What to see in quarantine? A selection of materials from Technostream (part 3)

We continue our selection of interesting materials ( first part , second part ). This time, one Technosphere educational course, a presentation on unit testing and one talk show talk show program for Oh, my code.

Applied Python, Technopark, fall 2018

Technopark is one of our joint educational projects, in this case with MSTU. Bauman.

The course introduces the Python language - one of the most popular and popular languages ​​of the IT market today. The demand for the language is not born from scratch: the simplicity of input and syntax, the richest choice of tools for solving all kinds of tasks - this and much more has led to the fact that Python is widely used around the world. Thanks to this course, you can join the ecosystem of the language.

  • Lecture 1. Introduction. Development tools, getting to know Git. A brief introduction to Python principles, concepts, and features. Basic syntax.
  • Lecture 2. Data structures . Basic data structures in Python. Module collection.
  • Lecture 3. Modules . How code is organized in Python. What are modules, how they are created, how Python works with them. OOP.
  • Lecture 4. Input-output . Context manager, work with FS, work with the network, the basics of multithreading.
  • Lecture 5. Metaprogramming . Magic methods, decorators, metaclasses, descriptors.
  • Lecture 6. Relational databases . The device, features, methods of application.
  • Lecture 7. Asynchronous programming . yield from, asyncio, aiohttp, asyncio-redis.
  • Lecture 8. Web development on Django . HTTP basics, web frameworks, information security, web application deployment.

Video recordings of lectures .

Vadim Pushtaev, “Unit tests in Mail.ru Search projects”

Speech at the 2018 PYCON RUSSIA conference.

How the Mail.ru homepage is created

Is it true that Mail.ru Home consists only of banners on how to carry out incidental refactoring of the old code using a real example and what is most interesting in the developer's work, says Andrey Tereshko, the developer of the Mail.ru home page and portal navigation.

Promised Announcement

If you have not read our previous selections, we remind you that the new season of our talk show for IT specialists “Oh, my code” has begun. Now the conversations are live.

The second broadcast of the third season, “Oh, my code” #StayHome Edition, is coming out today, May 7 at 20:00. Away - Vadim Pushtaev - head of infrastructure development for voice assistant Maroussia, he will talk about the present and future of voice assistants. Will the time come - and how soon - when it will be possible to communicate with the voice assistant, as with a full-fledged interlocutor? Vadim will also share the experience of the developer and teacher. Well, of course, it will answer questions that you can ask in the comments during the live broadcast.

Recall that current lectures and master classes on programming from our IT specialists are still published on the Technostream channel . Subscribe not to miss new lectures!

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