
Simple python script interpreter in JS

Hello! In general, I am 14, I took into account all past oversights and therefore try again. The interpreter is written in Python ╕

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What I'm working on:

1. py-to-js
2. ryno
3. Code editor

To begin with, I’ll say right away that this is incomplete code with a dumb variable name, bugs, and so on. Now let's go, create a file interp.pyor something else and write this there:

pyfile = open('', 'r', encoding = 'UTF-8')
count = -1
with open('open.js', 'w', encoding = 'UTF-8') as f:
	py = pyfile.readlines()
	cc, c, tab, local = 1, 0, 0, 0
	variables = []
	f.write('"use strict";' + '\n' * 2)
	f.write('''// Thanks for using py-to-js
// I develop this with hearth''' + '\n' * 2)
	for num in py:
		count += 1
		tab = py[count].count('\t')
		# basic concepts
		if '=' in num and not 'print' in num and not '==' in num and not '!=' in num:
			name = num.replace('\n', '')
			let = 'let '
			if name.startswith('\t'):
				let = '\tlet '
				name = name.replace('\t', '')
			if name in variables:
				let = ''
			f.write( let + f"{name}" + ';' + '\n' * 2)
		elif 'if' in num:
			condition = num.replace('\n', '').replace('if', '').replace(':', '')
			if_ = 'if '
			if condition.startswith('\t'):
				condition = condition.replace('\t', '')
				if_ = '\tif '
				cc += 1
				cc = 1
			f.write( if_ + '(' + f'{condition}' + ' )' + ' {' + '\n')
		elif 'def' in num:
			con = num.replace('\n', '').replace('def', '').replace(':', '')
			def_ = 'function'
			if con.startswith('\t'):
				con = condition.replace('\t', '')
				def_ = '\tfunction'
				cc += 1
				cc = 1
			f.write( def_  + f'{con}' + ' {' + '\n')
		# basic commands
		elif 'print' in num:
			command = num.replace('\n', '')
			if command.startswith('\t'):
				command = command.replace('\t', '')
			f.write('\t' + f'{ command.replace("print", "console.log")}'+ ';' + '\n')
			if py[count + 1].count('\t') < tab and py[count + 1] != '\n':
				if local == 0:
					f.write('}' + '\n')
					c += 1
				elif local > 0:
					f.write('}' * local + '\n')
					c += 1 * local
					local = 0
			elif py[count + 1].count('\t') >= tab and py[count + 1].count('\t') != 0 and py[count + 1] != '\n':
				if 'def' in py[count + 1] or 'if' in py[count + 1]:
					local += 1
			if '\t' in py[count] and not '\t' in py[count + 1] and py[count + 1] != '\n':
				f.write('}' * (cc - c) + '\n' * 2)
				c = 0
			f.write('}' * (cc - c))
			c = 0
print('''Programm has been compiled..
1.def tests
2.add class''')

For now, just for the test we will write a static file in the open field. For those who do not understand what is written here, I can explain in the comments. By the way, at the end I wrote what I think should be repaired in the first turn, and only then finish the creation of variables, etc. If this code can fit into a smaller number of lines, write in the comments. Create a testpy.pyscript and put this into it:

i = 0
b = 0
c = 0
if i == 0:
	print('i = 0')
	if b == 0:
		print('b = 0')
		if c == 0:
			print('c = 0')
	if b != 0:
		print('b != 0')
		if c != 0:
			print('c != 0')

We launch our under-py-to-js and get this result:

"use strict";

// Thanks for using py-to-js
// I develop this with hearth

let i = 0;

let b = 0;

let c = 0;

if (i == 0) {
    console.log('i = 0');
    if (b == 0) {
        console.log('b = 0');
        if (c == 0) {
            console.log('c = 0');
    if (b != 0) {
        console.log('b != 0');
        if (c != 0) {
            console.log('c != 0');

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