All reports of the free online part of PHP Russia with foreign speakers can be viewed in translation

At the end of April, the organizers took a very steep step, making live on May 13 open with English-language reports. But not everyone is fluent in English, but the accent, the pace of the speaker’s speech, parallel reading of slides can create difficulties in listening comprehension.

Therefore, Skyeng found a couple of guys who already simultaneously translated into Russian IT conferences (one even started as a developer), and the Ontiko team quickly came up with a technically working version with two language streams to choose from in online broadcasts. It remains to not be screwed up)

Register in advance and connect on Wednesday to find out what happens: in extreme cases, go to the original audio track. Reports and online communication options promise to be fiery.

How to participate in this all? Go to the site , click on the yellow button and register for free online. The questionnaire will ask you to specify a link to a github or something else professional: this is just to cut off the left audience, the data will not be transmitted anywhere. All registered will receive access to the broadcast and other goodies in a letter on the eve of the conference.

On the conference website do they write about tickets, exactly for free? Exactly) PHP Russia was divided into two parts - free online with foreign speakers will be held in May. And offline on tickets with a bunch of other speakers - when it becomes possible again. Therefore, there are two registration buttons. Now you need yellow.

Where's the schedule and details?On the main page of the conference website. Briefly, beginning at 11 Moscow, ending after 19. Good descriptions of reports in Russian can be found here .

And what will happen besides the performances? Interactions, discussions, online networking - all the plans of the organizers are described here . It sounds promising) And what happens - we'll see soon.

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