Digital Breakthrough Contest 2020 Launches Online IT Marathon

When, if not now, in the quarantine era, develop, pump your skills, look for a dream job and realize your wildest ideas. We, the Digital Breakthrough contest team, strongly support this idea.

Therefore, they announced the launch of an IT marathon. Participants will be able to test their abilities without leaving home, and prepare in advance for face-to-face stages. This is a great opportunity for talented IT professionals from all regions of the country to prove themselves in the framework of a large online competition, wherever they live.

An IT marathon is a series of online hackathons and an online championship: 8 tracks, top experts, the largest IT community and a prize pool of 5,000,000 rubles.

Note that the online stage does not cancel full-time regional qualifying hackathons, but it helps to prepare for them.

And in order to make it more convenient to understand our terminology, we have prepared a scheme of events and stages of the Digital Breakthrough.

Online hackathons

Two of the Digital Breakthrough online hackathons will be held June 5-7 and June 19-21.

Hackathons run dozens every day. What is the difference between online hackathons of the Digital Breakthrough contest and the rest?

For whom?

Firstly, usually already established teams with ready-made developments who can only finish the project call for hackathons.

Digital Breakthrough will bring together the largest community of IT professionals on its site: from professionals to beginners. Any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age can take part and without any further restrictions.

What is the use, brother?

Secondly, usually hackathons are collected for one specific task.

The “digital breakthrough” collects tasks of completely different directions and scales: from representatives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to IT enterprises and state corporations. Cases are really for every taste, but they are all worked out, sophisticated and make you turn on creativity and creative thinking to the maximum.

The coolest cases

Now a little more about cases and partners. Cases for hackathons were prepared by: Rosatom, Sberbank,, Big Data Association, Global Russian-speaking technology community Rutech, EORA VISION HUB - marketplace for computer vision models and others.

Actual tracks have already been announced from the same partners (and this is just the beginning):

  • Data Science . Intelligent system for recognition and preprocessing of partial mail addresses
  • AI & UX / UI . Optimization of business processes.
  • Professional events online . Organization of informal communication and networking on-line, international technology conference
  • AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision . Creating a photo processing service using machine vision models from the VisionHub marketplace

Teams need to present ready-made solutions for one of the tasks proposed by partners of the competition in two days.

This is a great opportunity to test your strengths, chat with the best experts, loudly declare yourself and your team and get valuable prizes from partners of the competition.

Registration is already available here .

We recommend you hurry up, because only up to 200 teams can take part in each hackathon.

Online championship

Another part of the IT marathon is the online championship for individual participants, which will be held June 25 - July 25 on a specialized platform of the technological partner of the Group contest.

Within a month, everyone will be able to try to solve one of the proposed problems from the project partners, which will be associated with the processing of large amounts of data: Machine Learning, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence.

In addition to the cool tasks and prizes from partners, there is another important (if not the most important) moment: the winners of the online championship will be able to get to the finals of the Digital Breakthrough contest .

By the way, the number of participants is not limited, so everyone can participate.

You can learn more about the rules of the online championshipon the link .

A couple more cool IT marathon buns

  • You can take part immediately in all activities, because the dates do not overlap.
  • winners will receive cash prizes, state support for projects and support from partner companies.
  • The IT marathon will be held throughout Russia in an online format. It can accept all citizens of the Russian Federation over 18 years old.
  • We have prepared an educational program with the best experts in the IT industry. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the problem in advance and prepare to solve the problems of the IT marathon.
  • And once again we recall that the prize fund is 5,000,000 rubles!

Without waiting for full-time hackathons, now you can try your hand and clearly declare yourself in the framework of the Digital Breakthrough.

Break through!

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