Teamcenter Rapid Start Solution Helps Industrial Equipment Manufacturers Cut Design Time By 25%


I bring to your attention a short text on how Sparkonix quickly implemented a PDM system, which allowed design engineers to significantly reduce the time spent searching, storing and retrieving data.

Russian experience implementing and using Solid Edge and Teamcenter
Solid Edge Teamcenter 14 , 16:00 (), Siemens Digital Industries Software, (), (), ().

Effective application of information

Founded in 1968, Sparkonix India Private Limited (Sparkonix) is a leading manufacturer and exporter of EDM equipment. The company also produces special machines for EDM and equipment for the spark removal of broken drills and taps. In addition, its specialists have developed a whole line of innovative solutions in the field of construction technologies, including new processes for the manufacture and installation of fittings.

Sparkonix machines usually consist of hundreds of parts obtained by machining, casting, stamping. Electrical components are installed on the mechanical components. Among the customers of the company are manufacturers of molds, as well as enterprises using special processes of EDM and drilling.


For automated product design, Sparkonix successfully uses the Solid Edge system from Siemens Digital Industries Software. However, with the development of production, another problem arose: the company faced difficulties in managing the rapidly growing volume of design information.

“There was more CAD data and we needed to improve our work so that there was no duplication,” says Anand Atole, Sparkonix's Deputy Chief Designer. - The main priority was to enable reuse of design information to speed up work. In addition, an increase in the number of users necessitated streamlining workflows and implementing version control of documents. ”

Speed ​​up workflows

Sparkonix operates in a highly competitive market, which involves the constant development of new designs. The company decided to improve its products and processes without compromising on quality. To achieve this without significant costs was a difficult task, especially when you consider the need to comply with the deadlines for fulfilling orders and timely informing the marketing department about ongoing product upgrades. The company needed an optimal solution to accelerate production processes in the face of ever-growing demand.

Sparkonix already used a centralized data warehouse, but finding it was very difficult, and reusing the data was impossible. In addition, information was often duplicated, and there was no differentiation of access to it. The company was faced with the task of ensuring convenient management of all design documents, as well as reuse and data security.

Optimization of design information

The solution to all information management tasks in Sparkonix was provided by Teamcenter from Siemens Digital Industries Software in Rapid Start configuration. Anand Atol notes: “Choosing Teamcenter Rapid Start, we got a centralized repository of design information with powerful data management functions, as well as the ability to efficiently search the database and reuse parts and assemblies.”

The selected solution ensured optimal management of various product versions. Effective means of managing access rights depending on the type of user, as well as the instant availability of corrections for all participants in the process, allowed the design department to switch to a clearly organized paperless work. “Previously, I had to work with data manually and in paper form. Now all the necessary functions are performed by the PDM system, ”continues Anand Atol. Today, Sparkonix uses Teamcenter Rapid Start to transfer design information to purchasing, sales, and technical support departments. Built-in viewing and annotation functions allow specialists to view design documents presented in a JT format independent of a particular CAD system.At the same time, it is not necessary to install a CAD-system on workplaces, and contractors receive all the necessary information for making optimal design decisions.

“Teamcenter Rapid Start helped optimize the work with design data and provide access to it for reuse in all departments of the company, from sales to technical support. Now designers are engaged in the construction, rather than storage, retrieval and retrieval of information. As a result, we reduced the design time by 25%, ”says Anand Atol.


Quick production start

Sparkonix chose Teamcenter Rapid Start, a solution that enables the rapid implementation of the most advanced data and process management methods in the PDM system. In addition, this system is inexpensive and quite affordable for small businesses. Thus, Teamcenter Rapid Start is the optimal PDM solution at an attractive price. Sparkonix plans to further develop this product into a complete PLM system. And this is quite real, because Teamcenter Rapid Start is just one of the configurations of Teamcenter solution, and when switching to the PLM system, all menus and workflows configured in the PDM system are protected.

Using the standard methodology for implementing PDM solutions and optimal workflows, Sparkonix started using Teamcenter Rapid Start a month later, and it took only two days to train users. The transition to any new version will happen easily and quickly, since the minimum requirements are imposed on the qualifications of IT personnel.


Inventory reduction

The long list of Teamcenter Rapid Start benefits includes functionality for managing the range of pipes connecting the pumps to the filters.

“Teamcenter Rapid Start helped us sort out the sizes of the pipes used,” says Anand Atol. “We decided to limit the number of pipe length options and adopt a standard range of lengths so as not to increase inventory.”

Functionality provided by Rapid Start (for example, control of design engineering decisions, data exchange with suppliers and implementation of changes) allowed Sparkonix to optimize work processes and significantly improve their traceability.

Effective support

From the very beginning, Sparkonix provided full support from the developer. “At each stage of implementation, we were provided with effective qualified assistance,” says Anand Atol. “Siemens Digital Industries Software’s Global Technical Support Center (GTAC) is always ready to help solve any problems.”


I invite you to attend the webinar “Russian experience of implementing and using Solid Edge and Teamcenter for joint remote work of developers” with the participation of experts from Siemens Digital Industries Software, NPO Nauka (Moscow), INP SB RAS (Novosibirsk), JSC Lepse (Kirov) which will be held on May 14 at 16:00. Read more about the webinar and the link to register .

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