Summ3r of h4ck 2020. Digital Security Summer Tutorial

Digital Security launches the Summ3r 0f h4ck, a traditional summer tutorial. It will be held from August 3 to 31 at our office in St. Petersburg. Reception of applications will last until June 7 (inclusive).

By becoming a member of Summ3r 0f h4ck, you will be able to:

  • To conduct research in the selected field of practical information security with the support of a mentor
  • Listen to a course of lectures from experts of the research department and the security audit department and ask them any questions
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. , : , Digital Security.

\++ ( white-box black-box), reverse engineering (IDAPython, Ghidra, DBI), (KLEE, libfuzzer, AFL), .

(aka ) - , , . , Linux- Windows-, Active Directory, Android- .


Digital Security , . .

The security audit department is involved in penetration testing, security analysis of web applications and enterprise software. Learning from pentesters will be useful for those who like to understand the design of sites, wander about the bowels of corporate networks and keep a close eye on the source code of applications. Here are waiting for those who like to break everything.

Read the results of the internship in 2019 and reviews of participants in the program of the audit department here .

Apply to the security audit department

The research department, first of all, is engaged in reverse engineering tasks, searching for vulnerabilities in binary applications and devices. If you like to sit in a disassembler or debugger, if you want to automate various tasks for finding vulnerabilities, if you like to write super fuzzers, then here you are.

2019 .

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