that even not every analytical method can detect - in order to decompose peroxide very efficiently (x3-x5 times relative to peroxide without catalyst), oxygen and water need only 1 gram of osmium per 1000 tons of peroxide hydrogen.

Remark about the "explosive nature" : (I immediately wanted to write "I-peroxide", but was shy ). In the case of hydrogen peroxide, the spherical girl Sasha, who has to work with this peroxide, is most often afraid of an explosion. And in principle, Alexandra’s fears have common sense. After all, peroxide can explode for two reasons. Firstly, the gradual decomposition of H 2 O 2 will occur in an airtight container, oxygen evolution and accumulation. The pressure inside the container will grow, grow and eventually BOOM! Secondly, it is likely that upon contact of hydrogen peroxide with some substances, unstable peroxide compounds will form, which can detonate from shock, heating, etc. In the cool five-volume Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials , so much is said about this that I even decided to hide it under a spoiler. The information is applicable for concentrated hydrogen peroxide> = 30% and <50% :

Absolute incompatibility
: + , + +, +N- ( 50 °C), + , + ( 45 °C), -+ , (, , ), ( 53 °C), 2-+ ++, + , (II)+ +, + (2-, 3-, , ), (, , ), (, , , , , , ), + ( ), + (, , , , , , , , ), , + , (V), , , , , + + , , (II), + , , - , (II), , (I), , , (II)+ , , , +
: , (, , , ),
: + , , , , , + , , (II), , , ,

In principle, if you treat the concentrated peroxide with respect, and do not combine with the above substances, then you can work comfortably for years and not be afraid of anything. But God saves the person who is safe, therefore we are gradually moving to personal protective equipment.

PPE and liquidation

The idea of ​​writing an article arose when I decided to make a note in the channel devoted to the safe working with concentrated solutions of H 2 O 2 . Fortunately, many readers bought canisters with perhydrol (in case “there is nothing in the pharmacy” / “we won’t get to the pharmacy”) and even managed to get chemical burns in the heat of the moment. Therefore, most of what is written below (and above) relates mainly to solutions with a concentration above 6%. The higher the concentration, the more relevant the presence of PPE.

For safe work, as personal protective equipment, you just need gloves made of polyvinyl chloride / butyl rubber, polyethylene, polyester and other plastics to protect your skin, glasses or protective masks made of transparent polymeric materials to protect your eyes. If aerosols are formed, we add a respirator with anti-aerosol protection to the kit (and preferably an ABEK carbon filter cartridge with P3 protection). When working with weak solutions (up to 6%), gloves are enough.

I will dwell on the “damaging effects” in more detail. Hydrogen peroxide is a moderately hazardous substance and, if it comes into contact with the skin and eyes, causes chemical burns. Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed. See the picture from SDS (“Oxidizer” - “Corrodes” - “Irritant”):

In order not to beat around the bush, I’ll immediately write about what to do if hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of> 6% comes into contact with a certain spherical person without personal protective equipment.

— , . 10 .
— , ( 2% ) 15 . -.
— (= ), (1 10 ), ( ). (= , , « »). .

In general, ingestion is especially dangerous , since decomposition in the stomach produces a large amount of gas (10 times the volume of a 3% solution), which leads to bloating and constricting of the internal organs. For this, activated carbon is needed ...

If everything is more or less clear with the treatment of the consequences for the body, then it’s worth a couple of words to say about the disposal of excess / old / inexperienced hydrogen peroxide.

... utilization of hydrogen peroxide is carried out either a) by dilution with water and discharge to the sewer, or b) by decomposition using catalysts (sodium pyrosulfite, etc.), or c) by decomposition by heating (including boiling)

How it all looks on an example. For example, in a laboratory I accidentally spilled a liter of 30% hydrogen peroxide. I do not wipe anything, but I fill the liquid with a mixture of equal amounts (1: 1: 1) of soda ash + sand + bentonite (= “bentonite filler for trays”). Then, this mixture is moistened with water until gruel is formed, the gruel is scooped up in a container, and transferred to a bucket of water (two-thirds are filled). And already in a bucket of water, I gradually add a solution of sodium pyrosulfite with a 20% excess. To neutralize this whole thing by reaction:

Na 2 S 2 O 5 + 2H 2 O 2 = Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 SO 4 + H 2 O

If you comply with the conditions of the task (liter of 30% solution), it turns out that to neutralize you need 838 grams of pyrosulphite (a kilogram of salt comes out in excess). The solubility of this substance in water is ~ 650 g / l, i.e. About a half liter of concentrated solution will be needed. The moral is this: either do not spill the perhydrol on the floor, or dilute it harder, or you won’t get any neutralizers :)

When looking for possible substitutes for pyrosulphite, Captain Evidence recommends using those reagents that, when reacted with hydrogen peroxide, do not produce achy volumes of gas. This may be, for example, iron (II) sulfate. It is sold in hardware stores and even in Belarus. To neutralize H2O2, a solution acidified with sulfuric acid is required:

2FeSO 4 + H 2 O 2 + H 2 SO 4 = Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 2H 2 O

You can use potassium iodide (also acidified with sulfuric acid):

2KI + H 2 O 2 + H 2 SO 4 = I 2 + 2H 2 O + K 2 SO 4

Let me remind you that all the arguments are based on introductory tasks (30% r-p), if you spilled peroxide at lower concentrations (3–7%), then potassium permanganate acidified with sulfuric acid can also be used. If oxygen is even released there, then due to low concentrations, he will not be able to “get things done” with all his will.

About the bug

And I did not forget about him, darling. It will be a reward to those who read my next longread . I don’t know whether, 30 years ago, dear Alexey JetHackers, Statsenko thought akaMagister ludiabout my jetpacks, but I definitely had some such thoughts. Especially when on a VHS cassette it was possible to watch (or even revise) the light Disney fairy tale film “The Rocketeer ” (in the original Rocketeer ).

The connection here is as follows. As I wrote earlier, high concentration hydrogen peroxide (like domestic grade B) with a high degree of purification (approx. - the so-called high-test peroxide or HTP ) can be used as fuel in missiles (and torpedoes). Moreover, it can be used both in the form of an oxidizing agent in two-component engines (for example, as a replacement for liquid oxygen), and in the form of the so-called monofuel. In the latter case, H 2 O 2 is pumped into a “combustion chamber”, where it decomposes on a metal catalyst (any of the metals mentioned earlier in the article, for example, silver or platinum) and under pressure, in the form of steam with a temperature of about 600 ° C, leaves out of the nozzle, creating traction.

The most interesting thing is that the same internal device (“combustion chamber”, nozzles, etc.) has inside its body a small bug from the subfamily of ground beetles. The bombardier beetle is officially called, but to me its internal structure (= the picture at the beginning of the article) resembles an assembly from the 1991 film mentioned above :)

A bug is called a scorer because it is capable of more or less accurately shooting from glands in the back of the abdomen with boiling liquid with an unpleasant odor.

The ejection temperature can reach 100 degrees Celsius, and the ejection speed is 10 m / s. One shot lasts from 8 to 17 ms, and consists of 4–9 pulses directly following each other. In order not to have to rewind to the beginning, I will repeat the picture here (it seems to have been taken from the journal Science for 2015 from the "eponymous" article).

The beetle produces two “propellant propellant components” inside itself (that is, it is still not “mono-fuel”). A powerful reducing agent is hydroquinone (previously used as a developer in photography). And a strong oxidizing agent is hydrogen peroxide. When threatened, the beetle contracts muscles that push two reagents through valve tubes into a mixing chamber containing water and a mixture of peroxide-degrading enzymes (peroxidases). In combination, the reagents give a violent exothermic reaction, the liquid boils and turns into a gas (= “annihilation”). In general, a beetle scalds a potential enemy with a stream of boiling water (but obviously not enough for the first space pull). But ... At least the bug can be considered an illustration to the section Safety precautions when working with hydrogen peroxide . The moral is as follows:

% USERNAME%, don't be like a bombardier beetle, don't mix peroxide with a reducing agent without understanding! :)

Addition about tdrWhy: “It seems that the earthly bombardier beetle has become the prototype of the plasma beetle from the Star Troopers. He’s got just the impulse (not traction!) For the development of the first cosmic velocity, the mechanism developed during evolution and was used to throw disputes into orbit in order to expand the range, and was also useful as a weapon against clumsy enemy cruisers ”

Well, he talked about the bug and sorted it out with peroxide. We will stop at this for now.
Important! Everything else (including discussion of notes, intermediate drafts and absolutely all my publications) can be found in the telegram channel LAB66 . Subscribe and follow the announcements.
Next in line for consideration are sodium dichloisocyanurate and “chlorine tablets”.

Acknowledgments : The author expresses deep gratitude to all active members of the LAB-66 community - people who actively support our “scientific and technical corner” (= telegram channel), our chat (and the experts in it who provide round-the-clock (!!!) technical support ), and the final author himself. Thanks for all this guys fromsteanlab!

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Used sources
Hydrogen Peroxide Technical Library
Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide — Kinetics and Review of Chosen Catalysts
Material Compatibility with Hydrogen Peroxide
.. . . — .: , 2009. 112 .
Lewis, R.J. Sr. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 12th Edition. Wiley-Interscience, Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ. 2012., p. V4: 2434
Haynes, W.M. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. 95th Edition. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton: FL 2014-2015, p. 4-67
W.T. Hess «Hydrogen Peroxide». Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. 13 (4th ed.). New York: Wiley. (1995). pp. 961–995.
C. W. Jones, J. H. Clark. Applications of Hydrogen Peroxide and Derivatives. Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
Ronald Hage, Achim Lienke; Lienke Applications of Transition-Metal Catalysts to Textile and Wood-Pulp Bleaching. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 45 (2): 206–222. (2005).
Schildknecht, H.; Holoubek, K. The bombardier beetle and its chemical explosion. Angewandte Chemie. 73: 1–7. (1961).
Jones, Craig W. Applications of hydrogen peroxide and its derivatives. Royal Society of Chemistry (1999)
Goor, G.; Glenneberg, J.; Jacobi, S. Hydrogen Peroxide. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. (2007).
Ascenzi, Joseph M., ed. Handbook of disinfectants and antiseptics. New York: M. Dekker. p. 161. (1996).
Rutala, W. A.; Weber, D. J. Disinfection and Sterilization in Health Care Facilities: What Clinicians Need to Know. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 39 (5): 702–709. (2004).
Block, Seymour S., ed. Chapter 9: Peroxygen compounds. Disinfection, sterilization, and preservation (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. pp. 185–204. (2000).
O'Neil, M.J. The Merck Index — An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals. Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013., p. 889
Larranaga, M.D., Lewis, R.J. Sr., Lewis, R.A.; Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary 16th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ 2016., p. 735
Sittig, M. Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens, 1985. 2nd ed. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Data Corporation, 1985., p. 510
Larranaga, M.D., Lewis, R.J. Sr., Lewis, R.A.; Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary 16th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ 2016., p. 735
, , , : 5 . / .-. . , . ; . . . . . — .: «», 1994

Sergey Besarab (Siarhei Besarab)

And I almost forgot, a warning for unconscious comrades :)

Disclaimer : all the information presented in the article is provided purely for informational purposes and is not a direct call to action. All manipulations with chemical reagents and equipment you carry out at your own peril and risk. The author does not bear any responsibility for the careless handling of aggressive solutions, illiteracy, lack of basic school knowledge, etc. If you don’t feel confident in understanding what is written, ask a relative / friend / acquaintance who has a specialized education to monitor your actions. And be sure to use PPE with the most accurate safety precautions.

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