WexLang Reader - how to read books in foreign languages ​​with pleasure (104 languages)


I already wrote here about my project - Wexlang. The project has been updated and now it is a free desktop application.

The application has 104 languages ​​and any translation directions between available languages.

A bit about the old project: Wexlang

web application was abandoned due to some problems with the functionality, complexity and high cost of marketing, etc. But I didn’t want to throw away the project, so it was decided to finalize the functionality, fix the errors and pack the project in a desktop application.

WexLang Reader

I use English mainly for reading and correspondence, so the project aims to develop these particular skills.

The application is written in php + laravel + sqlite + jQuery and packaged in a desktop application thanks to the PHP Desktop project .


  • 104 languages ​​and any translation directions
  • detailed statistics on the text and each page of the text, statistics on the frequency of use of each word
  • any text can be downloaded, no copyright restrictions, etc.
  • you can mark all the words on the page as familiar / learned
  • word processor works with phrasal verbs and with any phrases
  • you can enable / disable highlighting for new and learned words
  • it’s a desktop application, so you don’t have to worry that something will stop working, you can backup your word base
  • import and export words

How to work with the application

Each word in the text is assigned one of three statuses:

  • new - is highlighted in blue in the text
  • studied - is highlighted in orange in the text
  • familiar - does not stand out in the text

1. First you download the text in a foreign language

2. Each text has detailed statistics. The number of new, familiar, learned words, as well as a list of all unique words.

Each word indicates the frequency of use - how many times the word appears in the text and what percentage is the total number of words.

In the statistics of the text, you can go through the words to set the words the desired status - familiar or learn. You can also export a list of words.

3. After downloading the text, you can start reading.

The following options are available on the text reading page:

  • highlight / don't highlight unfamiliar words
  • highlight / not highlight learning words
  • set all the words on the status page to study
  • set all the words on the status page familiar
  • when you click on a word, it translates to google. If the word was previously translated, the translation is taken from the database
  • word status change

Also for each page there are statistics on words. A list of unique words and how many times each word appears in the text. Here you can also set the words statuses.

4. On the My Words page, you can add, delete words, edit translations.

5. In the application settings, you can select the interface language, language pair and set the API key for google translate.


Words are translated through google translate . During the translation, the word and the translation are stored in the database, so the word is translated in Google only once .

There are 2 options:

  1. Use the translation through the free google translate - in this case there are limits and Google may block your IP for some time. Especially if you often use the function "mark all words as."
  2. Use the official google translate API. Up to $ 10 per month API is free. Given that the words are stored in the database, you will either not have to pay for the API at all or the amounts will be very small.

Current issues

  • Translation from google is not too good.
  • Functionality does not work well with Asian languages, until I know how to fix it, since without a clue how languages ​​with hieroglyphs are arranged.


There are plans to redo the translation and dictionaries functionality a bit, add the ability to add different parts of speech and translation for each word to the word, and load the word value from the explanatory dictionary (in a foreign language).


You can download the application here (yandex disk)

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