News from the world of OpenStreetMap No. 510 (04.21.2020-27.04.2020)

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The last syllables in the names of German cities and villages 1 | Tobias Kauer | map data OpenStreetMap contributors


  • alexkemp , OSM , . Heath Mount (), JOSM.
  • CupIvan , . , OSM , — . .
  • Telenav , : . , . OSM .


  • , OSM OSM 21 22 2020 . .
  • OSM:
    • 10
    • 16

  • SunCobalt , OSM, , , , . — , .

  • OSM 7 2020 Jitsi. , .

  • Ça reste ouvert ( COVID-19):

  • ( Mapbox) Medium « - -, UrbanFootprint» , UrbanFootprint COVID-19.
  • Dhelfer Twitter , tile-, .
  • gsa , , , , «», « » " ", . . Homöopathie, Schüsslersalze, Bachblüten, «».


  • . OSM.
  • Facebook COVID-19 . OSM.
  • SpeedTest 5G . OSM.

  • undatum. , , , CSV, JSON BSON .
  • , OSM. , sport=*.


  • Lidar , . OpenStreetMap .


  • , , , . , - . (1,5-2 6 ). , OSM . .
  • « » — , .
  • Citylab , . , , .
  • Talking Humanities ‘ ", . " ", , « , » « ».
  • [1] « » — () . , . GitHub.
  • On April 20, 2020, a number of Russian cities hosted online rallies in which citizens expressed their dissatisfaction with government policies. Citizens rallied in the Yandex.Navigator mobile application. They left messages with their requirements on a map near the buildings where authorities are located.

Communication of Russian OpenStreetMap participants is in the Telegram chat room and on the forum . There are also groups on social networks VKontakte , Facebook , but they mainly publish news.

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Previous issues: 509 , 508 , 507 , 506 , 505

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