Site Security Audit

Significant experience in the security audit of websites of large Internet resources, corporate, banking and industrial systems demonstrates that the formal protection of any system is unable to withstand professional intruders.

To ensure real protection, it is necessary to build a continuous process for ensuring the information security of the site , penetration testing and incident response. Without these components, the system provides an opportunity for cyber criminals to go unnoticed for a long time and control financial flows, confidential information and customer data.

Why is it important to conduct a site security audit?

  • Stopping the site or application for 1-3 days will bring significant losses.
  • Web resources are associated with internal infrastructure elements (accounting, databases, company servers).
  • You store personal and payment data of customers whose leakage leads to loss of reputation and fines.
  • There have already been attacks on your website or application that have led to an unnecessary problem and you want to avoid repetition in the future
  • You want to be sure that your web resources and business are protected from hacking.
  • Regulators require you to periodically check the level of safety by certified professionals.

The times when sites were hacked for the sake of sports interest are long gone. At present, hacking sites is a business that brings its owners millions of income.

How is the site security audit

  • We simulate the actions of real hackers, find vulnerabilities in your site, corporate infrastructure, source code for development, mobile applications and any other IT system.
  • We provide detailed recommendations and a specific plan to reduce risk, help fix all vulnerabilities and provide support for the information security process.

We can say with full confidence that the security of web applications is one of the priority tasks in our company. We have implemented many projects to assess and analyze the security of Internet resources of various industries.

Types of site security audit


  • When testing with a black box, we only need to know the entry point: company name, website address or infrastructure IP addresses.
  • When testing with a gray box, we additionally request documentation, a description of the architecture, test scripts, and accounts.
  • When testing with a white box, we get a full description of the system, source codes, access to servers for audit.

It is also necessary to determine the model of the intruder: these are the roles of potential attackers, which can turn out to be either external people, clients or employees.

The site security audit , as a rule, lasts 2-3 weeks, during which we give out intermediate results, and based on the results we prepare a detailed report with recommendations.

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