Observable Services in Angular

Hello everyone, my name is Vladimir. I am engaged in front-end development in Tinkoff.ru.

In Angular, we are used to using services to transfer data inside an application or to encapsulate business logic. RxJS is great for managing asynchronous threads.

Angular in combination with RxJS allows you to write in a declarative style, short and clear. But sometimes we come across third-party libraries or APIs that use callbacks, promises, thereby pushing us to step back from the usual style and write imperatively.

The purpose of the article is to show by the example of similar APIs how using RxJS they can easily be wrapped in Observable services. This will help achieve usability in Angular. Let's start with the Geolocation API.

Geolocation API

The Geolocation API allows the user to provide their location to the web application if the user agrees to this. For privacy reasons, the user will be asked for permission to provide location information.

The following is an example of the basic use of the native Geolocation API.

, Geolocation :

if('geolocation' in navigator) {
 /* geolocation is available */ 
} else {
 /* geolocation IS NOT available */ 

getCurrentPosition(), . watchPosition(), , . , .

success(position) {
 doSomething(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);

error() {
 alert('Sorry, no position available.');

watch() {
 this.watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(this.success, this.error);

stopWatch() {

- , clearWatch() id . . . , RxJS Observable.

Geolocation, . . NAVIGATOR @ng-web-apis/common.

export const GEOLOCATION = new InjectionToken<Geolocation>(
   'An abstraction over window.navigator.geolocation object',
       factory: () => inject(NAVIGATOR).geolocation,

, Geolocation API:

export const GEOLOCATION_SUPPORT = new InjectionToken<boolean>(
   'Is Geolocation API supported?',
       factory: () => !!inject(GEOLOCATION),


import {InjectionToken} from '@angular/core';

export const POSITION_OPTIONS = new InjectionToken<PositionOptions>(
   'Token for an additional position options',
   {factory: () => ({})},

! Observable .

Observable, , , . , . Subscriber, , next(), complete() error(). , :

   providedIn: 'root',
export class GeolocationService extends Observable<Position> {
       @Inject(GEOLOCATION) geolocationRef: Geolocation) {

       super(subscriber => {

               position => subscriber.next(position),
               positionError => subscriber.error(positionError),


   providedIn: 'root',
export class GeolocationService extends Observable<Position> {
  @Inject(GEOLOCATION) geolocationRef: Geolocation,
  @Inject(GEOLOCATION_SUPPORT) geolocationSupported: boolean,
  @Inject(POSITION_OPTIONS) positionOptions: PositionOptions,
) {
  super(subscriber => {
    if (!geolocationSupported) {
      subscriber.error('Geolocation is not supported in your browser');

      position => subscriber.next(position),
      positionError => subscriber.error(positionError),

! Observable, pipe(). RxJS- . , , RxJS- shareReplay().
share()? , Geolocation API getCurrentPosition() watchPosition() Timeout expired. shareReplay() , , . {bufferSize: 1, refCount: true}, . clearWatch()-, , RxJS- finalize():

   providedIn: 'root',
export class GeolocationService extends Observable<Position> {
       @Inject(GEOLOCATION) geolocationRef: Geolocation,
       @Inject(GEOLOCATION_SUPPORT) geolocationSupported: boolean,
       positionOptions: PositionOptions,
   ) {
       let watchPositionId = 0;

       super(subscriber => {
           if (!geolocationSupported) {
               subscriber.error('Geolocation is not supported in your browser');

           watchPositionId = geolocationRef.watchPosition(
               position => subscriber.next(position),
               positionError => subscriber.error(positionError),

       return this.pipe(
           finalize(() => geolocationRef.clearWatch(watchPositionId)),
           shareReplay({bufferSize: 1, refCount: true}),

! , :

constructor(@Inject(GeolocationService) private readonly position$: Observable<Position>) {}
   position$.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(position => doSomethingWithPosition(position));

, async pipe. @angular/google-maps .

       [position]="position$ | async"

RxJS .

Geolocation API. . npm.

ResizeObserver API , .

ResizeObserver API

API Resize Observer , .

Geolocation API, ResizeObserver API . Observable-. , . , , :

export class ResizeObserverService extends Observable<
> {
       @Inject(ElementRef) {nativeElement}: ElementRef<Element>,
       @Inject(NgZone) ngZone: NgZone,
       @Inject(RESIZE_OBSERVER_SUPPORT) support: boolean,
       @Inject(RESIZE_OPTION_BOX) box: ResizeObserverOptions['box'],
   ) {
       let observer: ResizeObserver;

       super(subscriber => {
           if (!support) {
               subscriber.error('ResizeObserver is not supported in your browser');

           observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
               ngZone.run(() => {
           observer.observe(nativeElement, {box});

       return this.pipe(
           finalize(() => observer.disconnect()),

ResizeObserver. next() ngZone() .

Geolocation- , ElementRef. , observe(). . Dependency Injection , .

, . . Output(), :

   selector: '[waResizeObserver]',
   providers: [
           provide: RESIZE_OPTION_BOX,
           deps: [[new Attribute('waResizeBox')]],
           useFactory: boxFactory,
export class ResizeObserverDirective {
   readonly waResizeObserver: Observable<ResizeObserverEntry[]>;

       entries$: Observable<ResizeObserverEntry[]>
   ) {
       this.waResizeObserver = entries$;

, RESIZE_OPTION_BOX . ReziseObserver .

. , :

       Resizable box

   onResize(entry: ResizeObserverEntry[]) {
       // do something with entry

open-source-, npm. ยซยป.

RxJS Dependency Injection API, . . , โ€” , @ng-web-apis/midi. .

, .

, , Web APIs for Angular. โ€” API Angular-. , , , Payment Request API Intersection Observer, โ€” .

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