The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 343 (April 27 - May 3)

Our already summer digest! It is about prototyping games, dark subscriptions and no less dark topics, about tracking contacts and applications for mothers and grandmothers, about free courses and a neural network on tables.

Prototyping is one of the most exciting things about game development. A stage of free experimentation and testing of any, even the most daring or strange ideas. But spending valuable time checking each one is expensive and time consuming. Is there any way to facilitate this process?

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


β€’ (+12)  Dark corners of iOS Auto renewable Subscriptions
β€’ (+2)  SwiftUI interacts with Redux
β€’ How to maintain Dark Mode in your iOS application
β€’ Genius map creation history for CarPlay
β€’ You can select both SwiftUI and UIKit
β€’ We understand DispatchQueues in Swift
β€’ How to implement custom font with UIFontPickerController in iOS 13
β€’ Minimum Swift template system in just 10 lines
β€’ How to filter data from UICollectionView using UISearchBar in SwiftUI
β€’ 3D scroll effect in SwiftUI
β€’ How to add notification badge to image on SwiftUI
β€’ Learning Core Image: Apple's first computer vision framework
β€’ Using custom annotations in MKMapView
β€’ How to protect Core ML model
β€’ Quick start with CALayer and CABasicAnimation
β€’ StepperView: step-by-step actions
β€’ Spasibo: donations to open source

Android libraries

β€’ (+3)  Architecture and design of Android applications (my experience)
β€’ Logging in Android on steroids: clickable logs with location information
β€’ High speed rendering on Android
β€’ Large Android: how to transfer optimized experience to large screen
β€’ Understanding the MVVM architecture in Android
β€’ Making an Android application with Jetpack, MVVM + UI State Manage
β€’ Streaming data from a home theater device to Android using RXJava
β€’ Displaying a camera preview with PreviewView
β€’ Improving UX with Android Architecture Component: ViewModel
β€’ Getting started with Dagger 2.27 on Android
β€’ Kotlin Android Template: application template


β€’ (+23)  Pixockets: as we wrote our own network library for the game server
β€’ (+18) We  hand over 15 million mini developers applications
β€’ (+14)  Two tapas to money: how we developed a financial chat bot with instant card issuance in Azerbaijan
β€’ (+10)  Why we chose Kotlin as one of the target languages ​​of the company. Part 2: Kotlin Multiplatform
β€’ (+10) New license for applications in the Open Source Initiative - we understand why not everyone is happy with it
β€’ (+8)  3D games in Instagram on Javascript, or the sausage flight path
β€’ (+5)  Flutter. Spring update 2020
β€’ (+3)  DP-3T - an open protocol for tracking contacts via BluetoothProtocol for monitoring contacts via Bluetooth from Apple & Google
β€’ (+2)  Qbs: Desktop application template
β€’ (+2)  Distributed blood pressure
β€’ (+2)  How to think through navigation in mobile applications
β€’ (+1)  The engine of your indie project. Short review of available game engines
β€’ (+1)  Mobile application reference service
β€’ Microsoft opened registration on Build 2020
β€’ Podlodka # 161: Indie games
β€’ Harmony OS will need β€œno more than 300 years” to catch up with iOS and Android
β€’ The main thing is for mom to like the interface
β€’ Less icons and more patience: how to bring your grandmother to the Internet
β€’ Codota, which offers code completion, received $ 12 million
β€’ Playrix will pay 50 thousand to all employees
β€’ Flutter Dev Podcast # 15: Flide - IDE on Flutter
β€’ The first version of the mobile application - functions that can be postponed for later
β€’Animated UI effects in mobile applications
β€’ Creating a multi-player card game on Unity and Mirror
β€’ Should I use AWS or Firebase to backend your mobile application?
β€’ 12 skills of high-performance developers
β€’ My best book recommendations for individual developers
β€’ Have you ever heard of a minimum attractive product (Minimum Lovable Product)?
β€’ SimplyGo app redesign
β€’ Senior developer myth
β€’ SoundSpice-mobile: React Native Android player
β€’ Holography: holograms in your room

Analytics, marketing and monetization

β€’ (+8)  How can a product manager find a growth metric and reduce Unit-economy
β€’ iPad application downloads showed the first growth in 4 years, and expenses exceeded a record $ 2 billion
β€’ TikTok scored 2 billion downloads
β€’ ASOdesk Academy video
β€’ Devtodev opens free access to online courses
β€’ European pandemic market will lose $ 3 billion in growth due to pandemic
β€’ β€œFinancial Application Marketing in Russia 2020”: AppsFlyer report
β€’ TriCount: cost sharing
β€’ Australia launched contact tracking application
β€’ Apple Search Ads made money in Russia
β€’Apple Search Ads: how to launch and scale and why it is relevant right now
β€’ A complete guide to push notifications 2020
β€’ Developers, please make your notifications normal

AI, Devices, IoT

β€’ (+31)  Learn neural networks in Google Sheets
β€’ (+14 )  Spatial awareness: what can Hololens glasses do?
β€’ (+1)  Root-of-Trust for IoT and other IoT device security trends
β€’ (0)  How to assemble a smart home in 2020: from a hub to a light bulb
β€’ Google has opened an AI that can find answers in tables
β€’Coronavirus led to the largest drop in the smartphone market
β€’ ML-engineers will disappear in 10 years

← Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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