How to start a startup, enter the Chinese market and get 15 million investment

On May 11, Last.Backend CEO Sasha Kaloshin will go live and will answer your questions about tech startups, investments and team management in a live interview format. You can ask him your question in the comments and the speaker will answer you live.

Why come on air?

Sasha founded Last.Backend in 2014, and in 2015 the service attracted 15 million rubles of investment from the IIDF and this was only the beginning. Sasha began precisely in their accelerator.

In 2016, the project entered the Chinese market and received a government grant of 1 million yuan in the Nanjing Plan 300 program.

Last.Backend has not invested money in marketing even once since its inception, all hundreds of thousands of users are the result of the right direction of product development.

Last.Backend users geography

What will be broadcast

Sasha will tell:

  • how to learn to do business in accelerator IIDF and private in Israel
  • how to get into such accelerators
  • how to communicate with investors and what offers should be rejected right away
  • what restrictions on business can impose state money
  • how to create products that do not require advertising
  • how not to be afraid of competition with IT giants and use them for the good
  • how to survive, working 24/7 and living in two cities
  • how to explain to a girl in a bar in 15 minutes how your technology product works and why you shouldn’t do it

And also answer any question that will be asked in the comments on this post on Instagram or in the comments under this post.

About format

A month ago, we started a new project: an Instagram account in which cool guys from IT go live and answer questions from viewers in their area of ​​competence.

Classical interviews where only one person asks questions cannot turn into a full-fledged guide, they are limited by the interests of only the interviewer himself.

We dream of creating a collection of interesting and comprehensive guides about all facets of IT life in a year

These are internships, career growth, team management, the study of new technologies, interviews, emigration and the rest.

We chose live broadcasts, because this is the closest technological alternative to tête-à-tête conversation - you can respond to the speaker’s response and clarify the important, as well as directly ask the most interesting for you personally.

Why not webinars

Webinars are the last century: an extraneous service, links to entry, mandatory registration, connection from a computer. We want to make knowledge free and as accessible as possible - this is in the hands of the usual Instagram, there comes a notification about the start of the broadcast. It's as simple as phoning facetime with a friend.

Will there be a record?

Yes, all the recordings of the airs go to IGTV, and a week later on youtube. You can already watch the broadcast with Ilona Papava on how to get an internship on Facebook and get an offer (Ilona went on an internship to the Valley twice and now Senior Software Engineer in the London Facebook office).

How to ask a question so that the speaker answers exactly

Live broadcasting takes only an hour.

The live broadcast will begin at 20:00 Moscow time, May 11, Monday. In this instagram account

How not to miss the broadcast

You can subscribe and enable push only for a specific user.

Or just subscribe - we will make a story with a reminder and notification of the broadcast can be included directly from this story.

See you on the air!

Let's create the coolest and most comprehensive tech startup guide together.

If you have ideas of speakers or specific questions - write in the comments, we will find a speaker that can answer them.

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