Rust 1.43.1 release: adjustment release

The Rust team has published a patch release of Rust, 1.43.1. Rust is a programming language that allows everyone to create reliable and efficient software.

If you installed the previous version of Rust using tools rustup, then to upgrade to version 1.43.1 you just need to run the following command:

rustup update stable

If you haven’t installed it yet rustup, you can install it from the corresponding page of our website, as well as see detailed release notes on GitHub.

What is included in version 1.43.1

Rust 1.43.1 is dedicated to two regressions that appeared in 1.43.0. Also in this release is updated OpenSSL used by Cargo.

Fixed undetectable CPU extensions

In Rust 1.27.0, the standard library introduced support for defining x86 CPU extensions using a macro is_x86_feature_detected!. During internal refactoring, the definition of unstable extensions (such as the AVX-512), which was previously possible, was fixed. Rust 1.43.1 fixes this. More information on this regression is available in issue # 71473 .

Fixed broken cargo package --list

Rust 1.43.0 , , Cargo, cargo workspace , , . Rust 1.43.1. Cargo issue #8151.

OpenSSL 1.1.1g

Cargo β€” OpenSSL, . Rust 1.43.0, OpenSSL Rust 1.43.1. , Cargo ( , , ).


A lot of people came together to create Rust 1.43.1. We could not have done this without all of you, thank you !

From translators

With any questions on the Rust language, you can be helped in the Russian-language Telegram chat or in a similar chat for newcomers .

This article was jointly translated andreevlex, funkill, nlinker, l4l, HK and blandger.

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