AdvantShop presented a study on the impact of coronavirus on the online sales market (2019-2020)

AdvantShop released a study where they analyzed how the online sales market was changing (2019-2020), as well as how coronavirus affected it.

The dynamics of the opening of online stores January-April, 2019-2020. AdvantShop Team

In general, it is important for us that entrepreneurs successfully sell on the Internet, and, as you know, such studies help to make better decisions.

How and what did they count?

We took January, February, March and April 2019 and 2020, and for each period we used data on the top 100 online stores (top 20 stores for thematic samples) with the largest number of orders in this period. Data is grouped by month from January to April for 2019 and 2020. and are normalized by the number of days in a month. Thus, you can track not only the trend of the current year, but also compare it with last year. A point in January 2020 was selected as the initial value of 100%. The remaining data are presented as a percentage of the initial value.

New and closed online stores

In April, the number of new open online stores was almost 2 times more (99.02%) than in the period January-March, and one and a half times more than in April last year. This is due to the fact that for businesses, the best solution to business development now is to go online.


New online stores January-April 2019-2020 AdvantShop team

Shops also began to close more often - by 39.17%. But in general, the trend is to increase players in the market.


Closed online stores January-April 2019-2020 AdvantShop team
Conclusion: coronavirus definitely revived online business. We are seeing an increase in the number of online stores.


Since April, a self-isolation regime has been declared in all regions of Russia, forcing millions of people to sit home. For many online stores, this was a chance to increase the number of sales. As you can see on the chart, the average monthly turnover of top stores in April grew by 23.91% compared with the previous month and by about 36% compared to April 2019.


Turnover of online stores January-April 2019-2020 AdvantShop team.

In April 2020, compared with April 2019, the number of orders increased by 25%, but decreased by 5% compared to March 2020.


The number of orders in online stores January-April 2019-2020 AdvantShop team The
average check remains unchanged from January to April 2020. Compared with 2019, it fell slightly - by 11%.


Average check for online stores January-April 2019-2020 AdvantShop team
Conclusions: The epidemic of coronavirus provoked an active growth in sales on the Internet. Online stores increase sales and order numbers.

More information about what happens in the categories can be found in the article on the official AdvantShop website

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