Online meeting "Spring-builder" with Evgeny Borisov

On May 11, at 17:00, an online meeting “Spring Builder” will be held with Spring expert Yevgeny Borisov, who began writing in Java back in 2001 and is now conducting trainings around the world. He will tell you how to stop gutting Spring and create it yourself.

Under the cut - all the details and a link to register.

What awaits you

Almost the entire mitap will consist of live coding. The basis of Eugene will take some fun, but typical task. To implement it beautifully, without copy-paste and other crutches of production, you will need an infrastructure that gives inversion of control, dependency injection, AOP, the ability to configure objects without changing the code, the ability to expand in the future, etc.

At the end of the mitap, you will not only understand why Spring is needed, how to use it correctly and how it is arranged, but you will also get visual experience in writing such systems.

How to participate

The air will be held on May 11 at 17: 00-19: 15 Moscow time. Membership is free to connect, register on Timepad.

Waiting for you!

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