Do not hold people for idiots or why a person with an engineering background can burn a cell tower (video)

Do you know what is common between the situation with the destruction of cellular antennas and the last Tarantino tape “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”? They both divide people into two opposite camps.

After watching the movie, you are likely to notice a couple of interesting plot moments, a picturesque picture and a nice soundtrack. If Tarantino took the Oscar for the best film, many viewers around the planet turned around the temple, saying that there is such an outstanding, worthy of the “Film of the Year” award.

Nevertheless, if you lived in Hollywood in 1969 and spent your youth there or moved to build a career, then in 2019, 50 years later (just the jury audience), you would have plunged into fond memories of past years with incredible nostalgia. When the sight of painfully familiar streets and authentic radio advertising, where any music coming from the windows of damn stylish cars, forces the subconscious to gush with images from a mixture of deja vu and the forgotten sensation of freedom, available only in carefree youth. It is ironic that Tarantino sought partly precisely this misunderstanding, trying once again to show how different people perceive the same story in completely different ways.

And no less ridiculous as today the whole planet perceives a completely different situation related to quarantine and frequent news as local madmen destroy the benefits of civilization. It is worth trying to analyze the circumstances that may lead to such an outcome.

â–Ś What makes up the current picture around the cell towers?

Based on the publications in the news, we can distinguish a certain pattern:

  1. There is a direct object that causes irritation;
  2. People do not fully understand the nature of the source of irritation, but tend to trust their feelings;
  3. In the end, everyone wants to live in a comfortable environment for them, and everyone is trying to do everything possible to achieve this goal.

Let's go in order

â–Ś 1. What is wrong with cell towers?

Let's get to the north-east of Moscow. Here you can find a small piece of peace and quiet away from the beautiful sounds of the metropolis: congested highways, shopping centers and anthills under construction (but not for long). The low buildings are notable for the fact that there are small neat five-story houses. Yes, they belong to the category of Khrushchevs, but nevertheless, life in such a low-rise area has its own special cosiness and charm, and given the fact that all houses are made of brick with good soundproofing properties, you will not hear a neighbor on the 8th floor drop a spoon , and someone’s child jumped all night with skipping ropes, as happens in panel high-rise buildings.

Here's how locals meet every morning:

, — .

For the streets of Moscow, this is considered the relative luxury of acoustic comfort. In this regard, parents or families often lead a calm, measured life, who, due to their small budget, have chosen this housing format rather than living in a new anthill without infrastructure with a view of the landfill somewhere near the Moscow Ring Road.

Purely technically - this is a great place where you can wait out quarantine, when everyone needs to be strictly at home and every exit to the store is an event, not to mention the mandatory passes for trips around the city and no more than twice a week for personal matters.

With the onset of warm spring, and later summer weather, people tend to open a window at night for a comfortable sleep in fresh air and cool room temperature.

Now imagine that for some time now your window has been a portal to the amazing world of high technology:

Spoiler: this has been working for several years.

Judging by the location of the windows, at least 10 families are forced to wake up every day to the sounds of this cell tower. Someone will advise you to put them air conditioning and not open the windows. Only here the air conditioners do not bring fresh air into the room, they only drive stale room air through a cooled radiator.

Nevertheless, an attentive reader may object that this is not so critical: 10 families are not the biggest sacrifice before the opportunity for neighbors to use high-speed LTE Internet on the phone.

By the way, how are things with the neighbors? After all, physics tells us that if the window is not opposite the source, but along the tangent in the direction of propagation of sound waves, then it will not be heard. Most likely the geometry of the room will also favorably affect the absorption of spurious reflections.

Instead of formulas and calculations, we just stand in the center of the entrance and try to evaluate the noise coming from the cell tower 100 meters away.

Yes, the window portal to another dimension really works as it should, and in the zone of high-tech distortion of reality, we have not 10 families, but 40 on one side of the house and another 40 on the opposite. There are a few more potential law-breakers than expected.

Let’s try to enjoy the cherry blossoms after a morning run under the birdsong.

No, something still spoils the atmosphere of morning peace.

Of course, in a state of law there are mechanisms for resolving such conflict situations. But don’t worry, in the legal department of any self-respecting large corporation there is always a chain of judicial letters that allows you to stretch the procedure for considering a complaint in court from three to an unlimited number of years. But more on that later.

Residents reaction

â–Ś 2. A person primarily perceives not electromagnetic waves, but sound vibrations of high frequency and pulsations.

Considering that the sources of such acoustic radiation in the design of the base station are full: starting from the high-frequency whistling of chokes and resonant chambers, ending with the buzz of a block of transformers and fans, telecom operators are tempted to save on expensive high-quality components.

In the world there are over seven million cell towers. Even if we assume that only 1% of them already require maintenance and replacement of low-quality components due to wear and tear, then this is no less than 70,000 potential irritants for the residents around them, in fact the percentage is much higher. And even if 1% of the residents near the noisy towers tear off the roof and they decide to get rid of the annoying irritant near their house during the period of self-isolation, this is already 700 incidents.

Again - this is only 1% of 1%, that is, 0.01% of the total number of base stations. Statistical error on the one hand, but loud journalistic headlines on the other.

And given the carelessness of telecom operators and the distribution of infrastructure quality depending on the status of subscribers in the coverage area, towers with frankly shitty equipment can stand for years. Indeed: why spend money on maintenance towers, which already work in a residential area or village, if the same money can be used to buy new ones near the conventional Moscow City to provide traffic to a solvent business sector or to high-budget marketing projects involving the first stars values ​​for attracting customers from competitors and creating a brand image.

As a result, we have a situation where people are forced to live near sources of acoustic discomfort. And more critically, they are not always able to determine the nature of the source of irritation, but nevertheless tend to trust their feelings.

Interactive: try to turn on the video and leave the buzz of the base station in the background and continue reading. No difference in headphones or speakers.

If you note that morning birdsong prevents you from concentrating on reading, you can use the frequency generator to choose from:

  • 15 kHz and above - Squeak of the cavity antenna of the base station;
  • 10 kHz - Whistle of faulty power chokes;
  • 350 Hz - The buzz of cheap fans and strong airflow;
  • 100 Hz - Hum of a tired transformer unit.

But it is worth noting that in the base station all the elements work simultaneously, so if you want to completely immerse yourself, it’s worth opening several tabs for each individual frequency. Unfortunately, ripple is not available in the frequency generator.

The main question is: why do electronic components emit waves in the acoustic spectrum?

It's all about harmonics and magnetostriction . For example: the frequency of operation of the power supply chokes of the processor is a wave of complex shape and it contains harmonics in the kilohertz range. With poor-quality assembly or saving on materials, the resonance energy of the magnetic field can be converted in the form of vibrations from harmonics transmitted to the housing.

On Youtube, you can find a large number of videos where owners of expensive video cards and motherboards try to cure problems with high-frequency acoustic radiation.

If you wish, you can delve into the physics of this process, a very detailed educational program on the theory of harmonics in electrical circuits is available here .

Therefore, cheap chargers for phones or low-quality power supplies for household appliances can produce an unpleasant squeak. The same applies to the cavity cameras of base stations. Only if in the case of charging you have the opportunity to simply throw away and buy a new model, with a base station everything is somewhat more complicated.

The resonator chamber Nokia Siemens base station exploded .

Back to the people

It is noteworthy that young people are often able to clearly hear high-frequency noise, while their parents sometimes do not notice anything. Why is this so? Partly due to the natural aging of the hearing organs, partly a loss of concentration with age, sometimes something else.

How the brain interacts with the stimulus.
For example, imagine a cube. Any. Presented?

Question: Do you know in what format or in what form of data the information about this parametric object is stored in your head?

If we put aside the physical level and consider the logical one - the cube is stored in the form of hundreds of thousands of images of the cubes previously seen. The neural network works a priori with images. Throughout life, the brain collects a huge array of various data, whether visual, sound, tactile, etc. and further carries out operations of classification, comparison and clustering. Sometimes a side effect of this process is dreams. Recent years of active development of artificial neural networks have provided a lot of data to study the principles of the human brain.

Returning to acoustic stimuli: the fact that a person does not notice the presence of an acoustic stimulus does not always mean that his hearing aid does not hear him. The brain is able to accumulate information about the stimulus, collecting over time some common pattern / pattern by which it is identified and fix it in neural connections. This is the learning process. If an irritant is unpleasant for a person, then the brain roughly speaking in antiphase will suppress the signal in the same way as street noise is suppressed in noise-canceling headphones.

As a side effect, along with “noise reduction”, a migraine from constant brain activity 24/7 and negative emotions can be generated, since in the neurons participating in this process, along with the noise stimulus pattern, the emotional component associated with it in the process can also be fixed learning.

So a situation may arise when the hearing aid perceives a hum or a high-frequency squeak, but a person does not hear it, while the emotional perception of the world around changes, because at first, while he noticed it, it infuriated him.

- Then it seems to have disappeared.

If you decide to leave in the background the included video from an interactive recording of noise, try now to evaluate the ability to concentrate on the perception of information with such a side irritant. If you didn’t notice the difference, congratulations, most likely your time threshold for patterning is higher. But do not reject the complaints of other people. When you come to the doctor and complain of back pain, he doesn’t answer you: “Well, I don’t know, but it’s not hurting me.”

Due to the fact that the human auditory apparatus, like the visual one, is directly connected with the brain, there is an assumption that vibrations of different frequencies can distort the perception of the environment in different ways. Try, for example, to watch a scene from any horror movie, but with the sound turned off. It is likely that the set of pictures on the screen will no longer be as impressive as if the viewing was accompanied by sound.

Social factor

â–Ś 3. In the end, people want to live in an environment that is comfortable for their family and everyone is trying to do everything possible to achieve this goal.

Interestingly, talk about the connection of base stations with the spread of disease appeared during the period of strict quarantine on the entire planet.

At the moment, we have a situation where base stations are found in different cities around the world that violate noise standards and people who are forced to spend at home more than 20 hours a day because of the mandatory self-isolation regime begin to notice the shortcomings of their housing, or focus on irritants, which under normal life conditions did not affect health so much.

Sleep is really important.

Ironically, at the end of last year, Bill Gates published an annual list of the most interesting books that he read in 2019.

And among them is a book: “Why are we sleeping. The New Science of Sleep and Dreams »

Excerpt from record :
“This year I read a couple of excellent books on human behavior, and this one is one of the most interesting and thorough. Jenn and John urged me to read, and I'm glad I did. Everyone knows that a good night’s sleep is important, but what exactly is a good night’s sleep? And how to come to him? Walker convinced me to change my bedtime habits to increase my chances. And if for the New Year you want to make a promise to take care of your health in the coming 2020, his advice will be a good start. ”

In some cases, because of an unhealthy sleep, people clearly find the causes of discomfort, but often, not finding the source, but feeling daily disorientation due to extraneous hum or high-frequency acoustic noise, they seek a metaphysical connection in what is happening. And here these two stories intersect.

The author fully admits that the first precedents for the destruction of base stations were connected precisely with the desire of already desperate people to achieve a comfortable stay at home during quarantine. It is likely that observing the symptoms of unhealthy sleep and, as a consequence, violation of the daily regimen for both parents and children, in the circumstances of completely ignoring the situation on the part of telecom operators, it was found not the most correct, but the most effective solution to the problem. Indeed, in the legislation of many countries there is only an acceptable decibel threshold without any additional clarifications about the characteristics of sound pollution.

We will be honest, under the conditions of quarantine and severe restrictions, they will most likely tell you that your application will be examined within a standard period of 30 days, and then consideration will be extended by measurements for another month or two. And in the end they will say that the noise on the street is within the normal range, everything seems to you from a monotonous lifestyle in quarantine, no high-frequency squeaks have been detected, and meanwhile you have more and more bags under your eyes every day.

And again, do not hold people for idiots, it cannot be that the whole house is silent, the district police officer is not complaining, and the mobile operator is not aware of what is happening. After the precedent, the operator’s specialists arrive at the scene of the accident, they see only burnt equipment, sometimes not wanting to look for the causes of the incident. Later, the operator makes a statement to the media with the warning that in case of damage to expensive property criminal liability is provided.

And here the fun begins. We have a situation when a person is locked in 4 walls under the influence of permanent high-frequency acoustic pollution with pulsations and with a certain degree of probability factors of deterioration of well-being in the form of distraction and mild paranoia due to a long stay in an enclosed space with closed windows and as a result of the lack of fresh air. Over time, these symptoms begin to correlate with the sensations described in the stories about the worldwide conspiracy, control of consciousness, population decline and other conspiracy theories.

At that moment, “professional conspiracy theorists” like David Hayk, all kinds of Mikhalkovs, whose interest is directly expressed in money and reputation ratings, enter the information arena. Using the manipulation of facts and propaganda methods in society creates the necessary agenda, moving hundreds of thousands of people. Unfortunately, residents who are exposed to high-frequency acoustic noise from base stations, but who do not have complete information about the source of ill health, take it for granted and join the army of fans of the above persons.

In general terms, this is somewhat reminiscent of the ICO fever that took place a couple of years ago, when the primary audience had the same resources and motives, and the followers were completely different.

What is ICO fever?
Bitcoin –
«» 30 . - . .

, , «» - , . , 10 5 000 , .

IPO, , . : , , , ICO-.

, . – .

- ICO, «» , . ICO , . , ICO , , (, , , ICO ).

, , , , .

So, ultimately, including from the media, hungry for bright headlines, the harmful acoustic radiation of low-quality components of cell towers and other elements of electronic infrastructure turns into a fear of the unknown: electromagnetic waves spreading viruses, conspiracy theories about chiping people in an effort to control population by disorientation.

â–Ś Despite all this anti-scientific nonsense around the problem, the problem still exists and it is everywhere.

The constant acoustic impact is really disorienting. Try turning on the noise of the base station for 24 hours or at least for one night and evaluate your productivity during the day.

Although why, if you can just accept the opinion already formed by journalists for you.

Thank you for the attention.

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