Browse Money Podcast Podcast

The plan is this: I listen to what the company writes, take notes, write a review. Alec Favale , At the end of last year, I decided to write about corporate podcasts and  asked Facebook who is involved in them. About 20 people answered, gave examples of programs. As I studied them, I realized that a post in the spirit of "this show about this and that" would not be informative. Therefore, the general story will wait until I take on one show, listen to all the issues and write great podcast reviews. He started with the first season “Money has come”, it is led by Alexander Polivanov and Ilya Krasilshchik.

Disclaimer : I did not set myself any tasks for this material. The format is experimental - based on notes that I made for myself during listening. Criticized some points, others appreciated from a podcast point of view.

I hope the review will be useful to both listeners and podcasts.

I will be glad to read tips in the comments on what should be improved next time.

How to get started listening

This is the most difficult question for me. Therefore, I always appreciate reviews of podcasts, where there are issues for trial listening. In this case, I did not have such clues. Therefore, I could not quickly assess the situation and connect my knowledge of the background of the speakers with the brand. It was hard to take and start listening. I’ll tell you how this process looked, in order.

To tune in, open the feed and scroll through the headlines. With this, “Money has come” everything is in order: I see a variety of guests and, most importantly, the topics of the issues. For a corporate podcast, this is rare. Typically, companies adhere to the template in the spirit of a "marketing show - we only talk to marketers." This is not there, except in terms of average duration. This is 44.5 minutes to release (excluding  skete - about them further) with minimal deviations.

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While the trailer is playing  , I look through the release notes. They are extremely poor in this podcast. There are only common words - literally a paragraph about the topic and the guest. In defense of the publishers, I’ll say that making notes is one of the most troublesome cases in podcasting. I often skip this procedure and supplement notes when the issues are already out and there are some publications on them. Often, for the format of the interview, it is enough to simply introduce the guest, and if the transmission is regular, an editor is needed to take notes. Then you can give  timecodes  for subtopics , and attach some links on the topic. But all this is a separate story, which there is no point in analyzing.

So, the trailer ends, the mood is set, I begin to listen to the first season. This is a long time.

Peppy start

I try to open the  first issue if I start listening to a new podcast. I highly recommend doing just that. I will explain why:

  • This is the best way to feel the flow of material from the speakers. Here, the atmosphere is in the tradition of Western talk shows - like those podcasts that I already talked about .
  • The first issue of "Money has come" begins with live, which in itself is interesting. And this is a unique example of a program with high-quality recording of live communication of speakers in front of an audience. Questions from the audience were also recorded. Some of them turned out to be sweet everyday stories (about how a person suddenly received a kilogram of coins in the form of change, and about the relationship of another guest with the sellers).
  • — , « ». , - 49 — . « » . « » 22 , «» 23 2019 . , , .
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Switching to the  second issue .

The title (“Sergei Shnurov on how Sergei Shnurov spends money”) makes it clear that the show is not waiting and immediately comes in with trump cards. But the guest in the interview does not speak so much about spending, but acts as an expert in content marketing.

Shnurov talks about the “war of images”, explains why the content in this case is primary and how money appears as a result of such a “war”.

He also explains why people listen to podcasts. And he plays up the concept of professionalism by the example of how a conditional plumber approaches his work. The interview turned out to be unusual, it’s definitely worth listening to, but it would be strange to wait for such guests in each issue.

Moving on - the  third issue . This is literally All-In! on the first episodes of the podcast - all three with a unique approach to the disclosure of the general theme. This time, Ilya Gorodetsky is visiting the hosts   with a story about the life of poker players. I recommend listening to interviews even for those who are not at all familiar with this discipline. If only because and how Ilya talks about reputation in poker and the power of words. At this step, I understand that I will listen to the podcast completely, but doubts begin to appear in my mind as to whether the show will keep such a peppy rhythm.

It seems that at this point in the review too much Eminem

Loss of pace

Since the fourth issue there has been a series of distance interviews. She's a little confusing.

A podcast “in the distance” is always a compromise; it succeeds with constant hosts, when everyone is familiar with each other’s manner of communication and there is  mutual understanding . Guest speakers often get used to the fact that the conversation is recorded in a show format, and this affects the pace.

I listen to the last quarter of the  issue on how to move to Israel at double speed with skips. But I make a note that there are interesting details about the basic costs of living in this country.

The fifth episode develops an approach in the spirit of “stories from the life of the inhabitants”. By title and pitch, it resembles a magazine of another bank. It goes about a certain Julia and her amateur manipulation of real estate  - good earnings on resale. I listen to the story, I am waiting for the inserts with the comments of the expert on the topic, but they are not. In some places, Julia has factual inaccuracies (timecode 10:26 - “it is forbidden by law to open an LLC in your apartment” - this is not so, especially if you are a  homeworker  and are not going to engage in conditional metal welding, the tax registration will not refuse to register) . In this situation, textual transcripts  with notes would help  - there one could point out an inaccuracy and give an expert comment from the bank.

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Alexander is in the role of a skeptic. His approach to maintaining maintains interest. After listening, I recall the development curve of any project. She says the show will be a "Great Egein."

Paul Miller , Flickr CC BY

Returning to the  sixth issue . Visiting leading experts with a story that science knows about the nature of wrong spending. This format resembles thematic  headings  at the Mayak with scientific speakers. Segmented notes would help here. The issue has terms and complex approaches to a particular issue, therefore, semantic blocks and links on the topic are needed, like air. I master the interview and note for myself a couple of places - about why we need so many coffee houses and pharmacies; and  flashback with Shnurov. In podcasting, you need to use this technique more often.

The seventh issue on  how to lose 4 million rubles at Forex . I do not like the topic, but I try. Here, the presenters do not tolerate too serious a mood from the previous release, and this is facilitated by the  audio design of the  show. But by the tenth minute it becomes a lot.

By the way, another difficulty with recording stories from the lives of real people is that it is very difficult to make such episodes consistent with each other. Someone says that a tough format helps, others limit them in time, still others make such releases in the spirit of "reading letters from the audience." The approaches are very different.

It seems that something like this was done in the next composite  issue, where six people say !

The founders of Coub participate in it, and together with the leaders give more dynamics. But the very topic of moving to the States is beaten. All this is in almost any material from expats - from visa stories to basic expenses. But if you have not read this, it will be more convenient to study everything in audio format.


The story of ex-PR director Yandex about  how to go on a trip for eight months confirms that the podcast has gained momentum. The case about long trips adds  thematic diversity , although there is little about money here - mostly organizational issues.

But then comes imperishable!

This is the  story of the 1985 Mongol rally on the Lada . Here, the program finally turns into a tourist program, but listening to it is easy. One of the most eventful issues and, most importantly, on the topic of the show - with a bunch of details about the costs and features of handling money during the rally.

Sound design without busting with effects. Also, as I understand it, they used  audio cuttings from the posts of guests of the program in social networks. A cool find, in few places I heard this technique.

Unfortunately, after such an enchanting release, I could not force myself to listen to the story about a certain Olya. She is a shopaholic (I didn’t like the feminitive), she is  saving up money and even made her own film . It seems that films will soon replace podcasts and become the new black. Theme is everywhere!

The twelfth issue about  Petya, who writes down all his expenses  in the application, I listen only because at the very beginning they say that he painted the cover of the  podcast (this is not in the description). The interview is geeky, so if you are far from a love of software, games and accounting for everything and everyone, skip it. Although for me it is one of the top issues. Recommended for exploring the podcast.

More meat

Instead of the sixteenth issue - I listen to " Jin! ". After I discover a new topic for myself - the Fire movement. It's about  how not to work after forty .

I am waiting for  background information to find out where this whole story came from, what kind of statistics it is, but for the first ten minutes I just go over the idea that in general people could easily save.

I also constantly confuse the voices of guests, inserts with their answers are not always easy to recognize when listening in the background. The main topic starts around the twelfth minute. At the end of the 26th - a successful return to the question of why we work at all.

Before the last release of the season, I make a note about a typo in the description. The topic for me is not the most interesting, but I quickly get involved in the story of how to move to the village and open a farm .

Guests give a lot of details and everyday tales: about the hostile mood of local, unyielding neighbors and about those who helped them. They talk about drunkenness in the village, the attitude to money. I would love to listen to the podcast of these guys, but I do not think that they have time for this. Another season has a cool ending - a real  hidden track  (skit) in the last six minutes of the final release.

PS A joke about environmental friendliness (the topic is being promoted by the bank, for which the podcast has been made). The bitrate of audio files could be reduced from 320 to 192 kbps. This will not affect the quality of the spoken content, but the releases will weigh less. They can be downloaded faster. The load on the network infrastructure on the way from the server to smartphones will decrease, the planet will be even cleaner!

PPS Thank you for reading! Hope it was helpful.

If you plan to launch your podcast (personal or corporate), I will be happy to help with the recording, processing and distribution in various formats. Write in PM here or in Fb .

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